Nashville NAACP President Suspended for ‘Undermining’ Organization

The President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in Nashville has been suspended by the group for allegedly undermining the organization’s principles. 

“The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) President/CEO Derrick Johnson has suspended former NAACP Nashville Branch president Venita Lewis for actions that under mind [sic] the mission and work of the NAACP. Her behavior provided cause for the suspension and her membership removal from the organization,” said a statement from the NAACP Tennessee State Conference. 

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As Colleges Belatedly Condemn Hamas Terrorism, Campus Attacks on Pro-Life Activists Ignored

Elite universities that rushed to condemn the killing of George Floyd and Jan. 6 Capitol riot saw no need to denounce Hamas for terrorism against Israeli women, children and partiers – until wealthy donors called them out and even demanded the firing of top brass.

Another oft-marginalized group on campus doesn’t have titans of hedge funds, private equity firms and the “Law & Order” franchise to plead their case, however.

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Commentary: Americans Won’t Fight for the Globalists’ Agenda

Imagining a cascade of catastrophic escalations plunging humanity into the next world war is no longer a stretch, and it could happen fast. Israel invades Gaza to destroy Hamas, and Hezbollah goes to war. America targets Hezbollah to help defend Israel, and Iran and Syria, with Russian assistance, attack Israel. Hezbollah cells strike targets within America, and Israel and America strike targets inside Iran. Russia launches a major new offensive in Ukraine with support from Belarus. China openly supports Russia and Iran with weapons. All of this is more plausible than ever.

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Commentary: Bread and Circuses, Then and Now

For decades, I taught a course in European economic history that stressed the Industrial Revolution and its aftermath and spent a couple of lectures talking about the Roman Empire and other ancient civilizations. The Roman Empire lasted over 500 years (by some accounts, even longer) but ultimately declined and fell. Is America and its world leadership (rather than “empire”) undergoing a remarkably similar decline? Is history eerily repeating itself well over a millennium later? 

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Democratic Socialists of America Rally in Nashville to Support Terrorist Group Hamas and Oppose Israel

Several hundred members of the Middle Tennessee Chapter of the Democrat Socialists of America and other leftist groups rallied in Nashville on Saturday to support the terrorist group Hamas and oppose Israel’s actions to defend itself. The rally took place one week after more than 1,200 Israelis were massacred by Hamas terrorists, who launched a sneak attack into Israel from the Gaza strip on October 7.

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Poll: Support Declines for Political Involvement by Corporate America

A new survey shows that more Americans are turning against efforts by big corporations to get involved in the political process and advocacy for major political issues.

As reported by Axios, the new poll from the Public Affairs Council shows that 57% of Americans support major companies getting involved in the issue of race relations, compared to 66% who supported such efforts last year. On the issue of abortion, only 36% of Americans support the input of big corporations, down from 41% in 2022.

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Gender Identity Proponents Block Biological Sex Challenges

Proponents of the importance of biological sex to sports, science and law want to explain to critics and undecideds why gender identity is not a substitute. Some of their critics are working to ensure they can’t get a hearing.

It’s not just former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines, now in a spat with Pennsylvania State University over whether she was ever approved to speak on campus for “Real Women’s Day” on Oct. 10, a date chosen for its Roman numerals that mirror women’s XX chromosomes.

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Commentary: Our Republic Endures Only When Political Enemies Can Retire in Peace

Sometime during the latter part of the 18th century politics took an unprecedented turn in the English-speaking world: it ceased to be dangerous. Although little appreciated by scholars for its historical consequence, perhaps because it consisted of non-consequences, things that didn’t happen, it was essential to the development of modern democracy. Up to that point, in just about every time and place, politicians who lost high office, or failed in grasping at it, faced the possibility of imprisonment, confiscation, exile or death. Now in Britain and America, then increasingly elsewhere in Europe, and eventually in places even further afield, loss of office, while not pleasant, was no longer lethal.

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Commentary: California Launches New ‘Ebony Alert’ Searches Only for Black Youths

The 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides all Americans with “the equal protection of the laws.” But California’s Gov. Gavin Newsom seems to think this doesn’t apply to the once “Golden” state, since he has now signed into law a bill that creates a special emergency alert — but only for missing black children and no one else.

Called — we’re not making this up — the “Ebony Alert,” the new signal is just for missing black youths between the ages of 12 and 25. The usual “Amber Alert” that has been sounding off Americans’ phones for years applies only to children (of all colors) under 17 years of age. Amber Alerts were started in 1996 after the abduction and murder of 9-year-old Amber Hagerman in Arlington, Texas.

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Mental Health Issues on the Rise in America

Several new studies show that mental health issues are rising in America, contributing to an overall decline in the quality of life, as well as an increase in premature deaths.

As reported by Axios, a study was published last week in JAMA Health Forum, a publication of the Journal of the American Medical Association, saw that in overdose deaths in the United States from 2000 to 2021, a key factor was the education levels of the victims.

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Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators Flood NYC as Hamas Calls for Mass Protests

Supporters of Palestine turned out in force across New York City on Friday amid ongoing clashes between the Israel Defense Forces and Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

A major incursion by the terrorist group over the weekend saw Hamas storm border towns, seize hostages, and inflict considerable civilian casualties. The IDF has since launched retaliatory strikes on Gaza, prompting former Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal to call for global protests. 

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Arizona State University Students Hold Anti-Israel ‘Day of Resistance’ on Taxpayer-Funded Campus

Arizona taxpayers — in part — provided the space this week for anti-Israel rallies on the Arizona State University campus. A group called Students for Justice in Palestine held the rally on Thursday as part of a national “Day of Resistance” at Arizona State University in Tempe, five days after Palestinian terrorist group Hamas’ barbaric attack on Israel. The national chapter of the leftist SJP posted a “call for action” on Sunday as Israelis were dealing with the devastation of more than 1,000 civilians murdered and taken hostage by Hamas. Campuses from New York to California reportedly responded to the call for demonstrations for Palestine, against Israel, and — by proxy — for Hamas. A similar SJP event scheduled for The University of Arizona in Tucson was canceled. According to social media posts, organizers called on students “to demonstrate in support of Palestinians and to demand that the US government and University of Arizona disinvest from Israeli apartheid and violence against the Palestinian people.” The liberal group said nothing about the shocking, barbaric violence committed by Hamas in the name of Palestine. University of Arizona President Robert Robbins released a statement opposing the violence but supporting free speech on campus.…

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Virginia Gov. Youngkin Makes Closing Argument on Abortion with $1.4 Million Ad Buy

The Spirit of Virginia political action committee run by Virginia’s Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin kicked off a $1.4 million ad buy defending the Republican position on abortion—marking the first serious effort to counter Democrats by any Republican politician since the Supreme Court’s 2022 Dobbs decision, which overturned both the 1973 Roe v. Wade and the 1992 Casey decisions the created the so-called right to an abortion.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch captured the reluctance of Republicans to mention abortion in its article about the ad.

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Ohio Bill Would Require Porn Companies to Get Age Verification

Disregarding age restrictions for pornography and creating sexual “deepfakes” may soon trigger criminal charges in Ohio.

A proposal offered in the state legislature makes distributing sexually explicit material without verifying a customer’s age a third-degree felony. Likewise, minors caught lying about their identity to access porn would face a fourth-degree misdemeanor.

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More Americans Back UAW Strikers than Automakers: Poll

More Americans support the United Auto Workers (UAW) over the major auto companies as their strike for higher wages and more benefits nears its fifth week, according to the Associated Press.

The UAW is currently engaging in a partial strike against the Big Three automakers — Ford, General Motors and Stellantis — and have expanded to 44 different plants across the country since its Sept. 15 start, most recently resulting in workers at Ford’s biggest and most profitable plant walking out of the job on Wednesday. Around 36% of Americans sympathize with the striking UAW workers, while only 9% support the automakers in the dispute, with the rest of the 53% of Americans not swayed either way, according to a recent poll from the AP’s NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

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BLM Chicago Deletes Paraglider Tweet, But Doubles Down on Support of Hamas, Palestine

The Chicago chapter of Black Lives Matter (BLM) issued a statement Wednesday reaffirming their support for Palestine despite deleting a Tuesday tweet with a paraglider that symbolized a mass terrorist attack in Israel.

Chicago BLM posted a picture to Twitter on Tuesday that read “I Stand With Palestine” and included an image of a paraglider, which were used by terrorists to invade a music festival in Israel and kill more than 250 people. BLM Chicago took down the post and said they “aren’t proud” of the messages they sent out, but posted a different statement Wednesday saying “the people will do what they must to live free.”

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Black Lives Matter Grassroots Issues Statement of ‘Solidarity with the Palestinian People’ After Brutal Hamas Attack on Israel

A Black Lives Matter group issued a statement in “solidarity with the Palestinian people” on social media Monday after Hamas terrorists invaded Israel, slaughtering at least 900 people, including eleven Americans, and wounding more than 2,100. The Palestinian terrorists reportedly took more than 130 civilians hostage, and have threatened to murder them live online.

Hamas, an Islamic political and military organization that governs the Gaza Strip, does not recognize the right of Israel to exist. Since its inception in December of 1987, Hamas has waged what it calls a war of resistance against the Jewish State.

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Commentary: The Left Would Grab Your Guns in a Minute If Patriots Stopped Defending the Constitution

The Left constantly reassures Americans that they do not want to take away firearms, but actions speak louder than words.

In September, New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D) used an emergency public health order to suspend the Second Amendment for 30 days in Albuquerque and the surrounding Bernalillo County. Grisham knew fully well that she was violating the Constitution (in fact, she happily admitted so). A handful of gun control advocates quickly condemned her unprecedented decision, but not because they respect the Constitution.

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Commentary: State Senator Scott Surovell Should Resign After Blaming Israel for Hamas Terror Attack

by Shaun Kenney   When Hamas fires rockets, they target Israeli citizens indiscriminately. When the IDF responds, they warn their targets, clear the buildings of civilians by contacting them via cell and warning others… and then fire their rockets. Over the next few weeks, this will be the very real distinction between the good guys and the bad guys in Gaza — and don’t ever forget it. Yet there is a wider question at play here. How long would any American tolerate living as Israelis must from day to day? Why should any Israeli be expected to tolerate that? How many Jewish lives is that worth? Apparently to Democratic State Senator Scott Surovell, about 800. Maybe more. Scott Surovell: RESIGN. There is nothing more despicable than arguing that 800 dead Jews deserved what was coming to them. Yet State Senator Scott Surovell didn’t shy away from precisely that sentiment in the wake of the Hamas attack on civilians yesterday: The division and distraction created by Netanyahu's judicial power grab created created an opportunity for these attacks in the same way House Republicans' civil war creates opportunities for other country's to take advantage American disorganization — Senator Scott Surovell (@ssurovell) October 8,…

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Commentary: Remembering the Courage of Christopher Columbus

Today we remember the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, who in October 1492 landed in the Bahamas and became the first Western European to discover what the Europeans would call the New World.

When Columbus and his crew of approximately 200 sailors left Spain in three crowded ships – the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria – they set their sails toward an unknown horizon. They expected to discover a trade route to India. (Most Europeans at the time knew the earth was round – but they were unaware of the North and South American continents.) Instead of finding a route to Southeast Asia, Columbus and his crew landed on a continent of new opportunities. Columbus’s accidental discovery opened a permanent passage across the Atlantic and redrew the known map of the world.

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Thousands March in Ohio Against Radical Abortion Ballot Measure

Thousands of pro-life activists marched in downtown Columbus, Ohio, on Friday, calling for protections for the unborn and urging their fellow Ohioans to vote against an upcoming pro-abortion ballot measure.

Ohio Issue 1, the Right to Make Reproductive Decisions Including Abortion Initiative, would ban the state from interfering with “reproductive decisions,” including abortion — effectively enshrining the “right” to abortion into Ohio’s constitution.

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Hillary Clinton: ‘There Needs to Be a Formal Deprogramming’ of MAGA ‘Cult Members’

During an interview on CNN Thursday, failed 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton called for the “formal deprogramming” of Trump supporters, labeling them as “MAGA extremists” and “cult members.”

“We had very strong partisans in both parties in the past, and we had very bitter battles over all kinds of things—gun control and climate change and the economy and taxes—but there wasn’t this little tail of extremism, waving, you know, wagging the dog of the Republican Party as it is today,” Clinton, 75, told host Christiane Amanpour.

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Heart Disease Risk Skyrockets in Trans People Taking Hormones, Study Finds

The risk of heart disease spikes significantly when taking cross-sex hormones, according to a Danish study published in August.

The study, published in the European Journal of Endocrinology, looked at 2,671 transgender male and female individuals in their early to mid-twenties, who were taking cross-sex hormones and based in Denmark, over a five-year period, according to The Telegraph. The results of the research revealed that both transgender men and women developed a “significantly increased risk” of developing high blood pressure and high cholesterol and were more likely to have heart attacks and strokes.

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Medical School in Minnesota Objects to ‘Very Existence’ of Catholic Group on Campus

A chapter of the Catholic Medical Association at the University of Minnesota Medical School’s Duluth campus is facing criticism because of its support of traditional Catholic beliefs.

The Star Tribune recently published a story on the “divisive” and “controversial” group that is “fracturing” the Duluth medical program. The article quoted two students and noted that Interim Regional Campus Dean Kevin Diebel wasn’t aware of any complaints made about the group.

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Virginia Women’s College Swim Team Calls for Policies That ‘Protect Women’

Virginia’s Roanoke College women’s swimming team held a press conference on Thursday to call upon the NCAA, USA Swimming and state lawmakers to develop policies that organize competitive sports according to biological sex, after a transgender student temporarily joined the swim team this season.

Ten team members spoke at the conference, along with women’s sports activists, former college swimmers Riley Gaines and Paula Scanlan, several women’s organizations and the girls’ parents.

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Commentary: Marxist Events Held ‘Coast to Coast’ Across United States

Communism has killed over 100 million people and immiserated countless more. But that won’t stop a group called the International Marxist Tendency (IMT), which is running its 2023 Marxist School “from coast to coast” over the coming months.

The first event, already held in Minneapolis, will be followed by three more in New York City; Phoenix, Arizona; and Bellingham, Washington through mid-November.

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Americans’ Support for Arming Ukraine Dries Up as War Drags On: Poll

Support for arming Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression has dropped among Americans across the political spectrum, according to a Thursday poll.

Only 41% of Americans believe the federal government “should provide weapons to Ukraine,” a five-point decrease since May, according to a Reuters/Ipsos survey. Though some respondents were unsure, 35% of Americans disagreed with the notion that the U.S. should be sending weapons to Ukraine.

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Commentary: Teaching Tennessee Youth the Keys to Success

Tennessee has emerged as one of the nation’s top destinations for families—and for good reason. The Volunteer State is a wonderful place to work and raise a family. But while many trend lines are positive, there are some storm clouds on the horizon when it comes to marriage, family formation, and work.

Consider that over the past three decades, the percentage of prime-age men not in the labor force rose by 44 percent — from 8.6 percent to 12.4 percent. This is in keeping with national trend lines showing that men in their prime working years are increasingly disconnected from the discipline and value of work.

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Republicans Achieve Highest Marks on the Economy in over 30 Years: Poll

The GOP holds its largest advantage on the economy in over 30 years, with 53% of Americans trusting Republicans more than Democrats on the issue, according to a poll released Tuesday.

Republicans held a 14-point lead over the Democrats, of whom only 39% of Americans said handle the economy better, according to a Gallup poll. The GOP scored 10 points higher on the economy than last year, marking the largest margin between the two parties since 1991.

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Wisconsin League of Women Voters Weighs In on University of Wisconsin System Diversity Issue

The League of Women Voters in Wisconsin is taking a stand on the fight between Republican lawmakers and the University of Wisconsin over diversity, equity and inclusion money.

The League encouraged Republicans to release $32 million that’s being held in an effort to get the university to move away from diversity, equity and inclusion programs.

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Commentary: Inside the Defamation Lawsuit That Could Blow Southern Poverty Law Center Wide Open

The Southern Poverty Law Center is notorious for branding mainstream conservative and Christian organizations, such as the Alliance Defending Freedom and Moms for Liberty “hate groups” or “antigovernment extremist groups,” placing them on a map alongside chapters of the Ku Klux Klan.

Many of the SPLC’s targets have sued for defamation, but almost every lawsuit has failed. Earlier this year, however, a judge allowed one defamation lawsuit against the SPLC to move forward.

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GOP Lawmakers Say Marine Corps’ Diversity-Focused Officer Program May Discriminate Based on Race, Gender

Two Republican lawmakers are questioning whether a Marine Corps program created to attract minorities to apply as officers may discriminate based on applicants’ race or gender, according to a letter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The “Diversity Aimed Officer Program” (DAOP) takes enlisted Marines and exposes them to senior leaders and the officer training environment near Washington, D.C., with hopes the exposure will convince them to seek careers as officers, according to the program page. But, Republican Reps. Jim Banks of Indiana and Mark Alford of Missouri allege the program appears structured to prioritize female and non-white applicants, contradicting the service’s legal obligation to a merit-based recruiting and promotion process, according to a letter addressed to Dr. Michael Strobl, the Marine Corps human resources chief, dated Oct 2.

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Eventbrite Cancels De-Transitioner Chloe Cole Event for Violating Policy Against ‘Hateful, Violent, and Dangerous Events’

Eventbrite has canceled an event speaking out against the treatments and surgeries being done to transitioning minors, citing that it violates a policy on “hateful, violent, and dangerous events.”

The event will be hosted by the Palmetto Family Council in South Carolina and will feature de-transitioner Chloe Cole. It’s set to take place on Nov. 7.

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American Library Association Helped Draft Bill Cracking Down on Limits the the Availability of Sexually Explicit Books to Children

The former president of the American Library Association (ALA) said the organization helped “develop” legislation intended to combat attempts to remove sexually explicit books from school libraries, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Right To Read Act, reintroduced by Democratic Rhode Island Sen. Jack Reed and Democratic Arizona Rep. Raúl Grijalva in April, ensures students can access “culturally diverse and inclusive materials,” including sexually explicit books, as well as granting liability protections for librarians who curate these materials. The bill is explicitly intended to rebuff efforts by parents and Republican lawmakers to remove sexually explicit content from school libraries, according to a press release from the lawmakers.

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Nonprofit Group Warns of Increasing Number of Overdose Deaths

A nonprofit organization’s analysis of government data estimates drug overdose deaths increased 1.7% in 2023 to reach a new record high.

The CDC estimates that more than 111,000 Americans died from a drug overdose in the 12-month period that ended in April. More than 77,000 of those deaths involved fentanyl and other synthetic opioids other than methadone. Both are record highs and increases over the prior year, according to Families Against Fentanyl. 

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Commentary: The New Right Cares About More than Taxes

New research is challenging assumptions about the Republican Party’s core values, showing the GOP of the 2020s is an entirely different animal from the GOP of the 2010s. The research captures an increasing shift toward populism and America First priorities that has been growing since Former President Trump’s election in 2016.

The study by American Compass divides Republicans into two camps, the Old Right and the New Right, based on their economic priorities and approach to cultural issues.

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Commentary: Pope Francis Creates 21 New Cardinals

On September 30, in advance of the Synod of Bishops on Synodality, Pope Francis created 21 new cardinals in St. Peter’s Square. The ceremony to install them, called a consistory, was the ninth during Pope Francis’s pontificate.

Cardinals play an important role in the Catholic Church and serve as principal advisors to the Pope, chief officials of the Roman Curia, and archbishops of major dioceses around the world. Additionally, cardinals under the age of 80 serve as cardinal electors in conclaves. 

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Poll: One-Third of Democrats Say Americans Have ‘Too Much Freedom’ of Speech

A new poll from RealClearPolitics shows that a staggering number of registered Democrats think there is “too much freedom” to speak freely in the United States.

As reported by the Washington Free Beacon, the RCP survey on Friday revealed that 34% of Democrats believe that Americans have “too much freedom” of speech, compared to just 14.6% of Republicans who believed the same. By contrast, 46% of Republicans believe that Americans have “too little freedom,” with only 22% of Democrats agreeing.

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Commentary: Public Spaces Are in Decline

Former Trump official William Wolfe recently lamented the neglect steadily encroaching his local grocery store. “Let me tell you: I’ve never seen stores in such bad shape as they are now,” he wrote. “No one staffing the main check out lines, massive line for the self check outs, stores messy, items unstocked. … It’s like watching a country decline in real time.”

Wolfe’s tweet resonated with many Americans, garnering interactions from nearly 1 million people. Here were two of the responses: “I said nearly those exact words today to my husband when I came home from my local Kroger market” and “The fall of an empire happens gradually, and then all at once.”

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Researchers Warn Molnupiravir Causes New Variants; mRNA Shots Contaminated with DNA Fragments

Medical scientists and researchers are increasingly challenging public health orthodoxies on FDA-approved COVID-19 treatments and vaccines.

A peer-reviewed paper published in Nature on Monday confirmed that Merck’s COVID-19 pill Molnupiravir causes viral mutations that can lead to new variants. Meanwhile, scientists have been raising the alarm about the Pfizer and Moderna Covid injections, warning that they are contaminated with tiny fragments of dangerous plasmid DNA that can cause genome changes that can “last for generations.”

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Commentary: Stand Up to Left’s Use of COVID to Shut Down America

The Democrat Leftists and oligarchical elites are very capable people; it brings pain to admit it, but it’s true. In the midst of seeking the demise the 45th President and his legal team from 2020, they have managed to continue the fear factor that ushered in mail-in ballots and multiple week voting ensuring a myriad of unexplained discrepancies, ballots without a chain-of-custody, and the White House.

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Fulton County Sheriff’s Office Confirms Ex-Guard Accused of Strangling Detainee Is ‘Biologically a Female,’ Mug Shot Shows Person with Beard and Receding Hairline

A former guard at the Fulton County Jail, who was charged on Thursday after allegedly strangling a detainee to the point of losing consciousness, appears to be a biologically female person who identifies as a transgender male.

An indictment was returned by a federal grand jury on Thursday, charging former Fulton County Jail detention officer Monique Clark with using excessive force when allegedly strangling a female detainee until she fell unconscious and was injured. Conflicting reporting about Clark’s gender appears to indicate Clark was born biologically female, but now identifies as male.

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