Commentary: Open Borders Oligarch Charles Koch Re-Emerges to Oppose Trump and ‘America First’

by Gavin Wax


The billionaire financier Charles Koch abandoned the Republican Party in the age of President Donald Trump, but he has returned on a white horse following the disputed election to preach the globalist cosmopolitan doctrines that previously had turned the GOP into a national laughingstock.

Koch penned an op-ed for CNN last week in which he urged Republicans to support amnesty for illegal aliens. He framed it as if allowing illegal immigrants to break the law is the “one thing we should all agree on” across the political spectrum.

“Welcoming those who come to the U.S. to make a new life and contribute to society remains a quintessentially American characteristic,” Koch wrote.

“While media headlines focused on the extremes of the immigration debate, people of all backgrounds and organizations of all kinds have been taking steps to celebrate immigration and show society that despite differences on other issues, this is an area where people can come together,” he added.

Montgomery County, Maryland has had plenty of diversity to celebrate since becoming a sanctuary county last year, a policy supported by Koch’s many astroturf organizing fronts. Policies advocated by the Koch Network helped facilitate the rape of 11-year-old girls by Salvadoran and Honduran illegal immigrants. These are the types of individuals who are lionized through Koch’s Stand Together initiative, and it is not just Central American migrants who are getting in on the enrichment.

Oluwakayode Adebusuyi, a 26-year-old illegal immigrant from Nigeria, was charged with raping a minor during the summer of 2019. He had been charged previously in Montgomery County with second-degree assault, a fourth-degree sex offense, and false imprisonment. Those charges were mysteriously dropped by authorities – the D.A. didn’t want to seem racist, apparently – and he remained a ride-share driver, gaining access to countless vulnerable victims, right up until his next rape charge.

Under an executive order issued in summer 2019, Montgomery County proudly releases illegal immigrant sex criminals from custody and does not report them to Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials. When widespread anger built over the rape spree that took place immediately after sanctuary policies were put into place, county officials dug in their heels by calling enraged concerned citizens “neo-Nazi sympathizers.”

This is how every county would be governed if Charles Koch had his way.

In his secluded Kansas mansion, the 85-year-old plutocrat plots while being protected by a private army of security personnel. Koch and his team of lobbyists, economists, accountants, lawyers and other well-paid operatives carefully devise rationales to justify their preferred policies. The destroyed souls of little girls raped by foreigners are a small price to pay to secure Koch Industries’ profit margins next quarter. Justifying whatever is best for the bottom line is at the crux of Koch’s libertarian philosophy.

Whatever gets in the way of the Koch’s business interests must be snuffed out on the American Right, such as the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party began as a nationalist movement and was staunchly opposed to the Republican establishment. Eventually, however, it drifted toward the mainstream. This is because of fronts like Americans for Prosperity (AFP), which trapped well-intentioned conservative activists in a labyrinth of pointless cocktail parties, fruitless tasks, and lame rallies until the Big Money could reclaim control over the movement.

With President Donald Trump’s “America First” movement gaining momentum and dominating GOP politics, Koch is no longer able to subvert as effectively as he once did. He has disavowed his network’s placating of the Tea Party movement, arguing that AFP’s work did too much to embolden conservatives. He will never make that mistake again, as he no longer maintains the guise of caring about Republicans. Koch is more forthright these days about lording over the party to invert the apparatus against the will of its constituents.

AFP offered no support to President Trump’s reelection campaign, opting instead to support pro-amnesty Democrats during the crucial election. They also betray their supposed principles by supporting big-government privileges for companies that punish conservative speech. The Charles Koch Institute collaborates with Big Tech entities to stifle digital freedom of expression while other aspects of the Koch network lobby to protect Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act (a.k.a. the conjured “right” of Silicon Valley to devastate the First Amendment).

The same Republicans who are rolling over on election fraud right now will be happy to allow the Koch Network back in to retake control. It is the principal job of an America First activist to make the GOP as inhospitable an atmosphere as possible for these amoral, profit-obsessed vultures. The Koch effort will be bolstered by organizations like the compromised Heritage Foundation, the moribund Chamber of Commerce, and the cancerous American Enterprise Institute in an attempt to turn the dial back to Bush-era Republicanism. We cannot let these oligarchs compel our national suicide to boost the gross domestic product. We are a nation, we are a people, and we must give no quarter to the enemy within.

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Gavin Wax is president of the New York Young Republican Club, chairman of the Association of Young Republican Clubs, digital director of the Young Republican National Federation, and an associate fellow at the London Center for Policy Research. You can follow him on Twitter @GavinWax.
Photo “Charles Koch” by Gavin Peters CC3.0.




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2 Thoughts to “Commentary: Open Borders Oligarch Charles Koch Re-Emerges to Oppose Trump and ‘America First’”

  1. boudreaux

    Open borders & amnesty to illegals already in this country is a terrible affront to everyone that came to America LEGALLY. Instead of amnesty offer a one time opportunity to achieve legal status by complying with the legal requirements over a set period of time without fear of deportation during that time frame.
    Selective law enforcement such as giving amnesty to illegals is a dangerous precedent and should be avoided.
    Biden is right when he stated we are looking at a dark winter ahead but it isn’t regarding the CV19 virus. It’s more about the incoming administration’s convoluted ideas/policies.

  2. Roger

    If Biden has his way the border will be opened and this country will be flooded with drugs, drug dealers, MS-13 and every other criminal gang originating in Central and South America, but people like Biden, Harris and our ruling elate aren’t worried. For the rest of their lives they will be given protection behind gated communities and secure locations if need be ,while the rest of us are thrown to the wolves to fend for ourselves after they disarm us.
