Virginia Students Walk Out over Continuing Policy of Allowing Biological Males in Girl’s Bathrooms

High school students in a northern Virginia County on Wednesday protested a school policy that allows biological males in girl’s locker rooms and restrooms.

The protest occurred in Loudoun County, which in recent years has become a focal point over school policies regarding transgender students and the transparency of those policies.

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Arizona Chapter of Council on American-Islamic Relations Pushes Form Letters Aimed at Silencing Support for Israel

The Arizona branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has prepared form letters to help Arab- and Muslim-Americans shut down expressions of support for Israel from their colleagues at workplaces and schools.

“Your team, here at CAIR-AZ, has prepared templatized documents to advocate for you and your loved ones at work and school. Your voice is powerful. Use these letters to keep that power in your hands. Please reach out to CAIR-AZ if you feel you have been discriminated against,” said Azza Abuseif, executive director of the Mesa-based chapter.

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Commentary: Tribalism and Democracy

Pro-Palestine protest

This latest war between Israelis and Palestinians, growing worse by the day, has its origins in the horrific slaughter of civilians by Hamas terrorists on October 7. It’s accurate to condemn this atrocity and blame Hamas for starting the war. It’s also completely reasonable to make a value judgement. Islamofascism is the greater evil and must not prevail. It terrifies not only Israelis but also countless millions of Arabs throughout the Middle East and beyond.

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George Soros’ Foundations Doled Out Millions to Groups Behind Anti-Israel Protests, Rhetoric

Before the Israel-Hamas war began, a nonprofit called Adalah—The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel routinely released reports and filed petitions in the Israeli Supreme Court accusing the government of serious misconduct.

One report alleged Benjamin Netanyahu’s administration was “instituting racial segregation” and engaging in “Judaization” through its housing policy. Another claimed that Israeli police forced had “total impunity” to kill Palestinians. A third unsuccessfully argued that Israel should lift its travel ban on a Palestinian sheikh previously arrested in 2003 over allegations of raising millions for Hamas. He entered a plea agreement which banned foreign travel and requires monthly check-ins. Most recently, he spent 16 months in prison after being convicted of “inciting to terror.”

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Phoenix Radicals Plan Anti-Israel All Out for Palestine Rally at World Series

Game 5 of the World Series will include a radical presence, at least outside Chase Field.

Far Left protesters plan to hold an All Out for Palestine at the World Series rally beginning at 7 p.m. Wednesday in downtown Phoenix — as the baseball game begins —  in what could be the elimination contest for the Arizona Diamondbacks against the Texas Rangers.

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Pro-Hamas Socialists Plan Saturday Rally in Washington, D.C.

A coalition of far-Left groups are organizing a number of protests in major U.S. cities across the country in solidarity with a national march on Washington, D.C. on Saturday to demand a “ceasefire” in Gaza. The move comes after four weeks of marches, protests, and demonstrations in support of vicious surprise attack on Israeli civilians by Hamas militants on October 8th.

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Phoenix Socialists Amass to Demand Gaza ‘Ceasefire’ in Anti-Israel Marches This Weekend

Far-Left activists across Arizona are organizing a “Free Palestine” protest in Phoenix on Saturday to demand Israel agree to a ceasefire in its war against Hamas. The coordinated effort is a part of a nationwide show of force in major U.S. cities, the largest of which is expected to be in Washington, D.C.

“Lift the siege on Gaza Now!” the social media posts by organizers proclaim, as they invite supporters to “Find a bus to join” the protest on November 4th.

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Petition Organizers Say Sheraton Mesa Has Canceled Council on American-Islamic Relations Banquet Featuring Anti-Israel Congresswoman

Apparently bowing to public pressure, the Sheraton Mesa in Wrigleyville West has canceled the controversial Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) banquet featuring U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-12).

“Thank you everyone! I am sure there were multiple groups working at this, but I believe we all contributed to this success,” celebrated the organizer of the petition calling on the hotel to cancel the event, scheduled for Nov.18.

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Minnesota Democratic Senator Headlines Event Alongside Linda Sarsour

A Minnesota state senator recently headlined the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) annual banquet alongside Lindsa Sarsour, a controversial political activist with a history of making comments that many view as anti-Semitic.

State Sen. Zaynab Mohamed, DFL-Minneapolis, posted a picture to X, formerly Twitter, of her posing with Sarsour at the Virginia-based event. The Oct. 21 banquet was originally scheduled to take place at the Marriott Crystal Gateway in Arlington, Va., but was moved to a different location because of “significant risks to the safety of event attendees,” the Washington Free Beacon reported.

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Petition Drive Urging Mesa Sheraton to Cancel Council on American Islamic Relations Banquet with Anti-Israel Rep. Rashida Tlaib

A petition drive urging the Mesa Sheraton at Wrigleyville West to cancel a Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) banquet featuring Israel-hating Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has garnered more than 6,000 signatures, smashing previous goals.

But it appears the controversial event, slated for Nov. 18, is still on despite pleading from Jewish advocates.

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Commentary: Archaeology’s Absurd Woke Trend to Obtain Consent from Someone Who’s Dead to Study Their Bones

There’s an eerie new theory filling academia’s ivied walls – the living and the dead are the same. This latest argument against the use of human skeletal remains in research and teaching, which I’ve come across in person (from students who attended my talk at Brown University, an elite Ivy League college), proposes that the only ethical treatment of skeletal collections is to treat the dead like the living. I’ve seen this same argument, which is applied to prehistoric and historic anthropological collections used to reconstruct past peoples’ lives, in conference programs and on museum websites.

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Congress’ Approval Rating Plummets to Near All-Time Low

Congress’ approval rating has dropped to 13% — just 4 points higher than the all-time low in November 2013, according to a Friday poll.

After a tumultuous three weeks without a speaker of the House, a contentious spending fight that nearly resulted in a government shutdown and another ally involved in a war abroad, Americans’ approval of Congress has plummeted by 4 points to the lowest it’s been since October and November 2017, according to a Gallup poll. Republicans and Democrats gave Congress 8% and 10% approval ratings, respectively, with the latter figure dropping by 12 points since September and the former remaining the same.

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Alan Dershowitz Commentary: A Short History of How the National Lawyers Guild Came to Support Hamas

It began as a liberal organization that was taken over by the communists and supported the Hitler-Stalin Pact.

Within a day of the massacre of Israeli babies, women, the elderly and others, the National Lawyers Guild issued a statement in support of the mass murderers. The Guild is a group of hard-left lawyers, students, and legal employees. It has branches in law schools throughout the country and has many members, especially among law students.

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Americans’ Distrust of Corporate Media Climbs to Record High: Poll

Distrust in corporate media among Americans has soared to a record high, according to polling published by Gallup.

The amount of Americans who trust legacy media “a great deal” or “a fair amount” to cover the news “fully, accurately and fairly” plunged to 32%, tied for the lowest since 2016, according to the poll. The highest ever percentage of Americans — 39%— state they do not trust the media whatsoever, and this figure has consistently risen since 2018.

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Commentary: Working Class Is Fully Aligning Behind the GOP

There was a time when the Democratic Party maintained a moderately believable facade as the voice of the middle class, claiming to represent the interests of blue-collar families and rural America while condemning Wall Street elitists, but that political dichotomy belongs back in the 2010s.

The modern Democratic Party is now inarguably the party of coastal elitism, censorship, and distain for the working class, with Democrats concentrating themselves into a few extremely wealthy regions with economic and political climates that do not represent the rest of country.

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Commentary: Diversity Means Divide and Conquer

By now, everyone should have noticed how ubiquitous the word “diversity” is, often alongside partner terms such as “equity“ and “inclusion,“ making the acronym “DEI.”

Though “diversity” sounds benign and technically only means varied, different or differentiated, its modern usage appears to mean more. How much more may be the difference between something benign and something malignant.

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Elite Universities That Defended Free Speech for Hamas Supporters Have Long Record of Canceling Conservatives

Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) released statements defending students’ pro-Hamas speech after campus protests, but in the past have muzzled conservatives for speech and online statements.

Harvard University President Claudine Gay and UPenn President Elizabeth Magill both said their respective universities support “free expression” in statements made after pro-Palestinian rallies at the colleges following Hamas’ Oct. 7 terror attacks in Israel. In the past, however, conservative speakers and professors at the universities have frequently been shouted down, and some have been canceled for online statements.

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Pro-Israel Rally Held at Legislative Plaza in Nashville

A rally for Jewish and Christian communities to “come together in unity to stand with Israel” took place at Legislative Plaza in Nashville on Friday following two straight weeks of pro-Palestine rallies.

The rally, which featured special guest speakers, including state representatives, state senators, pastors, rabbis, music artists, and community leaders, was held from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

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Arizona Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Kari Lake Calls on Rivals Gallego and Sinema to Condemn Campaign Donor, Council on American-Islamic Relations

GOP U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake is calling on her rivals in the critical race to condemn the anti-Israel Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and their Israel-hating keynote speaker, U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib (R-MI-12).

Tlaib, a Palestinian American member of the House’s radical “Squad” and ardent supporter of the leftist Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel, is scheduled to speak at the Arizona chapter of CAIR’s annual banquet, slated for Nov. 18 in Mesa. 

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Commentary: Teaching Children to Self-Entertain

Teaching children to self-entertain is key to traditional parenting. While I totally understand the desire to occasionally use technology and screens as “babysitters,” shouldn’t parents aim to instill more sustainable and healthier alternatives? In comes teaching children to self-entertain!

Essentially, self-entertainment means kids keeping themselves appropriately occupied while a parent’s attention is elsewhere. As much as this benefits children when they are small, it also plants the seed for healthy, independent adulthood. Children who know how to self-entertain won’t need to depend on television, video games, social media, or other technology to keep busy in their free time. They will already know how to pursue worthier and healthier activities.

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Commentary: Climate Wokesters Find a New Way to Destroy Middle America

With the filing of California’s latest lawsuit against American energy producers, the ill-advised and foreign funded national climate litigation campaign is ramping back up again. But a curious trend is evident: the “big green” agenda isn’t just spreading its tentacles in coastal, heavily Democratic states like California or New Jersey as we’ve come to expect, but it’s creeping into states more traditionally considered to be oil and gas country.

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Petition Drive Urges Mesa Sheraton to Cancel Council on American-Islamic Relations Event Featuring Rep. Rashida Tlaib

A Phoenix resident launched a petition urging the Sheraton Mesa at Wrigleyville to cancel next month’s annual Council on American-Islamic Relations banquet, featuring anti-Israel radical U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-12).

As The Arizona Sun Times first reported, Tlaib is the featured speaker for the Arizona chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations Conference (CAIR)’s signature event, slated for November 18.

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Council on American-Islamic Relations Arizona Chapter Invites ‘Squad’ Member Rep. Rashida Tlaib to Speak at Banquet

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) bills itself as a leading advocate for justice and mutual understanding, with a mission to “enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.”

CAIR is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, say Jewish groups that have watched the council vilify Israel and stand silent on the unholy warriors of Hamas.

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Commentary: The Uncommon Ella Knowles Haskell

Praise for the “common man” is all too common in the world. It’s the “uncommon” man (or woman) for whom we ought to be most grateful.

Who in their right mind tells their children to aspire to nothing more than common or average? Good parenting is nothing less than encouraging children to become better than simply “run of the mill.” Since when is it a virtue to blend in with the mob, indistinguishable from the mediocre? Who itches to see a movie if the reviews suggest it’s just ordinary and unexceptional?

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Anti-Israel Sentiment has Permeated Biden Administration from the Start

Even as President Joe Biden touts his support for Israel, many of his appointees have expressed anti-Israel and anti-Semitic sentiments, even after Hamas terrorists invaded Israel and killed more than 1,400 people, including at least 31 U.S. citizens.

“Biden has appointed the most anti-Semitic, anti-Israel people to important posts we’ve ever seen,” Zionist Organization of America National President Morton Klein told Just the News.

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Commentary: Antisemitism Pervades America’s College Campuses

After the horrific atrocities committed by Hamas in southern Israel on October 7, we witnessed a wave of antisemitism on college campuses by anti-Israel groups praising Hamas’ mass murder of Jews. 

Remember: Hamas invaded Israel, murdered at least 1,400 people, and took at least 212 hostages. Still, student groups at colleges across the country came out in support of the killings. The national chapter of the notoriously pro-terror Students for Justice in Palestine called the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust a “historic win.” Thirty-one Harvard organizations blamed Israel for the Hamas attacks. Students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison chanted “Glory to the Martyrs” while the La Fuerza Student Association at California State University advertised their pro-Palestine protest with a picture of a paraglider – a blatant endorsement of the massacre at the Supernova music festival. 

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Vanderbilt University Medical Center ‘WokeScientist’ Supports Palestinian Liberation ‘By Any Means Necessary’

A microbiologist at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, known as WokeScientist on her Instagram account, took to her social media page to defend Hamas for the terrorist network’s barbaric attack on Israelis.

Dr. Ayesha Khan, a VUMC resident and clinical fellow in microbiology in the Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, insists on her Instagram page that “a ceasefire is not enough.”

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New York A.G. Flouts Court Orders by Pressuring Social Media to Censor ‘Hateful’ Speech, Lawyers Say

Free speech battles over Hamas terrorism against Israeli civilians and the Jewish state’s military response aren’t just roiling college campuses such as New York University, which is investigating its law school’s student body president for using her office to blame Israel.

They could get the Empire State’s attorney general in trouble with a federal judge.

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‘The Chosen’ Season Four to Debut in Theaters This February

“I know it’s hard,” Jesus (played by Jonathan Roumie) says in a voiceover for “The Chosen’s” Season 4 teaser. “Man makes it much harder when he leans on his own understanding.” 

The smash hit’s fourth season premieres in theaters on Feb. 1, 2024, producers announced Monday. The rollout will begin in the U.S. and Canada with a two-week run of episodes 1-3 on Feb. 1, followed by episodes 4-6 beginning Feb. 15, and Episodes 7-8 beginning Feb. 29, according to a news release. 

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Ambassador Callista Gingrich Commentary: Remembering the American Icon Suzanne Somers

This past week, we lost an American icon – Suzanne Somers.

As Ambassador to the Holy See in 2019, I had the honor of traveling with a U.S. delegation, including Suzanne and her husband, Alan Hamel, on a trip to Krakow, Poland, to participate in the March of the Living.  We walked alongside 10,000 participants from Auschwitz to Birkenau to remember the 6 million Jews who died during the Holocaust and to honor the heroes and survivors of the Second World War. Throughout the trip, I was struck by Suzanne’s grace, authenticity, humor, and kindness. 

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Commentary: A Review of Satirist Juvenal in This Mad, Mad World

I have often noted here the difficulty our progressive and enlightened age poses for the art of satire. Satire depends on some palpable distance between common reality and the thing satirized. “Ha!,” we say, we feel viscerally, when confronted by effective satire, “that exaggeration, that caricature, that satire dramatizes a dangerous tendency in our culture. Of course, no one really tries to extract cucumbers from sunbeams, as Swift suggests in his great satire Gulliver’s Travels, but the idea that they might shows you how absurd so much academic culture is.”

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Hamilton County ‘Queer Activist’ Substitute Teachers Busted in Prostitution Sting

According to several reports, a “queer and trans activist couple,” both of whom were employed as substitute teachers in Hamilton County Schools, were cited on prostitution charges after an August sting operation. 

A police report says that 22-year-old Ezra Fry and 25-year-old David Acevedo were cited in late August, and that Chattanooga Police Narcotics and Vice Detectives carried out the undercover prostitution sting.

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