Letter to the Editor: Repeal Obamacare Now

Tennessee Star - Obamacare

Dear Tennessee Star,

Obamacare continues to be a total disaster for families. Remember the famous saying, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” With President Trump in office and Republican control of Congress – it’s important that Congress moves to quickly repeal Obamacare.

Our healthcare system is on the edge. Republicans must put forth a solid and complete replacement plan that goes along simultaneously with any repeal. Congress should work on patient-centered reforms that bring power back to the states and allows for a free market system. It’s also important that Congress ensure the repeal of the health insurance tax – which is a tax on healthcare premiums.

The National Federation of Independent Business Research Foundation found the health insurance tax will cost between 152,000 and 286,000 jobs by 2023, with 57 percent of those lost jobs represented in small businesses. A study by Oliver Wyman estimates that the health insurance tax results in an extra cost to small businesses of an average of $280 per employee per year and to individuals who purchase insurance coverage on their own of $220 per year.

Thankfully, there is a bi-partisan bill by Representatives Kristi Noem and Kyrsten Sinema – H.R. 246. I’d like to thank Tennessee Congressmen Black, Blackburn, DesJarlais and Roe for co-sponsoring this legislation and encourage Congress to repeal the health insurance tax immediately along with a total repeal and replacement of Obamacare.


Edd P.
Franklin, TN

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2 Thoughts to “Letter to the Editor: Repeal Obamacare Now”

  1. This is an excellent piece that speaks to Managed Care


  2. Richard Lowry

    It is not possible to reform health care without repealing 1973 HMO Act enabling market distortions by allowing Managed Care Organizations. MCOs are parasites on the medical system and by design get in the way of the doctor / patient relationship. No other industry is allowed to collude with the blessing of government as health care with MCOs. MCOs bring NO value to health care, they only take.

    As long as MCOs exist, you cannot possible begin a market approach, and a true market would do all everyone seeks to have in a health care plan.
