Cincinnati Church Celebrates Pride Month with Drag Queen Story Hour During Sunday Worship


A Cincinnati church celebrated LGBT Pride month by hosting one of their own, caretaker Dan Davidson, dressed in drag. Davidson, called Sparkle Leigh in costume, greeted church attendees and read to the children during the service.

His story of choice? Pride: the Story of Harvey Milk and the Rainbow Flag.

Milk was the first openly homosexual politician elected in California and has often been referred to as a pedophile.

The pastor of Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church, Reverend Stacey Midge, couldn’t offer comment to The Ohio Star without permission of her church board, but she was willing to share that the church has received both positive and negative feedback.

Midge was able to speak more freely on the church Facebook page about their choice to host the performer.

“We are particularly outspoken about our welcome to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities/expressions because 1) we do not believe variations in sexual orientation or gender identity/expression to be sinful, and 2) people of non-heterosexual orientation or whose gender identity or expression does not fit into a rigid binary are historically and currently marginalized, especially by the Church.”

“The idea of reading a child’s book about Harvey Milk is the first of many deceptions associated with this church’s actions. He was a homosexual man who openly had sex with under age boys and he is openly celebrated in public schools in California today,” said Linda Harvey, president of Mission America. “This is not about diversity; it’s defiance and rebellion.”

Religion in general does not have a consistent view towards the LGBT movement. The Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) embraced homosexual marriage in 2014, once a majority of the presbyteries approved the measure. In 2018, according to the Human Rights Campaign, PCUSA “voted to affirm its commitment to the full welcome, acceptance and inclusion of transgender people, people who identify as gender non-binary, and people of all gender identities…”

Pastor Scott Tiede of Delaware Bible Church had a recent experience with the growing drag phenomena after a “Drag 101″ class was scheduled at his local library.

“I attended the Delaware County Library Board meeting in May,” the pastor said. “I spoke against [the class]. After the meeting, I had the chance to have a very pleasant conversation with drag queen Selena T. West.”

“We exchanged pleasantries regarding how great it is that we can exchange our ideas without fear of violence in America,” Pastor Tiede continued. “He then asked me point blank why I would oppose the ‘Drag 101’ class. I shared with him that God has shared with us in the Bible that He has designed men and women, and he does not want us to participate in ‘gender bending‘ activities. I don’t think many non-Christians are aware of this prohibition in God’s Word. In fact, I think many Christians could use some teaching on this matter as well.”

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Beth Lear is a reporter at The Ohio Star.  Follow Beth on Twitter.  Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church” by Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church.   






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4 Thoughts to “Cincinnati Church Celebrates Pride Month with Drag Queen Story Hour During Sunday Worship”

  1. John Bumpus

    In the last paragraph of the news article, the Pastor (i.e., Scott Tiede) references scriptural teaching on the LGBT issue, but does not cite this scripture. For the readers, let me provide information on this point.

    Homosexuality is a sick lifestyle that is evil and which God will judge. Leviticus 18:22 (Old Testament); Romans 1:26-32 and I Timothy 1:8-11 (New Testament).

    Many today say, however, that God has evolved on this issue. But because God knows all things perfectly. Job 36:4. And because God knows the end before the beginning. Psalms 139:4 and Isaiah 46:10. God does not change because God’s nature does not change. Malachi 3:6 (Old Testament) and Hebrews 13:8 (New Testament).

    I have cited scripture. If you disagree, your quarrel is not with me. 2 Timothy 3:16.

    Those who believe in and reverence God will do one thing, and those who reject God will do another. Titus 1:15 and 16.

    The foregoing is as plain and simple as I can make it.

    1. My pastor says just because you’re sitting in a church doesn’t mean the devil isn’t sitting next to you.
      The stronger his bond was with your life before the more he wants you back.
      Sore loser and he loves coming after our children.

      1. warren

        Sounds psychotic.

        1. Ken

          Yes …What happened to love thy neighbor. Thou shall not JUDGE .
          Such high morals. There are kids who need acceptance yet the CHUCH preaches the opposite .God will be the Judge not anyone else .
