Letter to the Editor: Today’s Shenanigans at House Transportation Subcommittee Deflate Tennessee Taxpayers

Tennessee Star


Dear Tennessee Star,

Conference room 16 was packed with an overflow standing room only crowd of “Ax the Tax” folks, and they listened respectfully to every word. The Gas Can Man was there bigger than life and getting all kinds of photo ops. Yet, in the end, the Tennessee taxpayer crowd left feeling defeated and deflated like those Tom Brady footballs.

I read Rep. Andy Holt’s remarks about the hearing on Facebook. He describes the shenanigans at the Sub House Transportation Committee.

Rep. Holt also gives you insight to our own “FAKE MEDIA” which is alive and well in Tennessee….except for one….the conservative Tennessee Star. Go to their web site and check out the latest fact gathering information on this Republican fiasco.

To Chairman Terri Lynn Weaver’s credit, she defended and upheld what the taxpayers wanted which was the common sense Hawk Plan. When she voiced that opinion the crowd clapped loudly. But, the votes were not to be.
Those who opposed the Haslam Improve Act were: Lt. Col. Courtney Rogers, Chairman Terri Lynn Weaver, Rep. Jerry Sexton, and Rep. John Mark Windle. Those voting in favor of the Haslam Improve Act (the Gas Tax Increase) were: Rep. David Alexander, Rep. Barry Doss, Rep. Sam Whitson, Rep. Barbara Cooper and Curtis Johnson who voted on behalf of Speaker Harwell to break the tie.

I am so disappointed in those Republican legislators that run a conservative fiscal no tax campaign and then when they get to Capitol Hill, they forget their promises made to the citizens of Tennessee. It is clear to me that those who voted for Haslam’s gas tax care more about themselves and for whatever they get out of it than they care about voting in the best interest of Tennessee taxpayers.

Shucks folks, we have TWO BILLION DOLLARS in SURPLUS MONEY!!!! And, these politicians apparently don’t think that is enough! Soon, when you hear the question, ” What’s in your wallet?” The answer will be ” …not much.”

What does the Bible say? ” For the love of money is the root of all evil.” I Tim. 6:10
God must have been on to something!

Stay tuned for more shenanigans next week when the Full House Transportation is set to deal with the Haslam Improve Plan. I just can’t wait to see what happens next I feel that wallet getting thinner…don’t you?


Sherry O.
Lebanon, TN

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