Catholic League Urges Hundreds of Hispanic Leaders to Promote Boycott of Los Angeles Dodgers ‘Pride’ Game Honoring Anti-Catholic ‘Nuns’

The Catholic League plans to reach out to 236 of “the most prominent Hispanic leaders in the Los Angeles area” to urge them to promote the campaign to boycott the Dodgers’ “pride night” game during which the club will honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group of drag queen “nuns” that promotes anti-Catholic bigotry.

“Our appeal is being made to the Catholic Association of Latino Leaders, the LA Latino Chamber of Commerce, the National Hispanic Media Coalition and the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals Los Angeles,” said Catholic League President Bill Donohue in his column Thursday. “All 236 leaders will receive a letter that details our request, and a copy of the report that I wrote about the history of anti-Catholic acts committed by the “Sisters.”

“This brings to over 700 Catholic leaders we have contacted in Los Angeles asking them to tell their constituents not to attend the June 16 game,” Donohue reported.

Donohue observed on Wednesday that the radio campaign appeared to be “working,” as judged by a story published in the Los Angeles Times with the headline, “Catholic League Launches Radio Ad Campaign Urging Boycott of Dodgers’ Pride Night.”

“While the story is not critical of the ‘Sisters,’ it accurately conveys our stand,” the Catholic leader noted. “Now we have been contacted by other media outlets asking permission to disseminate the ad. We are encouraged by this robust response.”

On Tuesday, the Catholic League began its radio campaign that urges listeners in the Los Angeles area not to attend the Dodgers’ June 16 “pride night” game.

In May, the Dodgers’ organization disinvited the “sisters” when the announcement they would be honored at their game night LGBTQ event met with a backlash from Christians nationwide.

The club ultimately caved to pressure from LGBTQ activists, however, apologizing to and reinviting the incendiary group, which self-describes as “queer and trans nuns” and puts on exhibitions that ridicule the Catholic faith and religious women, and desecrate Jesus Christ with sexual imagery.

Below is the text of the Catholic League’s radio ad which is read by a woman selected by KABC, as Donohue noted:

The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, the nation’s largest Catholic civil rights organization, is asking Catholics not to attend the game at the Ravine on June 16. That is when an anti-Catholic group, the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,” will be given an award.

We are not asking Catholics to boycott all games. Just this one. By doing so, we will send an unmistakable message that bigotry against Catholics should not be tolerated.

If attendance dips on June 16, the entire league will take note. Please boycott this game.

In Donohue’s report of the decades-long history of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, he includes the following displays and comments:

  • 1989: At the “Condom Savior Mass,” the Sisters read from a text of the “Condom Savior Consecration.” It said, “The Latex Host is the flesh for the life of the world. Just as the Creator who has life sent us, we have life because of the Condom Savior. Those who feed on this latex will have life because of it. This is the bread that comes down from Heaven, and, unlike those who eat not and therefore die, those who feed on this bread shall live forever!”
  • 1990: A staff writer for the Miami Herald said the Sisters were noted for “carrying a 20-foot replica of a penis” at its street events.
  • 1993: The Sisters are seen as so offensive that they incur the wrath of Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, the authors of a landmark book on gays, After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s. They say of the Sisters, “‘Fringe’ gay groups ought to have the tact to withdraw voluntarily from public appearance at gay parades, marches, and rallies, but they don’t care whether they fatally compromise the rest of us.”
  • 2011: In a Daily Beast column, gay writer Andrew Sullivan called the Sisters’ “Hunky Jesus” event a form of “blasphemy.” He was so angry at them that he said, “This makes me feel like Bill Donohue.”
  • 2023: A Sister won the “Free Choice Mary” pro-abortion award. The man, dressed with a nun’s veil, wearing a bra and panties, was featured holding a baby doll with a sign, “I Had A Choice.”

California Democrats made a point to honor the blasphemous “sisters” this week.

On Monday, Michael Williams, a member of the group who calls himself “Sister Roma,” attended the LGBTQ recognition ceremony hosted by the California State Senate.

“The only difference between these California Democrats and the Ku Klux Klan is that the latter promotes violence,” wrote Donohue in response. “But non-violent bigotry is not only intolerable, it abets its violent manifestations.”

The Star News Network reached out for comment about the campaign to the Catholic Association of Latino Leaders and is awaiting a response.

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Susan Berry, PhD is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]
Photo “Los Angeles Dodgers Team” by Los Angeles Dodgers.




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2 Thoughts to “Catholic League Urges Hundreds of Hispanic Leaders to Promote Boycott of Los Angeles Dodgers ‘Pride’ Game Honoring Anti-Catholic ‘Nuns’”

  1. Concerned

    Pandering for votes, have you no boundaries Scott Wiener? I truly hope you receive the same backlash from your constituency as did Bud Light when they affronted the values of their base. I truly couldn’t care less about who one chooses to love, that is their business. But I take exception when they try force their beliefs on others as if that validates their choice. I support the baseball game boycott and again, to the constituents in Wiener’s district, vote for his opponent.

  2. Randall Davidson

    Sen. Scott Weiner should be removed today
