Letter to the Editor: Results Are All That Matter


Dear Tennessee Star,

Once when I was a health care worker in a small, rural hospital in the desert Southwest, we respiratory therapists and nurses were in the cafeteria, discussing at lunch the relative merits of various doctors with whom we worked, in ER and on the clinical floors. Who was better?

It was unanimous that a guy who was a jovial, folksy dude with a decent bedside manner was our LAST choice — because he was incompetent.

But none of us would object to ourselves or our loved ones being treated by a stiff, formal, old-school, unlikable, European immigrant whose businesslike, matter-of-fact manner could scare old people and children without half trying.

Why? Why would we prefer an old, cold, suit to a young, cordial dude?


The stiff old European was VERY seldom wrong on his first impression about a patient’s condition. He had a jaw-dropping volume of useful, clinical information available in his head. He was serious as hell about doing his absolute best for every single human being he treated.

If he saw we were serious too, he treated us with respect, and taught us useful little tidbits about patient assessment, medicinal effects and anatomy and physiology that we carried with us the rest of our careers.

RESULTS are what matter. Not congeniality; not likability; not eloquence; not affability. Anybody can be a nice guy for a while, but only good people produce good results, again and again.

Trump produces good results.

If you hate him, that doesn’t matter to you, but your opinion doesn’t matter to those of use who value results over marketability.

You stick with your saints or your rock stars.

We’ll stick with the leader who does things right for the right reasons and gets the right RESULTS.

Because, in the end, RESULTS are all that matter.




Tom Cox
Charlotte, TN

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2 Thoughts to “Letter to the Editor: Results Are All That Matter”

  1. Brenda

    The time for talk is over, action is what matters. Let’s follow action takers not people who talk about action. Trump 2024

  2. Dark Brandon

    “Trump produces good results.”

    Joe produces great economic results. Lowest inflation of the G7, highest GDP gains.
