How To Attend a #SpiritOfAmerica Rally Today

by George Rasley, CHQ Editor

Today, Saturday March 4, some 60 “Spirit of America” rallies will be held in cities and towns across the country.

We strongly urge CHQ readers to attend a rally in their area, you can locate them through the Main Street Patriots website, and if there isn’t one in your area, you can still show your support by organizing an impromptu street corner flag and sign waving demonstration, much as many people did to show support for President Trump during the campaign.

Our friend, Debbie Dooley of Main Street Patriots, one of the prime movers behind the rally idea said, “The rallies will be positive, patriotic, uplifting, and open to anyone that supports an America First agenda.”

“These rallies are inclusive, non-partisan, and open to anyone supporting President Trump in his efforts to bring back manufacturing jobs to America, put the security of our nation ahead of political correctness, improve our infrastructure, revitalize the inner cities and secure our nation’s borders,” Dooley, a national co-founder of the Tea Party movement and a key organizer of the Spirit of America rallies told Breitbart News.

Dooley told Breitbart News that since the anti-Trump women’s march in D.C. after the president’s inauguration, she has received so many calls from Trump supporters–including many, many women Trump supporters–urging her to organize a show of force among the silent majority nationwide in response–that she had to turn off her cell phone so she could get work done. The Spirit of America rallies are not Tea Party rallies, she adds, and she hopes that Democrat groups backing Trump–there were many of them nationwide, forming a collective called the “Trumpocrats”–will get involved and step up to help the president, too. She also notes that the selection of Feb. 27 as the kickoff date of these pro-Trump rallies is significant, since that was the first day of the Tea Party movement back in 2009.

While the rallies aren’t “Tea Party” events per se, and are intended to demonstrate support for President Trump’s America First agenda each has taken on its own local character.

In Nashville, Tennessee for example, our friends at the report that The Spirit of America Rally will be held at the Legislative Plaza in Nashville on Saturday March 4, beginning at 11 a.m. and continuing to 1 p.m. The rally is sponsored by America First Tennessee, in partnership with liberty-minded grassroots groups across Tennessee, the organized said in a statement first released exclusively to The Tennessee Star.

“People I talk with want President Trump to know that we stand with him; and that we, too, see that the Judiciary is coming off the rails. Furthermore, we are ready to do something about it,” rally organizer Mark Skoda said according to reporting by Tennessee Star Staff.

In Atlanta, there will be a “gathering” in front of CNN Center. Organizers said on their event page, “We will be meeting in front of CNN Center with signs to show support for President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. We will be walking on the sidewalk with our signs. This is not a rally, but a gathering. Bring your signs and wear your pro Trump clothing. Let’s send CNN a message!!”

WND CEO Joseph Farah will be the keynote speaker for the Washington, D.C., version of the Spirit of America rallies.

The event will begin at 12 p.m. at Lafayette Square, 1608 H St NW in Washington, D.C., and it offers a fantastic opportunity to meet some of the most committed activists behind the movement helping elect President Trump, as well as a chance to hear speeches from key leaders who helped plant the intellectual seeds to “Make America Great Again.”

Also scheduled to speak is our friend Phil Haney, a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security and author of the revealing memoir, “See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad.”

The idea behind the multiple rallies, said Dooley to our friends at The American Spectator, is to give a voice to those who may not be able to afford to travel to bigger rallies.

“We want to give a voice to everyday people,” Dooley said. “Instead of them having to travel to a big rally, we wanted to bring the rally to them.”

Dooley told the Spectator that the majority of the events’ organizers are women and one third of the attendees have never attended a political rally.

Not all of the events have gone off without a hitch, though. In Olympia, WA, when local officials could not ensure that anti-Trump protesters would not try to disrupt the event, the local organizers had planned to postpone Saturday’s rally.

However, attendees were having none of it and the rally is scheduled to go on as planned.

We strongly urge CHQ readers to participate in any way they can in one of tomorrow’s Spirit of America rallies. Go to the Main Street Patriots website to see if there’s a rally scheduled near you and attend; if there’s no rally within driving distance of your home then we urge you to grab your flags and some poster board and stakeout a busy street corner or overpass and make your own personal demonstration of your Spirit of America.

Reprinted with permission from


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