Commentary: Democrats Cannot Be Trusted With Classified Intelligence

George Rasley, Editor

Democrats have a long history of abusing classified intelligence, leaking and in some cases giving it to our enemies. In the modern era, you can start with the fellow travelers like Alger Hiss and draw a straight line to Rep. Ron Dellums giving classified material to the Communist rulers of Grenada, to the intelligence leaks to discredit President Trump coming from former Obama White House and national security officials.

In each case Democrats were given access to highly classified intelligence and used it to undermine the legitimate government of the United States.

A lot of people call that treason, but to Democrats it is just politics as usual.

Our friend Fred Fleitz, Senior Vice President for Policy and Programs at the Center for Security Policy, pointed out how damaging this leaking of classified material is and who is ultimately responsible for it in a recent interview with Liz Wheeler of One America News:

Obama’s senior aides are behind these leaks or know who the leakers are. These leakers were brought in and vetted for high level clearances by the Obama administration. Mr. Obama therefore bears responsibility for their leaks against the Trump administration which are becoming part of Obama’s legacy.

Fleitz is right as usual.

And this isn’t the first time he has warned us about the dangerous abuse of national security information by Obama’s people.

Back in May Fleitz gave an interview to Breitbart in which he hit the same theme:

“The idea that our intelligence services, that are supposed to protect us from foreign threats, are being used to conduct political intelligence against the members of another party – that’s something that goes on in police states and banana republics,” he said.

“I think you’re right that the administration should be doing more and more on this. I’m really concerned about these new reports I’m hearing that Senator Rand Paul is saying that he has multiple reports that he and other Republican presidential candidates were also spied upon. Their names were unmasked by the Obama administration. This has to be looked into,” Fleitz urged.

Then Fleitz put his finger on one of the key players in the “unmasking” scandal and in the intelligence leaks – former Obama national security official Ben Rhodes.

“I don’t know whether Ben Rhodes in the NSC had the authority to request these names to be unmasked, but I suspect they were unmasked for him, if he wasn’t able to have it done himself. I think he’s a political operative who very likely was behind this. I’d like to see him investigated. I think there are senior officials at the CIA with John Brennan who may have been involved. I also think there’s probably senior officials at the State Department who might have been involved,” he said.

Although it was not revealed until January 2017, Ben Rhodes was denied a national security clearance by the FBI during the 2008 Obama transition – the only known member of the 150-strong transition team to experience such a denial.

Rhodes, post-Trump Inauguration, has emerged as the leader of a cabal of Democratic operatives and former Obama administration officials who have been actively undermining the Trump administration – often through the leaks of secret intelligence.

Fox News’ James Rosen has reported that the House Intelligence Committee (HPSCI) was to receive intelligence that “is said to leave no doubt the Obama administration, in its closing days, was using the cover of legitimate surveillance on foreign targets to spy on President-elect Trump.”

The spying on political opponents, the leaks to undermine the legitimate government of the United States and to destroy the reputations of political opponents all tell us one thing: Fred Feitz is right. These leaks are confirming an old Republican criticism that Democrats really hate: “Democrats can’t be trusted with national security.”

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