Georgia State Senate Democrats Want Washington, D.C. Statehood


Democrats in the Georgia General State Senate have proposed certain resolutions for this current session that support politically left-leaning causes, one of which cites influence from the United Nations.

Georgia State Sen. Emanuel Jones (D-Decatur) and 15 other state senators filed a resolution that urges the U.S. Congress to grant statehood to Washington, D.C.

According to the language of the resolution, Washington, D.C. has about 712,000 residents, comparable to the populations of Wyoming, Vermont, Alaska, and North Dakota. The resolution also said that Washington, D.C. residents pay more federal taxes than residents in 22 states.

“The United Nations Human Rights Committee has called on the United States Congress to address the District of Columbia’s lack of political equality, and the Organization of American States has declared the disenfranchisement of the District of Columbia residents a violation of its charter agreement, to which the United States is a signatory,” according to the Georgia resolution.

Six Georgia State Senators also filed a second resolution that encourages “equitable and diverse representation on the boards and in the senior management of Georgia companies and institutions.”

The Georgia General Assembly’s website identifies State Sen. Lester Jackson (D-Savannah) as the resolution’s primary sponsor.

“In 2020, women represented 57.4 percent of the labor force in Georgia but 12 represented only 19.8 percent of board seats for public companies headquartered in Georgia,” according to the language of the resolution.

Democrats in the Georgia State Senate filed a third resolution, meanwhile, that proposes amending the State Constitution to create a Family Medical Leave Fund. State Sen. Gloria Butler (D-Stone Mountain) is the resolution’s primary sponsor, according to the Georgia General Assembly’s website.

The language of the resolution said people may use this fund to take leave from work due to sickness, injury or the birth, adoption, or foster care placement of a child.

According to Ballotpedia, members of the Georgia House of Representatives or the Georgia State Senate can propose amending the state constitution. Exactly two-thirds of the membership of each chamber must approve the proposed amendment before passing it along to Georgia voters. Voters may only vote on proposed amendments during general elections of even-numbered years.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “DC Skyline” by M01229 CC 2.0 and “State Senator Emanuel Jones” is by Emanuel Jones.




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