Commentary: In 2022, Voters Must Stand Up to America’s Uniparty Empire

by Adam Mill


If we follow the conventional political thinking, Republicans can anticipate an electoral shift during the November midterm elections and appear likely to recapture the White House in 2024. A grassroots revolt is already showing signs that the Democrats should expect to be punished for politicizing education and mismanaging COVID policy.

If we follow the conventional thinking even further, this will spell success for a usual cast of Republican-leaning characters in leadership and consulting roles. Karl Rove is likely already updating his fee structure. Veterans of the two Bush Administrations will send their résumés east in hopes of retaining old posts so they can steer contracts and favors back to their allies and former employers.

Right, Left, Right, Left, the hypnotic rhythm drums on – briefly interrupted only by an aberrational Trump Administration or popular uprising – but it all returns to the statists’ status quo in the end. The uniparty simply shifts its weight from its left foot to its right while business proceeds as usual.

But the fact is that political pendulums don’t always swing along a flat plane from right to left. In our current state of political flux, we’re reminded of Ronald Reagan’s prophetic words:

You and I are told we must choose between a left or right, but I suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There is only an up or down. Up to man’s age-old dream – the maximum of individual freedom consistent with order or down to the ant heap of totalitarianism. Regardless of their sincerity, their humanitarian motives, those who would sacrifice freedom for security have embarked on this downward path.

The pendulum’s path has ceased to swing from right to left. Trudeau’s mask slipped first but others like him will follow. The old-style liberal is gone. This is a simple binary choice between freedom and political control of every corner of human life.

With that in mind, there can be only one agenda for 2022: Never again!

Politicians seeking to capitalize on the white-hot fury of the American electorate had better get with the program or be crushed by the rising movement. It’s primary season. If your representative has never worked a real job, is married to a corporate lawyer, and rolls his eyes when the peasants question the official narrative, you might consider challenging him or her with a candidate who actually represents the concerns of real America.

Did your politician stay silent while your children were masked and quarantined, while tech companies censored legitimate and factual information, and while people were coerced to take a vaccine that does not stop the spread? What did your politician say when rioters burned cities, toppled statues of cherished founders, and beat innocent citizens for being in the wrong place at the wrong time? Is anyone else a little embarrassed that Canadians lead the fight for freedom in North America?

Never again means curriculum transparency for schools so parents can know when political indoctrination replaces legitimate instruction. Never again means restricting the powers of bureaucrats in times of crisis. Never again means defining in advance what constitutes an “emergency.” Will every virus henceforward be hyped to justify crushing civil liberties?

Never again means if social media, employers, and private businesses coerce medical decisions, they are financially liable for medical malpractice. Never again means prohibiting the politicization of people’s bank accounts, their electricity, their ability to travel. We cannot tolerate a government that has the power to wipe out bank accounts with a keystroke.

Never again means confronting the intelligence community and its role in stoking fear and manipulating domestic elections. Never again means ending the FBI’s use of confidential informants to ensnare political opponents. Never again means that the Justice Department will no longer have the privilege of declining prosecution to protect the criminals within their ranks.

Never again means invoking antitrust laws to break-up big tech and media collusion. Media that coordinate stories and censorship are guilty of restraining free trade. It’s as simple as that.

Tech companies and media colluded to restrain legitimate and truthful stories during the 2020 election. Never again means exposing bribes paid to politicians’ families. Never again means instituting internationally recognized one man, one vote integrity measures required of any functioning democracy. Never again means enforcing existing immigration laws and stopping the use of taxpayer money to reshape voting districts with illegal immigrants.

One thing has become crystal clear: We can’t just wait this out. We’ve been waiting for two years for “two weeks to flatten the curve.” Rather than abating naturally, the overreach and oppression is beginning to look permanent. We’re fast approaching a day in which our autocratic overlords can punish dissent and, with a few keystrokes, wipe out your bank accountend your job, and even disable your car.

Wake up. Before it’s too late.

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Adam Mill is a pen name. He is an adjunct fellow of the Center for American Greatness and works in Kansas City, Missouri as an attorney specializing in labor and employment and public administration law. He graduated from the University of Kansas and has been admitted to practice in Kansas and Missouri. Mill has contributed to The FederalistAmerican Greatness, and The Daily Caller.
Photo “People Voting” by Phil Roeder. CC BY 2.0.







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One Thought to “Commentary: In 2022, Voters Must Stand Up to America’s Uniparty Empire”

  1. 83ragtop50

    Great commentary.
