Metro Nashville Council Orders Observance ‘Trans Day of Remembrance’

After a new resolution passed unanimously among those present, the Metro Council is asking Nashvillians to observe the “Transgender Day of Remembrance” on November 20.

Olivia Hill, Nashville’s first transgender council member and the state’s first transgender elected official, introduced the resolution that passed this week, according to a News Channel 5 report.

“Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance on November 20 that honors the memory of the transgender people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence,” according to the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD).

“Transgender Day of Remembrance seeks to highlight the losses we face due to anti-transgender bigotry and violence,” said Gwendolyn Ann Smith, the founder of the day of observance. “I am no stranger to the need to fight for our rights, and the right to simply exist is first and foremost. With so many seeking to erase transgender people — sometimes in the most brutal ways possible — it is vitally important that those we lose are remembered, and that we continue to fight for justice.”

Hill told News Channel 5 that she has recently been the target of anti-transgender bigotry.

“I’m not distant from the hate that’s been received,” Hill reportedly said. “Two weeks ago, I was named woman of the year by Davidson County Democratic Women. On my Twitter account, I have received 380,000 hateful comments. I ask you all to stand with me to show the entire trans community that we may not always agree on everything, but any loss of life in that way is bad loss of life. I ask you all to stand with me.”

The Tennessee Star attempted to locate the tweet Hill referred to on X, formerly Twitter, but was unable to locate the post on either of the council member’s accounts. The Star checked Hill’s Instagram and two Facebook accounts, but could find no posts that fit Hill’s description – to the contrary, the newly-elected councilwoman seems to enjoy broad support from social media commenters.

Hill celebrated the milestone of becoming the state’s first transgender elected official upon winning the council seat in September.

“It feels like every horrible thing that people have said about trans folks has just washed away,” Hill said. “This is a great step in the right direction to hopefully educate some people about how valid trans folks are and that we’re here and that we’re not going away.”

According to the Human Rights Campaign, 41 transgender people were murdered in America last year. The organization does not say whether those people were murdered because of their sexuality.

A 2017 study cataloged in the National Library of Medicine concluded that the rate of homicide among transgender people is about half that of straight people.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter.




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14 Thoughts to “Metro Nashville Council Orders Observance ‘Trans Day of Remembrance’”

  1. Rocky

    How about a National Day of Silence/Remembrance for the victims of Trans violence and Bullying.
    Good luck with that Nashville.

  2. Steve Allen

    If I lived near Nashville I would burn a gay flag at noon on that day.
    Nashville is like a cancer growing on the state of Tennessee.

  3. Randall Davidson

    Bozo would be much better on our council than these wannabe politicos. We deserve better leaders.

  4. Joe Blow

    Can Nashville’s “leaders” get any sicker in their thoughts.

  5. David C. Hooven

    The Metro Council has lost any remanence of morality. A day of reckoning is coming and not by the hand of man. Each member of the council will be held accountable!


    Does anyone have a number of just many actual transphonies live in Davidson County? How many trasphonies have been murdered in Davidson County? AUDREY HALE was not murdered. Her death represents nothing but A Raging Criminal, who had to be eliminated bc she was mudering innocent people. So if that’s who our Metro Council is memorializing, than Nashville has sunk to its lowest low in history. As a citizen who was born & bred in a safe, Christian, happy community in Nashville has had to watch the systematic destruction of all Nashville Traditions, Values & Institutions by Progressive Bullies who don’t give a damn whether our children are killed.
    I hate to keep reminding people. This is what you get, when your elected Local Legislative Representatives are Lame Ducks when they take office. This is what you get with Mandatory Term Limits on the Legislative Branch. A bunch of self serving idiots & Cowards. who like the appearance of Power, but really aren’t there to improve a damn thing.
    I’d like to see my Metro Council Member introduce a Resolution demanding the MNPD release the Manifesto & other evidence of Audrey Hale, a 28 year old woman who was deceived by someone who told her she could change her sex to a man. We the responsible sane citizens of Davidson County have a right to know why this young woman became such a monster. We want to know how to protect our children & loved ones from this sickness. Our kids are being brainwashed on Social Media that it’s so cool to change their sex. Instagram & TicTok target young children in particular. It’s a form of Eugenics. It’s sterilizes our young people. Truth is when these vulnerable children grow up & realize they were lied to & they can’t change back to the happy, healthy person they were at one time. They become suicidal & homicidal.
    NEWSFLASH it’s impossible to change your sex anymore than you can change your skin color or age.
    We have a bunch of Cowards in our Council who are too scared to be honest to this male Council member, who wants to force people to recognize him as a woman. Which restroom does this freak use in the Courthouse. Or are we taxpayers forced to pay for a “special” restroom for him. It’s sick. These trans sickos have a mental disorder. So now you are celebrating a mental illness as a “good” thing. Thanks for lying to sick people who need help. Serious Help. Three children & three adult Nashvillians would be alive today if Audrey Hale had been told the truth about her illness & gotten the help she desperately needed.
    SOMEONE PLEASE TELL MR HILL the majority of Nashvillians aren’t going to be bullied into celebrating his sickness. SHAME ON COUNCIL MEMBERS WHO DISAPPEARED WHEN THEY SHOULD HAVE VOTED NO.
    This could have been voted down in Committee & never become a media CLOWN SHOW.

  7. Heloise

    How about a day of remembrance for the adults and children at the Covenant School killed by transgender Audrey Hale?

  8. Dan Meredith, Heartland Liberty TV Host

    “unanimously among those present” means that anyone with any conservative leaning at all goes to the bathroom, rather than having the guts to vote “NO!”

  9. To Whom It May Concern:
    Pound sand.

  10. james bellar

    to look at that picture one would think this was a meeting of a legislative body of a country with a population of millions. to many mem,bers with crazy agenda.

    how does this do any good for the people of nashville who probably oppose it. a minority causing problems.

  11. Tom Richardson

    What a disaster this council is turning out to be….

  12. mikey whipwreck

    nashville is a total clown show

  13. Nashville Deplorable

    So brave.

  14. levelheadedconserrvative

    What a crock of shit! That the council would ratify something like this is insane.
    Now that they have, it should have been set to March 23rd. We should all remember the loss of the transgender, Audrey Hale, and why we lost her. This bigoted and hate filled person went on a shooting rampage at a Nashville elementary school, MURDERING 3 children and 3 adults. She was killed by a brave MNPD police officer who put his life on the line to stop Audrey from killing any more children or adults.
    Remember THAT you incompetent F*#%$
