Commentary: Obama’s Loyal Ladies

Once the bloodhounds are unleashed, there’s no telling where the trail will lead. Sometimes the scent of scandal circles back to where it started. Democrats may regret the day they pointed a finger at Donald Trump, insisting that he must have cheated to beat Hillary Clinton. Now two staunch Obama administration loyalists, Loretta Lynch, the former…

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One Thought to “Commentary: Obama’s Loyal Ladies”

  1. Mary Ann Tackett

    Well when you start transferring evidence to hiding places like the not established Obama Library, then everyone even the Dems know u are guilty. They will not admit it but they know it. Of course most of them are guilty of something themselves so they know how the game is played and lets not forget we have some Rep. who hang their hat on the same guilty nail. It’s a swamp of corruption and I doubt if even D. Trump who has to be a pretty strong person, can rid us of the scum that lays in those waters. Obama put this country in deep despair and left us in the hole with national debt and giving away money at his own discretion. Guess Congress was asleep at the wheel. All of us should have been praying for Jesus to take the wheel. Guess we were all in a coma. Anyway be it Dem or Rep. we have to all get behind this President and make this work. We have no choice or we are gonna be looking at this country through our rear view window. Now let’s pray and let’s put that prayer into action. It’s like the farmer said when the city fellow told him that him and the lord sure did have a bumper crop of corn. The old farmer said, well you should have seen it last year when the Lord had it by himself. Now that’s the way it is around here. The Lord can help us make it work but we have to do the work. Just be thankful we didn’t get HC or we would be in the soup and getting ready to dry up.
