Sen. Tim Scott Demolishes Secretary Janet Yellen’s Claim Unborn Babies Must Be Aborted to Benefit Economy

Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) shut down Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s claim that women must be able to abort their unborn children in order to contribute to the economy as workers.

During a Senate Banking Committee meeting Tuesday, Yellen said a decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade would damage the economy:

In many cases abortions are of teenage women, particularly low income and often black, who aren’t in a position to be able to care for children, have unexpected pregnancies, and it deprives them of the ability, often, to continue their education to later participate in the workforce. So, there is a spillover into labor force participation … and it means the children will grow up in poverty and do worse themselves.

Scott, however, delivered a striking comeback in which he highlighted his own personal story.

“I’ll just simply say that as a guy raised by a black woman in abject poverty, I am thankful to be here as a United States senator,” he replied, and then added:

My circumstance is like so many others. Millions and millions of kids being raised in poverty by single-parent households who happen to be black. Telling black teenage moms that there is only one alternative for them is a depressing and challenging message.

Many pro-life Americans responded to Scott’s inspiring response, including Spencer Brown, managing editor at Townhall, who tweeted the senator’s powerful rebuke of Yellen “cut to the heart of Democrats’ support for abortion and exposed the disgusting reality of how they view their fellow Americans’ worth and ability.”

WMAL radio host Larry O’Connor also tweeted, “Nothing better than a multi-millionaire old white woman lecturing a black man about how his mother was a loser because she let him be born.”

Neither did national pro-life leaders hesitate to point out the coldness of Yellen’s words.

“MURDER ALL THE POOR KIDS,” tweeted Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins. “Do I have that right, @SecYellen?”

Hawkins continued with, “Margaret Sanger 2.0,” a reference to the founder of Planned Parenthood who, as Dr. Ben Carson told Fox NewsSunday Morning Futures, was “a eugenicist” who “wanted to limit the numbers of black people and Hispanic people.”

“That’s why the clinics are predominantly found in minority communities,” Carson said.

The Susan B. Anthony List also tweeted the video exchange between Yellen and Scott, inviting followers to listen to how “Yellen callously claimed children must be killed in abortions so their moms can get back to work – to benefit the U.S. economy.”

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Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].

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4 Thoughts to “Sen. Tim Scott Demolishes Secretary Janet Yellen’s Claim Unborn Babies Must Be Aborted to Benefit Economy”

  1. Adopted

    Yellen’s comment is disgusting. Cold, heartless comment.

  2. Deke

    The idiocy & ruthlessness of the Democrat party is truly astounding. Yellen’s recent comments regarding abortion is proof positive that the current administration is cold & heartless.

  3. Tim Price

    What the Hell is wrong with Yellen? Does she serve Satan as well?

  4. 83ragtop50

    She is even dumber than I thought she was. How did she ever rise to this level of authority? I know how Kacklin’ Kamala managed to advance but Yellen?
