Joe Biden Ends Popular Donald Trump and Sonny Perdue Program to Help Farmers


U.S. Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA-08) this week blasted the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden for ending the Farmers to Families Food Box Program, which Scott described as popular.

Scott (pictured right) said this in an emailed newsletter to his constituents.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump and former Georgia Gov. and former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue put the program in place last year to help farmers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Scott appeared on Newsmax and said that under the program the USDA buys fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and dairy products directly from farmers.

“It is the type of food where, on a Friday afternoon, if your best friend is coming over and you were having a big dinner at the house and you went to the grocery store and you bought the best of the stuff that you could buy of fruits and vegetables and dairy, it’s exactly what is in that box,” Scott told the network.

“We’ve got a great mission in south Georgia. Second Harvest does a tremendous amount of box packing for the traditional box standpoint, that’s canned and bagged and that you keep in your pantry. The primary difference is this is fresh food, straight from the farm, in these farm box programs, where your traditional food box programs are stuff that has been processed. It was good for the farmer. The farmer only gets about 8 percent of what you spend at the grocery store. The farmer was getting more money. It’s good for the consumer because they are getting fresh fruits and vegetables that have not been processed.”

Scott said that Biden and members of his administration ended the program only to spite Trump.

“Through this program, USDA officials purchased excess farm products from producers whose operations were harmed by labor or market disruptions due to the pandemic and gave them to local charities, non-profits, and faith-based organizations to distribute to their local communities,” Scott said in his newsletter.

“President Biden is replacing these healthy, farm fresh boxes with typical food pantry boxes that contain mostly highly processed products. The Farmers to Families Food Box Program was a win-win for American farmers and families in need.”

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s website, through the Farmers to Families Food Box Program, USDA contractors have delivered 157,996,398 of fresh produce, milk, dairy and cooked meats to disadvantaged Americans across the country.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].








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7 Thoughts to “Joe Biden Ends Popular Donald Trump and Sonny Perdue Program to Help Farmers”

  1. Thanks for sharing this! All the best!

  2. Steve jacks

    biden doesnt give a damn about farmers

  3. bill

    Meanwhile in DC Baizou Biden is propping up a plan to aide only ‘black’ farmers. A move at it’s core is racist and against federal laws. , Yet nobody is stopping this racist one way payout program. It is the regressive party way of buying favor yet again on the taxpayer dime laws and common sense be damned.

  4. Jack Rivera

    I’m so disgusted by zBiden that I can just spit.

  5. Steve Allen

    Another excellent program cancelled by the clowns in Washington. But not to worry, people of color can get free farm land under the Justice for Black Farmers Act. Reverse discrimination at its best. Will this whole foolish process start over in 100 years after people of Northern European ancestry have been discriminated against?

    1. Elizabeth

      No, we wont wait that long.
      Locked and loaded….
