Senator Bob Corker Just Won’t Shut Up, Says Good Relationship with President is ‘Irrelevant,’ Vows to Continue ‘Railing’ Against Trump

Retiring Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) seems to be taking a P.T. Barnum approach to his legacy, as the famous promoter is attributed to responding to a negative story by saying, “I don’t care what the newspapers say about me as long as they spell my name right.”

Since the surprise election of President Donald Trump in November 2016, the junior Senator has arguably had more air time than his previous decade in office, combined – and nearly all of it is dedicated to criticizing Trump, his policies, and his agenda. It would be easy to imagine Mr. Corker’s social calendar is as packed as it has ever been. He is the new face for the NeverTrump Republican Establishment and their Democrat allies.

Mr. Corker’s latest appearance on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ is a classic, by-the-numbers hit, as reported by Politico:

Retiring Sen. Bob Corker said Thursday that it’s “ridiculous” to believe he has become increasingly outspoken against President Donald Trump because he was passed over as secretary of state.

Corker, who interviewed for the position, said Rex Tillerson “was an inspired choice” to lead the State Department.

And then, switching to the 3rd-person, added:

“I don’t think Rex Tillerson has a closer friend on Capitol Hill, closer supporter, someone who wants to see diplomatic activity succeed, than Bob Corker. He knows that. The White House knows that. I mean, President Trump has — anyway, it’s a ridiculous assertion.”

As the fourteen-minute interview progressed, the Senator became more emboldened, responding to the assertion that a good relationship with President Trump is critical in his Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairmanship with:

“Actually, it’s not. … It is not important.”


“To be honest, my relationship with the president is not relevant. I’m dealing with the principals who conduct foreign policy, and I hope that more and more he’ll leave these issues to them. But Mnuchin, Gary Cohn from time to time, the way we feel about each other, which is obviously not particularly positive, is irrelevant to me carrying out the responsibilities that I have here. Totally irrelevant.”

Clearly enjoying himself in the friendly MSNBC venue, Senator Corker buttoned his appearance with this promise:

“Typically, presidents try to be aspirational in what they do. They try to bring out the best in our country. But that, to me, is not happening. And I’m gonna continue to rail against that in an appropriate way.”

Watch the entire interview here:


Only fourteen more months to go!


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3 Thoughts to “Senator Bob Corker Just Won’t Shut Up, Says Good Relationship with President is ‘Irrelevant,’ Vows to Continue ‘Railing’ Against Trump”

  1. Wolf Woman

    Porker shows his true nature and it’s not a pretty sight. He’s vengeful, arrogant, petty, greedy and crooked. I will celebrate when he’s gone.

  2. Jim Forsythe

    What a jerk! I hate to think that I once voted for Corker, thinking he was a Republican.

  3. 83ragtop50

    Senator Corker appears to be making one last desperate show like a meteorite flaming out as he plunges toward the end of his senate career. Too bad this show has over another year to go.
