Planned Parenthood in Minnesota Offers $150 Gift Card to Teens to Attend Sex Ed Summer Camp

Abortion and transgender hormone giant Planned Parenthood is drawing teens to a “Sex Ed Summer Camp” in late July with the promise of a $150 gift card to those who complete the program.

“Sex Ed Summer Camp is a sexual health peer education certification program,” Planned Parenthood states about its camp for 15-18 year-olds to be held July 24-28 in Mankato, Minnesota. “Participants will use knowledge they learn to educate friends and peers. Topics covered include sexual anatomy, birth control methods, sexually transmitted infections, healthy relationships and consent, and more!”

In addition to the $150 gift card, the camp application form also promises free daily lunch and snacks to campers.

Applicant teens are asked to provide their name, “pronouns,” age, email address, phone number, and T-shirt size.

Prospective sex ed campers are also asked to answer the question, “What excites/interests you about Sex Ed Summer Camp?”

On a web page titled “Sex Education in Minnesota,” Planned Parenthood North Central States touts its “programs for youth” will “build future leaders by giving teenagers reliable information about reproductive and sexual health that they can share with their friends and family.”

“Parental permission is required for all youth programs,” Planned Parenthood states, though the camp application contains no request for parental permission or signature.

Planned Parenthood boasts it is “the nation’s largest provider of sex education,” and urges sex educators to “enhance” their sex ed classes with its own brand of “digital games, quizzes, videos, and more.”

“They’re based on science and support healthy decision making,” the abortion vendor touts. “Many also have lesson plans to bring them to life.”

In addition to being the top provider of abortions, Planned Parenthood claimed, even in September 2020, it is the “second largest provider of gender-affirming hormone care” in the nation.

Planned Parenthood recently made headlines again for its social media post “billboard” image that states, “Virginity is a social construct.”

“The idea of virginity comes from outdated – let’s be real, patriarchal – ways of thinking that hurts everyone,” Planned Parenthood said in its post.

“I can’t believe we allow Planned Parenthood into our schools to teach our children responsible decision making,” Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins responded to the post.

The Christian Post noted that Canadian pro-life organization Choice42 also responded, “Virginity protects women. It protects men too. You are worth more than what @PPFA thinks you are.”

“To the tune of $600 million, American taxpayers are supporting Planned Parenthood’s corruption of our nation’s children and intentional efforts to suppress the role of parents in the lives of their kids,” former sex educator Monica Cline, who was trained by Planned Parenthood, said in comments to The Star News Network in January.

Cline, who was commenting on the work of Planned Parenthood sex educator Mariah Caudillo, whose viral TikTok videos instructed children and young teens on the use of “spicy toys” and fruits and vegetables for sexual pleasure, said Caudillo “proudly admits to normalizing and teaching children how to find sexual pleasure by demonstrating the use of sex toys for sexual arousal and how to purchase sex toys online.”

Cline added about Caudillo’s so-called “sex ed”:

On May 1, 2022, Michael Heimbach from the FBI Criminal Investigative Division, Crimes Against Children Unit testified before the U.S Senate, describing the actions of child sexual abuse predators. These acts included demonstrating sex acts to children by commonly using pornography to teach children about sex, purposely lowering the inhibitions of kids by showing them pictures of other kids engaging in sexual activities, and desensitizing children to sex by showing pornography to their intended victims.

“Let’s call these videos by Planned Parenthood’s own employee what they really are, according to the FBI: crimes against children,” Cline asserted.

The Star News Network contacted Planned Parenthood North Central States to address the camp application form’s absence of parental permission information. No immediate response was received.

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Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected]
Photo “Got Chlamydia Shirt” by Planned Parenthood.




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One Thought to “Planned Parenthood in Minnesota Offers $150 Gift Card to Teens to Attend Sex Ed Summer Camp”

  1. The Professor

    What happened to Minnesota? You can’t blame it on the Somalians that Obama dumped on the state. They are a numerical minority even in the district that elected Ilhad Omar. Republicans need to unify, they need to get active on the local level then expand to the state level. As it is, the Twin Cities appears to make all the selections. Republicans, you have more strength if you choose to exercise that strength.
