Commentary: Is China Funding the Phony Joe Biden Campaign?

by Karin McQuillan


Joe Biden is running a profoundly phony campaign. Hillary’s defeat is famously blamed on her low-energy decision to not show up in the Rust Belt. But Biden isn’t showing up anywhere.

No candidate since George Washington has campaigned so little and with so few live supporters. Joe Biden is no George Washington.

How can Biden be a contender when he gets 30 supporters at his rallies and Trump attracts 30,000? Biden attracted 130 cars to hear him in must-win Pennsylvania. In Miami, Latinos for Trump organized a 30,000 car parade on their own.

In a rare joint appearance, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris went to Phoenix. Biden needs Arizona to win.  Zero supporters turned out to greet them. Zero. Video of the eerie empty scene was carried on a local news station only. The Biden campaign says they did not let the public know about the visit to avoid large crowds.

More oddities: The Democrats are not mounting a ground game. No volunteers knocking on doors. Very little effort to register new voters, either.

This strategy doesn’t pass the sniff test for an honest campaign.

The answer, as usual in politics, is to follow the money. President Obama never came close to the money supporting Biden’s campaign.

Democrat leadership doesn’t care who their figurehead candidate is because Democrats have enough dark money to buy the election. They are outspending Republicans in swing states by a large margin.  Money on this scale has never been seen before in American politics.

Christian Adams, of the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF), is working day and night to defeat Democratic election fraud. In a phone interview this week, Adams called it a “tsunami of dark money.”

Adams told me, “The Democrats have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of new dollars that never existed before…well in excess of a billion dollars…it is an avalanche of money. Hundreds of millions are being given to local election officials.”

Hundreds of millions of dollars to local election officials in Kenosha, Madison, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philadelphia.

Adams added “[Democrats] are spending hundreds of millions in litigating to break down election rules. Where is it coming from? New money that has never been there? Is there really that much excess money in American philanthropy? Suddenly we conjure up a billion dollars that never existed before?”

ActBlue has raised $3.5 billion in the last 10 months.

ActBlue’s $3.5 billion is on top of the Democrats’ big donors. It doesn’t include the half a billion or more from Democrats’ 50billionaire backers. It doesn’t count Soros’ quarter of a billion Open Society Foundation 2020 budget. It doesn’t include Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s legally questionable privatization of our election process by spending $400 million for unmonitored ballot boxes in Democratic districts only (an invitation to illegal ballot harvesting).

Where does that $3.5 billion in ActBlue money to defeat Trump and buy Congress come from?

No one knows. But we have some educated guesses.

We do know the Democrats are lying about where they are getting this cash.

Democrats boast that most of their money comes in small donations from unemployed people. ActBlue claims almost 50 percent of its donors are unemployed. The Democrat National Committee claims 40 percent of its donors are unemployed. The Biden campaign claims 51 percent of its donors are unemployed.

Compare this to the Trump campaign: 3 percent unemployed. The Republican Party’s online WinRed: 4 percent.

How many unemployed people are there in America during the period in question? 4 percent.

It seems the Democrats’ numbers are fake.

Democrats also claim only $53 million of ActBlue’s $3.5 billion came from donations above $200. This also defies the laws of physics in terms of normal fundraising.

Could ActBlue’s unemployed donors with billions of dollars to give actually be fake names? Is this a scam to hide billions in dark money from a large donor or donors, including bad state actors?  Answer: easily.

Phill Kline, head of, wrote about ActBlues’ shady shenanigans for Real Clear Politics:

[ActBlue] has leveraged its powerhouse presence to negotiate a special relationship with banks so that it does not have to reveal donor names when processing its gift cards, as is normally required for virtually all online transactions. Some people have long suspected this allows ActBlue or a mega-donor to easily break large donations down into smaller gifts to avoid campaign finance laws and Federal Election Commission scrutiny.

Under ActBlue’s set up, foreign programmers can make up names and buy gift cards in bulk to hide the identity of the source of the money. It isn’t even hard.  John Pudner and his team at Take Back Action have found that ActBlue has more than 10.9 million “express” donors who contribute repeatedly. According to ActBlue itself, these express donors account for 40 percent of the money they raise.

The Take Back Action team downloaded and number crunched the 380 million ActBlue transactions. In one single day, ActBlue moved $26 million into Biden’s campaign, with 150,000 donations attributed to names that have never shown up as a donor to anything else before.

Pudner says bluntly, “ActBlue’s system, which fails to use standard banking verification, could allow for a single donor to make unlimited small contributions using stolen identities.” He warns, “ActBlue provides an easy process to funnel illegal money, including potentially foreign dollars, to liberal causes and candidates.”

Equally illegal: ActBlue lumps together charitable and political donations, providing another route for secret large political donations. The IRS, turning a blind eye, has not investigated.

In the last election, Russia is said to have spent $200,000 on their crude disinformation campaign on Facebook.

After four years of President Trump in action, how much do you think China would give to get rid of Trump and put Biden in power?

Does anyone doubt that the Democratic Party – if they thought they could get away with it – would accept Chinese money?

One thing is certain: ActBlue has been able to inject $3.5 billion of potentially fake contributions into our election.

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Karin McQuillan served in the Peace Corps in West Africa, was a clinical social worker and psychotherapist, and is now a writer and regular contributor to American Thinker and American Greatness.
Photo “Joe Biden Campaigning” by Gage Skidmore CC2.0 and “Xi Jinping” by the US Department of State.












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