Nashville Fraternal Order of Police Deliver Blow to Briley Mayoral Campaign, Vote Not to Endorse Him

On Monday, the Nashville Fraternal Order of Police dealt a blow to the campaign of Acting Mayor David Briley, the front runner in the May 24 special mayoral election, when they decided not to endorse him. “The FOP Mayoral endorsement process has concluded. Our endorsement rules require that a candidate receive at least 50 percent of the total ballots returned, plus one, in their favor. Based on that information, none of the candidates running received the total needed to receive our endorsement,” the NFOP said in a statement released to its members. “Thank you for taking the time to participate in the voting process. If there shoud be a runoff vote, we will conduct another ballot at that time,” the statement continued. Briley finished in first place with 41 percent of the vote, well below the required 50 percent needed to obtain the NFOP’s endorsement. The NFOP endorsement vote percentage was virtually the same as the 43 percent support Briley received in a Tennessee Star Poll of the mayoral race released last Monday. As is the case with an NFOP endorsement, Briley will need to receive 50 percent of the vote in the May 24 special election to avoid a runoff…

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John Harris Commentary: The Waffle House Shootings Demonstrate There Are More Homicides in a Gun-Free Zone

by John Harris, executive director of the Tennessee Firearms Association   On Sunday April 23, 2018, a nude assassin walked into a gun free zone. This one happened to be a Waffle House. Waffle House reportedly has a corporate policy that guns are banned at its properties. Apparently, the nude, potentially mentally ill, either did not see or could not read the sign. He entered the property and now 4 people are dead, 2 more injured and one is acclaimed a hero because he made the life-choice to act rather than being yet another fatality statistic. The common characteristics are recurrent. An assassin. The assassin is frequently mentally ill and/or increasingly aligned with known terrorists organizations. A weapon of some sort (we have seen firearms, but also knives, crock pots, explosives, and motor vehicles). Finally, it’s a gun free zone. In Tennessee, there are some places that are gun free zones because of the legislature. We have had a Republican controlled legislature for 8 years and there should be fewer of these but that does not appear to be an established fact. In addition, this same Republican legislature has protected laws which allow property owners to declare their properties as…

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Combat Veterans for Congress PAC Endorses Mark Green

On Tuesday the Combat Veterans for Congress PAC encorsed Iraq war veteran State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) in the race for the 7th Congressional District seat currently held by Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07). Blackburn has no opposition for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), and is expected to face former Gov. Phil Bredesen, a Democrat, in the November general election. “Founded to elect more combat veterans to Congress, the PAC has endorsed over 100 combat veterans since its founding in 2009,” the Green campaign said in a statement, which continued: In announcing its endorsement, the PAC commented that Dr. Green “will bring to Congress his extensive experience in public policy skills, medical issues, and wisdom to better solve problems in government and represent the 7th Congressional District of Tennessee and the Republic.” A graduate of West Point, Green’s decorated military career began as an infantry officer. As an Army special operations flight surgeon assigned to the 160th Special Ops Aviation Regiment, he planned and flew on some of the War on Terror’s most covert operations. Green’s most memorable mission was the capture of Saddam Hussein. His military awards include the Bronze…

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Republican Wins Special Congressional Election in Arizona, Thwarting ‘Blue Wave’

Former State Senator Debbie Lesko (R-Phoenix) defeated Democrat Hiral Tipirneni by five points, 52 percent to 47 percent, in the special election in Arizona’s 8th Congressional District on Tuesday, thwarting the much hyped Democratic “Blue Wave.” While the results were closer than the 21 point victory President Trump secured in this suburban Phoenix Congressional District in November 2016, the loss took the air out of the balloon for many Democrats and many in the media, who have been predicting a “Blue Wave” in the November midterm elections. The vast majority of the votes in the race were cast during early voting. When those votes were counted one hour after the polls closed at 7 p.m. local time, Lesko had a 9,000 vote lead over Tipirneni, with only 19,000 votes left to count. That meant Tipirneni would have to win those votes by nearly a 3-to-1 margin to pull off the victory. In the end, those numbers simply did not materialize for Tipirneni, a former emergency room physician who now works as a cancer researcher. With 100 percent of precincts reporting, Lesko had 52.6 percent of the vote to Tipirneni’s 47.4 percent. In terms of raw votes, Lesko had 91,390 votes…

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State Senator Reginald Tate Commentary: Champions for Children

By State Senator Reginald Tate   Tennessee Education Commissioner Candice McQueen has accurately called “literacy attainment the equity issue of our time.” I agree. I will take it one step further: Education is the civil-rights issue of our generation. Education is also the key to Tennessee’s future. In Tennessee, public schools must ensure all students are well-prepared for college or the workforce. All students must be ready to participate as responsible and engaged citizens when they graduate. The greatest challenge we have is to make sure our students leave high school as creative and critical thinkers. That begins with the ability to read on grade level. It all begins and ends with reading. There is an undeniable connection between literacy skills and incarceration rates. Children who do not read on grade level are more likely to dropout, use drugs, or end up in prison. Research shows that reading abilities in third grade act as a tell-tale barometer for later school success. Reading to children every day is critical. The Department of Justice states, “The link between academic failure and delinquency, violence, and crime is welded to reading failure. Over 70% of inmates in America’s prisons cannot read above a fourth…

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Nashville Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain Raises $20,000 in One Day with Rick Santorum and Pete Hegseth Events

Carol Swain with Pete Hegseth and Rick Santorum

NASHVILLE, Tennessee–About two hundred supporters of Nashville mayoral candidate Carol Swain donated more than $20,000 to her campaign on Monday at events with former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) and Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Pete Hegseth held at the Ray Stevens CabaRay Showroom, the new entertainment venue owned by and featuring Music City legend Ray Stevens. Monday’s haul increased the amount Swain’s campaign has raised in just three weeks to more than $60,000, further solidifying her position as the only serious challenger to Acting Mayor David Briley in the May 24 special mayoral election for Nashville/Davidson County. Both Santorum and Hegseth spoke at a 4 p.m. fundraising event at the CabaRay, but due to scheduling reasons, Santorum was unable to attend the 6 p.m. fundraising event, also held at the CabaRay. At the later event, Hegseth explained to the audience why he had flown down to Nashville from New York City and planned on making his own contribution to Swain’s campaign for Mayor of Nashville. “You just meet certain people you resonate with,” Hegseth said of Swain, who has appeared as a guest on Fox & Friends Weekend several times. “They are a truth teller amidst a sea of the wrong…

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Breaking: Suspect in Waffle House Shootings Now in Custody

News Channel 5 is reporting that Travis Reinking, the suspect in Sunday mornings shootings that killed four people at a Waffle House in Antioch, Tennessee, is now in custody. Metro Nashville Police Department tweeted an image of Reinking in custody at about 1:22 pm central on Monday:   BREAKING: Travis Reinking apprehended moments ago in a wooded area near Old Hickory Blvd & Hobson Pk. — Metro Nashville PD (@MNPDNashville) April 23, 2018 DEVELOPING . . .  

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High School Student Teams From Across Tennessee Will Be Competing for Constitution Bee State Championship in Franklin on Saturday

Students from eleven high schools across Tennessee and one home school group will be competing for the first ever Tennessee Star Constitution Bee High School Team State Championship in Franklin on Saturday. The High School Team State Championship is a new feature for the Constitution Bee, a semi-annual event held in September and April of each academic year. The previous Constitution Bee, held in September, crowned an individual champion, a key element of the competition that is also part of this Saturday’s Constitution Bee. The individual grand champion who wins Saturday’s event will receive a $3,000 college scholarship provided by the Andrew Woodfin Miller Foundation. In addition, the Polk Foundation, which sponsors the Tennessee Star Constitution Bee, will provide a free trip for two — the winner and a parent — to Washington. D.C. to the individual grand champion. Last year’s individual grand champion, homeschooler Noah Farley, traveled to Washington D.C. with his father where they both attended a speech delivered by District of Columbia Federal Circuit Court Judge Thomas Griffiths to the Hillsdale College Constitution Center. Farley, who will be attending Patrick Henry College in the fall and intends to become a constitutional attorney, personally met Griffiths after the…

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Nashville Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain: Waffle House Shooting ‘Another Example of the Rise in Violent Crime Plaguing Our Fair City’

Former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain, a candidate for Mayor of Nashville in the May 24 special election, issued a statement late Sunday condemning the shootings at an Antioch, Tennessee Waffle House earlier in the day. “What happened today in Antioch is a terrible tragedy. It is another example of the rise in violent crime that is plaguing our fair city,” Swain said in the statement. “We must pray for the families involved, but we must also take action, she noted, adding: As Mayor, I will work with City Council and mental health agencies to address the troubling mental health issues that are plaguing some of our citizens. Additionally, I will work with the metropolitan police and community leaders to create cultural change in our city. I call on all Nashvillians to be the change they want to see in their communities. Swain also offered a stark contrast to her rival in the May 24 special election, Acting Mayor David Briley, who responded to the shootings by calling for more gun control. “I am also a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment,” Swaid added. “Today’s shooting shows how important it is to have well trained and armed citizens in the community.…

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Acting Mayor of Nashville David Briley Calls for Gun Control After Waffle House Shootings, Carol Swain Criticizes His ‘Pandering’ for Votes

David Briley Waffle House Tragedy

Acting Mayor of Nashville David Briley called for more gun control measures on Sunday, hours after 29-year-old Travis Reinking of Morton, Illinois allegedly shot and killed four people at a Waffle House in Antioch, Tennessee in the early hours of Sunday morning. More casualties were avoided when 29-year-old David Shaw, Jr., a customer inside the Waffle House, confronted the alleged attacker, wrestling his gun away from him. Reinking, who was clad only in a jacket at the time, removed the jacket and ran naked away from the scene of the crime. He remains at large. Briley’s first response came in this statement released by his office: “It’s a tragic day for our city anytime people lose their lives at the hands of a gunman. My heart goes out to the families and friends of every person who was killed or wounded in this morning’s shooting. I know all of their lives will be forever changed by this devastating crime.” “There’s clearly more to be said about these circumstances, but for now I ask Nashville to pray for and rally around these victims and join me in thanking the Metro Nashville Police Department as it works to find and apprehend the…

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Donald Trump: Former FBI Director James Comey ‘Broke the Law’

On Saturday, President Trump tweeted that former FBI Director James Comey “broke the law” by leaking classified documents: James Comey’s Memos are Classified, I did not Declassify them. They belong to our Government! Therefore, he broke the law! Additionally, he totally made up many of the things he said I said, and he is already a proven liar and leaker. Where are Memos on Clinton, Lynch & others? — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 21, 2018 One day earlier, President Trump aimed an earlier tweet at the FBI director he fired eleven months ago in May: James Comey illegally leaked classified documents to the press in order to generate a Special Council? Therefore, the Special Council was established based on an illegal act? Really, does everybody know what that means? — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 21, 2018 “Trump made his comments after news broke that the Justice Department inspector general was investigating if Comey leaked classified information by giving a friend memos of his conversations with the president,” Breitbart News reported: Although Comey redacted some of the information in his memos, some details were upgraded to “confidential” after he left the FBI. Trump raised questions about Comey’s behavior, but…

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Nashville-Based Author Brad Thor Says He Will Challenge President Trump in 2020 GOP Primary

Best-selling author Brad Thor, a resident of Nashville, says he “will challenge President Donald Trump in the 2020 Republican primary,” according to the Daily Caller News Foundation, which reported Thor confirmed his challenge on Saturday: The conservative author’s biggest problem with the Trump presidency is the man himself. “He’s mentally unfit,” Thor told TheDCNF. Thor teased out his announcement on Twitter Saturday evening, pledging to run if no other conservative will challenge Trump. “America deserves better leadership,” Thor said. He added a few minutes later: “In fact, let’s make it official. I’m in.” “The pages of history do not care if you were a farmer, a soldier, a doctor, or a butcher,” Thor told TheDCNF. “They care whether or not, when called, if you rose up to serve. Our Republic cries out for leadership, someone who will respect our Constitutional norms and represent the world’s greatest minority – the individual. That is who I am running for.” The White House did not immediately return a request for comment. In May 2016, Thor became entangled in a controversy for comments he made about then-candidate Trump in an interview with radio host Glenn Beck, as Breitbart News reported at the time: Fiction…

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Enthusiastic Crowd at Grand Opening of Carol Swain for Mayor Headquarters in Nashville

Carol Swain HQ Opening

  NASHVILLE, Tennessee–An enthusiastic crowd of more than 100 supporters joined Nashville mayoral candidate Carol Swain at the grand opening of her campaign headquarters on White Bridge Road Saturday afternoon. The former Vanderbilt professor spoke at the event, highlighting the major themes of her campaign for mayor: opposition to the $9 billion transit plan on the May 1 ballot in Nashville Davidson County, support for improving the infrastructure by repairing potholes, roads and bridges, and support for ending cronyism and the accompanying unfair distribution of neighborhood resources Though the grand opening celebration celebration was not a fundraising event, dozens of those in attendance chose to make a financial contribution to the campaign. Sources tell The Tennessee Star about $2,000 was contributed to the campaign by those who attended, more evidence that Swain is the only candidate capable of raising the necessary financial resources to seriously compete with Acting Mayor David Briley, the front runner in the May 24 special mayoral election in Nashville/Davidson County. As The Star reported previously, the Swain campaign raised more than $40,000 in its first two weeks of operations. Swain has generated endorsements and financial support from around the country, in addition to the support she…

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Tennessee General Assembly Passes Bill to ‘Hold Harmless’ Students and Teachers Over This Year’s TNReady Tests

TNReady - Gov Haslam

In the immediate aftermath of several days of TNReady online testing failures, the Tennessee General Assembly passed a bill on Thursday that will “hold harmless” all students, teachers, and districts from the results of those tests. The bill will “ensure that results from this year’s TNReady tests will not count,” Fox17 reported: The bill would make it so students’ grades, teachers’ evaluations and pay, and schools will not be impacted by this year’s TNReady test scores. However, teachers can still choose to be evaluated based on this year’s scores if their students do well. The state of Tennessee is in its second year of a $60 million contract with Questar for the TNReady tests. So far, Tennessee has paid $12 million of this year’s contact. The state is in the process of reviewing that contract with Questar. The bill is expected to go to Governor Bill Haslam’s desk early next week. “It was clear many members of the General Assembly wanted to address concerns related to the recent administration of state assessments. The governor understands these concerns and did not oppose the legislation,” a spokesperson for Gov. Haslam said. The governor is expected to sign the bill into law next…

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Lee Beaman Joins Carol Swain’s Campaign for Mayor of Nashville as Finance Chairman

Carol Swain runs for Nashville Mayor'

Nashville businessman Lee Beaman has agreed to serve as the finance chairman of Carol Swain’s mayoral campaign, according to the former Vanderbilt professor’s campaign. “Yesterday, Lee Beaman joined Dr. Carol M. Swain’s campaign for Mayor of Nashville as Finance Chairman,” the campaign said in a statement released on Tuesday, adding: In the two weeks since her announcement, she has received endorsements from author Eric Metaxas and radio legend Dick Bott. Additionally, the campaign has raised over $40,000 from Nashvillians and supporters across the country. There is clearly a groundswell of support for a leader that can rebuild the public’s trust and faith in the metropolitan government. Dr. Carol M. Swain is running for Mayor because she is the only candidate that can bring common sense leadership and transparency to City Hall. Dr. Swain’s “Blueprint for Nashville” lays out the policies that she will advocate for during her term as Mayor. As a political outsider, Dr. Swain is not beholden to special interests, and will fight for fairness in government. Beaman is the owner of Beaman Automotive Group and is one of the most well known auto dealers in Middle Tennessee. He serves as a member of the board at conservative…

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Carol Swain Raises More Than $40,000 in First Two Weeks of Her Campaign for Mayor of Nashville

Former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain has raised more than $40,0000 in the two weeks since she announced her campaign for Mayor of Nashville, her campaign said on Tuesday. “It is clear that there is a groundswell of support for a leader that can bring integrity, honesty and fairness to City Hall,” Swain said in a statement released by her campaign. “My administration will restore faith and trust in the metropolitan government. I will work tirelessly to ensure all Nashvillians’ right to live and work in a safe and affordable environment. I will not let you down,” Swain added. “Donations are streaming in from the citizens of Davidson County and from supporters around the country. The campaign is pushing ahead, asking supporters to share Carol’s vision for a better Nashville; one that works for and with the people, not against them,” the statement said, adding: Dr. Carol M. Swain is running for Mayor of Nashville because she is the only candidate that can bring common sense leadership and transparency to City Hall. Dr. Swain’s “Blueprint for Nashville” lays out the policies that she will advocate for during her term as Mayor. As a political outsider, Dr. Swain is not beholden to…

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New Poll on Nashville Mayoral Election Shows David Briley Below 50 Percent, Carol Swain in Second Place

A new Tennessee Star Poll first reported by host Brian Wilson on 99.7 FM WTN’s Nashville’s Morning News on Monday morning shows that Acting Mayor David Briley has a large lead over former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain, who is currently a distant second, but that he is substantially below the 50 percent mark he needs to reach in the May 24 election to avoid a runoff election. When asked “If the election was held today, who would be your choice for Mayor of Nashville?” poll respondents answered as follows: 43 percent said Acting Mayor David Briley 9 percent said former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain 7 percent said former radio talk show host Ralph Bristol 5 percent said Metro Council Member At-Large Erica Gilmore 3 percent said State Rep. Harold Love 1 percent said Jeff Obafemi Carr 32 percent said they were undecided The Tennessee Star Poll of 607 likely voters in Nashville/Davidson County was conducted by Triton Research over a two day period between Thursday, April 12 and Friday, April 13 in an automated telephone (IVR) survey and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent. If no candidate has more than 50 percent of the vote on May…

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Tennessee Star Poll: Nashville/Davidson County Voters Oppose Transit Plan by 2 to 1 Margin

A new poll first reported on Monday morning by Brian Wilson, host of 99.7 FM WTN’s Nashville’s Morning News, shows that likely voters in Nashville/Davidson County oppose the proposed $9 billion transit plan on the May 1 ballot by more than a 2 to 1 margin, 62 percent against to 28 percent in favor, with only 10 percent undecided. The Tennessee Star Poll of 607 likely voters in Nashville/Davidson County was conducted by Triton Research over a two day period between Thursday, April 12 and Friday, April 13 in an automated telephone (IVR) survey and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percent. When asked “If the election was held today, would you vote for or against the $9 billion Transit Plan and Tax?” poll respondents answered as follows: 62.4 percent said “Against the Transit Plan” 27.9 percent said “For the Transit Plan” 9.7 percent said “Don’t Know/Not sure” Voter interest in the May 1 Davidson County primary election and the referendum on the transit tax was high among the 607 poll respondents, all of whom were registered voters residing in Davidson County. Sixty-three percent of respondents said they “always vote,” 20 percent said they were “very…

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WTN’s Brian Wilson to Break Story with Results of Poll on Nashville Transit Plan at 7:05 AM This Morning

Brian Wilson, host of 99.7 FM WTN’s Nashville’s Morning News, will break a story on the results of a new Tennessee Star Poll on the Nashville Transit Plan that is on the May 1 ballot for approval or rejection by Nashville/Davidson County voters at 7:05 a.m. this morning, Monday April 16. You can listen to today’s broadcast of Nashville’s Morning News here. The Tennessee Star has provided these results to Wilson on an exclusive basis prior to the publication of the full details of the poll in The Star at 7:30 am. The Tennessee Star Poll, conducted over a two day period between April 12 and April 13, will be the first poll to give details of attitudes among likely voters in Nashville/Davidson County about the merits of the $9 billion transit plan whose fate they will determine at the ballot box on May 1. The long, twisting road to the May 1 Nashville/Davidson County voter referendum began in January of 2017, when Gov. Bill Haslam introduced the IMPROVE Act to purportedly fund road construction in the state by increasing the gas tax by 6 cents per gallon and the diesel fuel tax by 10 cents per gallon. Tucked away…

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Eric Metaxas Announces His Support for Carol Swain in Nashville’s Special Mayoral Election

Best-selling author and syndicated radio host Eric Metaxas announced his support for former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain in Nashville’s special mayoral election in a Facebook post on Saturday afternoon. “I am deeply honored and moved by Eric Metaxas’s endorsement of my mayoral campaign,” Swain said in a statement released by her campaign on Saturday. “This is a vote of confidence in my ability to assemble a strong integrity-based team that will apply common sense solutions to meet the needs of neglected citizens of Nashville. We look forward to creating a government that works with citizens and not against them,” Swain added. The special election to replace disgraced former Nashville/Davidson County Mayor Megan Barry will be held on May 24, just 39 days from today. In October, Metaxas visited Middle Tennessee for a speaking engagement. “Well-known Christian writer and speaker Eric Metaxas recounted Luther’s life story Saturday at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro. Around 2,000 people turned out to listen to Metaxas, author of the new book, Martin Luther: The Man Who Rediscovered God and Changed the World,” The Star reported at the time. Metaxas, is also the author of the New York Times best-seller Bonhoeffer:Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, among other…

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Rob Reiner Wants a ‘Principled Republican’ to Stop ‘Sociopath’ Trump

Filmmaker Rob Reiner took to Twitter recently to accuse President Donald Trump of being a “childish sociopathic liar.” That’s quite a statement. One might wonder what could have possibly inspired Reiner to push out such extreme rhetoric. “Democracy is being tested. The rule of law and the press are under attack by a childish sociopathic liar.

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Allied Strikes Hit Three Key Syrian Targets, Pentagon Explains

Combined military by America, British and French forces involved more targets and twice as many weapons as a launched almost exactly a year ago, Secretary of Defense James Mattis said late Friday. Mattis told Pentago reporters that the action was necessary because Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had not been deterred from using chemical weapons against rebel military forces seeking to overthrow him and civilian populations in areas controlled by the insurgents.

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Congress’ Facebook Ignorance Triggers Calls to Revive Technology Agency

WASHINGTON — Congress had an agency designed to help senators avoid the sort of embarrassment they faced when trying to understand Facebook — but lawmakers stopped funding it 23 years ago and have resisted reviving it Now there’s talk the Office of Technology Assessment could make a comeback. A subcommittee will hear Tuesday from interest groups…

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Some Conservatives Worry Trump’s Tariffs Could Surrender Tax Gains

Unemployment is low, and the economy is humming, but concern is growing among some conservatives that President Donald Trump risks giving away gains from his historic tax cuts in a trade war with China. The conservative-leaning Tax Foundation earlier this week projected that the $150 billion in tariffs that Trump has proposed would cut gross domestic product (GDP) and wage growth by a tenth of a percentage point over the long run and reduce full-time jobs by 79,000. Middle and lower-income taxpayers would absorb a disproportionate share of the hit, according to the analysis.

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Radio Network Legend Dick Bott Endorses Carol Swain for Mayor of Nashville

Dick Bott, founder of the Bott Radio Network, and his son Rich Bott, President & CEO of the company his father founded have both endorsed former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain in her campaign to become Mayor of Nashville. The Swain campaign released a statement on Saturday that included the endorsement: We are honored to endorse Dr. Carol Swain to become Mayor of Nashville. Dr. Carol Swain believes in Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. She is a great American, a true Patriot, and a unifying voice in America for such a time as this. Dr. Swain’s life is a true American success story, the result of hard work, intelligence, great education, compassion for all people, a passion for righteousness and opportunity, and an unshakable trust in God. In short, we believe in Dr. Carol Swain. She has the courage to fight for her convictions when necessary. That’s why we are proud to endorse her candidacy to be the next Mayor of the great City of Nashville. Rich Bott, President/CEO Dick Bott, Founder Bott Radio Network. Swain is one of 14 candidates vying for the Mayor’s office in the special election that will be held in Nashville/Davidson County on May…

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Marsha Blackburn Takes Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to Task for Censoring ‘Diamond and Silk’

Conservatives have complained for years about being censored by Facebook, but the Silicon Valley giant may have gone too far by blocking Diamond and Silk. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Wednesday that his company had moved to correct what he described as an “enforcement error” after the popular social media duo said he shut down traffic to their page, which has 1.4 million followers.

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Retiring State Senator Thelma Harper Honored by Colleagues, Friends, and Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain

Retiring State Senator Thelma Harper (D-Nashville) was honored on Thursday by her colleagues in the Tennessee General Assembly, friends and constituents, and mayoral candidate Carol Swain. The event was held at the Legislative Library Lounge of the Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville. “I, along with thousands of other Tennesseeans, will miss Senator Thelma Harper,” Swain, who attended the celebration of Harper’s career, said in a statement released by her campaign. “As the first elected black state senator and the first woman to ever preside over the state Senate, Sen. Harper has earned her place in Tennessee history. Thelma Harper is a legend. I would like to see the Frist Museum or another state or local museum offer the public a special exhibit of her signature hat collection,” the former Vanderbilt professor added. Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, Harper’s colleague in the State Senate, also gave Harper high praise.  

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Nashville Mayoral Candidate Carol Swain Launches Radio Ad Campaign As Early Voting Begins on the Transit Tax Plan

Former Vanderbilt University law professor and nationally recognized conservative political commentator Carol Swain, a candidate for Mayor of Nashville in the special election that is now scheduled for May 24,  launched her first radio ads on stations in Nashville on Wednesday. “The sixty second radio ad focuses on her opposition to the Barry/Briley Transit Tax Scheme and urges voters to be reminded to vote “NO” every time they hit another one of the huge number of potholes in Nashville roads that will not be addressed by the $9 billion ‘boondoggle,’ ” her campaign said in a statement. “The $9 billion dollar transit scheme that not improve our traffic congestion problems nor repair our roads and bridges.” Swain said in the statement. “I am encouraging Nashville voters to join me in opposing the Barry/Briley Transit Tax Increase and to point out that every time they hit another pothole, and they will, it should remind them to vote against the plan that won’t fix that pothole or any others,” Swain added. The statement continued:   Early voting on the Barry/Briley transit tax increase began April 11 and runs through April 26th in Davidson County. Election Day is May 1. Swain also noted that…

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It’s a Six Week Sprint: Davidson County Election Commission Sets May 24 as Date of Special Nashville Mayoral Election

Mayoral candidates

The Davidson County Election Commission set Thursday, May 24 as the date of the special election for the Mayor of Nashville at an emergency meeting Wednesday afternoon, the day after the Tennessee Supreme Court struck down their earlier decision to set August 2 as the special election date. “The vacant District 1 council seat that was set to be on the May 1 ballot will also be on the May 24 special election,” WSMV reported: A new deadline to qualify to be on the ballot for mayor and District 1 has been set for Thursday at noon. Early voting would be held May 4-19 at the Howard School and expand to all satellite locations on May 11. A run-off election, if necessary, would be held on June 28. At least fourteen candidates have already qualified for the special election, including Acting Mayor David Briley, At-Large Metro Council Member Erica Gilmore, former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain, State Rep. Harold Love, jeff obafemi carr, and Ralph Bristol. The final field will be set by the end of day on Thursday, after petitition signatures submitted by any additional candidates prior to the noon deadline are reviewed and verified. From there, it will be…

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BREAKING: Paul Ryan Retiring as Speaker of the House

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced on Wednesday he will not seek re-election and will be retiring as Speaker at the end of his term, Reuters reported: U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, the top Republican in Congress, told Republicans in the House of Representatives on Wednesday he will not seek re-election in November, his office said. Ryan will serve his full term and retire in January, Brendan Buck, spokesperson for the Speaker, said in a statement. “After nearly twenty years in the House, the speaker is proud of all that has been accomplished and is ready to devote more of his time to being a husband and a father,” Buck said. Ryan’s retirement sets off a mad scramble to succeed him. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Majority Whip Steven Scalise (R-LA) are considered the leading candidates to replace Ryan as leader of the GOP in the House. Whether or not that translates into the job of Speaker in January 2019 will depend on the outcome of the November 2018 midterm elections. Democrats are hopeful they can win a net gain of 23 seats to take back control of the House.          

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Nashville Mayoral Candidates React to Tennessee Supreme Court Decision to Move Special Election Date Up to May

Several of the 14 candidates who will be on the ballot in the special election for Mayor of Nashville reacted on Tuesday to the news that the Tennessee Supreme Court has decided that the date of the election should be set between May 21 and May 25, rather than on August 2 as previously determined by the Davidson County Election Commission. “The Supreme Court has ruled, and I’ll be ready for the election,” Acting Mayor David Briley said in a statement, Fox 17 reported. “I appreciate all the support I’ve already received, and I’m looking forward to a strong campaign over the next six weeks,” Briley added. “Congratulations to Chief Justice Bivins and the Tennessee Supreme Court for its unanimous decision upholding the rule of law in Tennessee,” former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain, who earlier in the day received the endorsement of conservative author and film maker Dinesh D’Souza for her candidacy for Mayor of Nashville, said in a statement. “I especially applaud former NAACP President Ludye Wallace for his courage and leadership on this critical matter,” she added. “We the People can individually and collectively ‘Be the People’ who change colonies, states, and nations,” Swain noted. At-Large Metro Council member…

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Dinesh D’Souza Endorses Carol Swain for Mayor of Nashville

Author and conservative film maker Dinesh D’Souza has endorsed former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain for Mayor of Nashville, according to a statement released by her campaign on Tuesday. “Carol Swain has my endorsement for Mayor just as she would have my endorsement for just about any venture she undertook,” D’Souza said in the statement, which added: “She is a remarkable scholar and an amazing woman. One would have to go back to Booker T. Washington a century ago to find someone who has overcome almost insurmountable odds to become a nationally distinguished figure and role model,” D’Souza added. “Carol’s academic work is pathbreaking and her willingness to challenge conventional wisdom shows not only originality but intellectual bravery. Do yourself a favor and vote for Carol Swain. As mayor, she is going to be not only a strong leader but also a wonderful educator,” he added. Swain expressed appreciation for D’Souza’s endorsement. “I’m delighted to receive Dinesh’s endorsement in my campaign for Mayor of Nashville. I’ve known him for many years, and we have become good friends. Like me, Dinesh believes that Nashvillians–and all Americans–should be able to make a choice, not settle for an echo, when it comes to visions…

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BREAKING: ‘David Beat Goliath’; Tennessee Supreme Court Sets May Date for Nashville Special Election for Mayor

On Tuesday, the Tennessee Supreme Court released a unanimous opinion that instructs the Davidson County Election Commission to set the date for the special election to select a new mayor of Metro Nashville Davidson County Government for any date between May 21 and May 25. The stunning decision overrules the Davidson County Election Commission’s prior decision to set the date at August 2. Mayoral candidate Ludye Wallace was the plaintiff in the case. He was represented by attorney Jamie Hollin. “David beat Goliath,” Hollin told The Star in an exclusive interview. The five Tennessee Supreme Court Justices who ruled unanimously in favor of Wallace were Chief Justice Jeffrey Bivins, and Justices Cornelia Clark, Sharon Lee, Holly Kirby, and Roger Page. News Channel 5 reported: The Davidson County Election Commission voted in March to hold the mayoral election on August 2. Mayoral Candidate Ludye Wallace filed a lawsuit shortly after that vote, claiming the Election Commission violated the Metro Charter and state law with the vote. Both sides presented their arguments to justices Monday afternoon. On Tuesday, the court’s decision reversed a ruling of the Davidson County Chancery Court that upheld the action of the Davidson County Election Commission in setting the election…

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Bob Corker Announces His Support for Marsha Blackburn’s U.S. Senate Bid

Though he did not use the formal term “endorsement,” Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) announced his support for Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s (R-TN-07) bid to replace him in the United States Senate on Monday. Corker sent this tweet out late Monday afternoon:   Now that the Republican primary has essentially concluded, I am sending a contribution to Representative Marsha Blackburn’s campaign and wish her well in her race for the U.S. Senate. — Bob Corker (@BobCorker) April 9, 2018 Blackburn became the presumptive Republican nominee on Saturday with the Tennessee Republican Party removed two potential challengers–Dr. Rolando Toyos and Darrell Lynn– from the August 2 primary ballot because they failed to meet the requirements established by the party to be a candidate for statewide office. As The Tennessee Star reported: The GOP State Executive Committee (SEC), the governing body for the Tennessee Republican Party, met in Franklin, Tennessee at the Hilton Garden Inn on Saturday and removed eight candidates from the August 2 Republican Primary ballot for failing to qualify as “bona fide” Republicans as defined by party by-laws. Seven of the candidates had filed petitions to run for the U.S. Senate; one had filed to run for Governor. Party by-laws require…

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Five Key Facts You Should Know About Mark Zuckerberg’s 12-Year Facebook Apology Tour

Before there was Facebook in America, there was Facesmash at Harvard and Mark Zuckerberg was behind both of them. There’s a lot more about this social media giant than most Americans likely never knew. So here are five basic facts about Zuckerberg and Facebook that put into a useful and historically accurate context everything he is likely to say and be asked about when he testifies this coming Wednesday before Congress.

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Trump Signs Memo Vowing End to ‘Catch-and-Release’ of llegal Immigrants

Donald Trump, The Wall

President Trump signed a directive Friday ordering the government to end the so-called “catch-and-release” policy at the border, moving to combat what the administration says is a growing “crisis” of illegal immigration. He called for illegal immigrants nabbed at the border to be held in custody, to the fullest extent possible. He also ordered more asylum…

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Tennessee Republican Party Removes Eight Prospective Statewide Candidates from August 2 Primary Ballot

FRANKLIN, Tennessee–The GOP State Executive Committee (SEC), the governing body for the Tennessee Republican Party, met in Franklin, Tennessee at the Hilton Garden Inn on Saturday and removed eight candidates from the August 2 Republican Primary ballot for failing to qualify as “bona fide” Republicans as defined by party by-laws. Seven of the candidates had filed petitions to run for the U.S. Senate; one had filed to run for Governor. Party by-laws require a candidate to have voted in three of four successive Republican Party primary elections, and/or provide additional evidence of service to the Republican Party in order to qualify. Additional prospective candidates seeking election to U.S. Congress, and the state House and Senate, who do not meet the bona fide Republican standard, are likely to be removed in the next few weeks. Objections had been filed with the State Party regarding at least eight statewide candidates, and after reviewing and confirming that the complainants met the bona fide standard themselves, the Political Committee, chaired by SEC member Jim Looney, reviewed the qualifications of the candidates that were the subject of complaints. A slate of eight candidates were recommended for removal at the SEC meeting, including U.S. Senate candidates…

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Williamson County Schools Superintendent Mike Looney Faces Second Assault Charge from February Incident

Williamson County Schools Superintendent Mike Looney now faces a second assault charge in connection with a February incident at Franklin High School, WKRN reports: A victim provided sworn testimony to the magistrate, who issued a criminal summons for the defendant, charging Mike Looney with assault. It’s the second assault charge against Looney in the February 20 incident. Police confirmed to News 2 the second victim is the mother of the original victim. Dr. Looney’s attorney was notified about the new charge. At some point, Looney will have to appear for booking and processing, as directed by the summons. The Tennessee Star first reported the details of the story when it broke back in February: Late Wednesday, the Franklin Police Department issued this “statement in response to multiple media inquiries regarding today’s arrest of Dr. Mike Looney, Williamson County Schools Superintendent:” Yesterday, Franklin Police Officers and paramedics were dispatched to Franklin High School for a reported psychological emergency. While working with the student, the student’s mother, and school staff to transport the student to the hospital, Dr. Mike Looney, Williamson County Schools Superintendent, abruptly entered the conference room, grabbed the student by her arm, and forced her out of the school and to his…

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Phil Bredesen’s Claim He’s Not Running Against Trump Backfires with News Joe Biden, Who Said He Would Have ‘Beat the Hell Out Of’ the President, Will Headline His Local Fundraiser

Former Gov. Phil Bredesen’s claim that his campaign for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate is not based on his opposition to President Donald Trump took a major credibility hit on Wednesday when The Tennesseean reported that former Vice President Joe Biden–who recently said he would have “beat the hell out of”  President Trump–will be the guest of honor at a Nashville fundraiser for Bredesen next week. According to The Tennessean: Speaking during an anti-sexual assault rally at the private university in Coral Gables, the Democrat mentioned Mr. Trump’s infamous “Access Hollywood” recording that captured the real estate mogul talking in 2005 about being able to get away with groping women because of his fame. Former Vice President Joe Biden is scheduled to headline a fundraiser for former Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen’s Democratic bid for U.S. Senate during a swing through Nashville next week. The fundraiser for the Bredesen Victory Fund is set for Tuesday, April 10 at 1 p.m, according to an invitation obtained by the USA TODAY NETWORK-Tennessee. It’s billed as a “coffee and conversation” with the 47th vice president. A location is not disclosed. The fundraiser comes on the same day Biden will speak at Vanderbilt…

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Carol Swain Qualifies for Nashville Special Mayoral Election Ballot

Carol Swain runs for Nashville Mayor'

Former Vanderbilt professor and nationally known conservative Carol Swain has qualified to be on the ballot for the special mayoral election in Nashville. “I am excited about the opportunity to offer Nashville voters a common sense approach to moving Nashville forward,” Swain said in a statement released by her campaign on Wednesday announcing her qualification as a candidate for Mayor. The statement added: “Politics as usual won’t create more and better jobs, make our community safer, and keep taxes low. My common sense agenda of protecting our citizens, watching every penny we spend, and insuring that Nashville is working to attract new businesses and help grow the ones already here is the right prescription for our future.” “Common sense tells us not to spend more than we have or buy things we can’t afford,” Swain said. “The $9 billion transit tax scheme that will cost too much and fail to actually improve traffic congestion or the conditions of our roads is a prime example of some officials putting profit – political or financial – ahead of common sense decision-making. We need better decisions if we want better results.” Swain told The Tennessee Star she visited the Davidson County Election Commission…

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Carol Swain ‘Will Pick Up the Paperwork’ to Run for Mayor of Nashville Today

Former Vanderbilt professor Carol Swain tells The Tennessee Star she is considering a run for Mayor of Nashville in the upcoming special election and will secure the necessary paperwork to start the process today. “On Monday, I will be downtown at Ladies Day on the Hill from 9::30-12: 30 pm. I will pick up the paperwork at 1:00 pm,” Swain says. Swain has until the filing deadline of Thursday at noon to obtain 25 signatures on the filing petition and submit it to Metro Nashville Davidson County government officials qualify for the ballot. The outspoken conservative tells The Star that she will make a final decision on her candidacy between now and Thursday morning as she gathers signatures. “Carol Swain has the consistent conservative credentials and the intellect to be a legitimate candidate for mayor, particularly since she does not fit the mold of a typical Republican candidate,” conservative political commentator and media consultant Steve Gill tells The Star. “She also has the credibility to oppose the transit tax increase since she opposed the gas tax increase that contains a provision which allowed Nashville to hold a vote on this transit issue,” Gill adds. On Saturday, Swain wrote in an…

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Game On: Erica Gilmore’s Entry Into Special Election for Mayor of Nashville Means Front Runner David Briley Not a Shoo-In

Erica Gilmore runs for Nashville Mayor

Nashville Metro Council Member At-Large Erica Gilmore’s announcement on Wednesday that she is a candidate for Mayor of Nashville in the special mayoral election was greeted with a polite but terse acknowledgement from the campaign of the only other credible candidate currently in the race, Acting Mayor David Briley. “We welcome Councilwoman Gilmore to the race,” was all Hannah Paramore, Briley’s campaign treasurer, had to say about Gilmore in a statement issued after her announcement. Paramore went on to tout Briley’s qualifications for the job he temporarily holds, but wants to make more permanent: In just a few short weeks, David Briley has brought focus to the job of managing the city, tackling challenges and making progress on opportunities that will benefit all of Nashville. He has delivered a steady, guiding hand when it was needed to regain public confidence. David Briley is the right person to lead our city, and I am confident that the widespread support that is rapidly forming behind David will result in his winning the special election.” Briley is considered the front runner in the race, thanks in part to the backing of much of the Nashville business community, and his greater ability to raise money. Few political observers…

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Trump Could Tap Pentagon Funds to Kick-Start Border Wall Construction

President Trump and the Border Wall

Stymied by Congress, President Donald Trump has turned to the gargantuan Pentagon budget as a possible source of funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexican border, according to an exclusive report by Just Security. Kate Brannen, deputy managing editor of the publication and a nonresident fellow at the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security, said Friday on “The Laura Ingraham Show” that most of the money for defense is off-limits. But there is some “wiggle room,” she said.

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Harwell Calls on State Rep. David Byrd, Sponsor of Bill to Arm Teachers in Classrooms, to Resign after Hearing Audio That Alleges Misconduct 30 Years Ago

Speaker Beth Harwell and State Rep David Byrd

On Tuesday Speaker Beth Harwell (R-Nashville) called on State Rep. David Byrd (R-Waynesboro), the sponsor of a bill that would allow teachers to be armed while in school, to resign after hearing an inconclusive audio recording of a phone conversation he had last month with a woman who now claims that he engaged in sexual misconduct against her more than 30 years ago when he served as her basketball coach. As The Tennessee Star reported last week, Byrd’s bill to allow trained teachers to be armed, HB 2208, passed the House Civil Justice Committee last week and was scheduled to be heard in the House Education Administration and Planning Committee on Tuesday afternoon. Sources tell The Star that Harwell asked Byrd to drop his bill to arm teachers a week ago, and he refused to do so. The surfacing of the charges, combined with Harwell’s sudden rush to call for Byrd’s resignation, is nothing but a political hit job on her part, sources tell The Star. Harwell’s rush to judgement came without hearing Byrd’s side of the story or availing Byrd of the investigative process which is the right of any member of the state legislature against whom an ethical misconduct charge has been filed. As…

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Steve Gill Analysis: If Legalized in Tennessee, Medical Marijuana Users May Sacrifice Right to Own Guns

On Friday, conservative political commentator and Tennessee Star contributor Steve Gill said on The Gill Report, broadcast live on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville, that if the bill to legalize medical marijuana currently under consideration in the Tennessee General Assembly becomes law, potential medical marijuana users in the Volunteer State may be faced with a decision: Legally purchase and use medical marijuana and lose your right to own a gun, or keep your right to own a gun and pass on using the newly legalized drug. “One of the bills that is moving through the legislature that keeps coming close. It looks like it may be advancing a little quicker this time – but with a few more weeks in the legislative session it may still fail. [The bill] is medical marijuana in Tennessee” Gill began. “Now, there are some problems with this bill, because it’s not just legalizing medical marijuana,” he noted, adding. “You’ve got some of the folks that are pushing recreational marijuana that we’ve seen embraced in states like Colorado recently. But the bill is supposedly limited to medical marijuana.” Gill continued: There are critics that say the same doctors that haven’t controlled opioids are unlikely to control…

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