Poll: Most Young Americans No Longer Patriotic

by Eric Lendrum


A new Gallup poll shows a record low level of patriotism among the two youngest generations of Americans.

According to Axios, the new survey shows that patriotism is at its lowest among Americans between the ages of 18 and 34, while still remaining higher among older Americans. Overall, just 39 percent of American adults describe themselves as “extremely proud” to be Americans.

Of those 39 percent, a mere 18 percent are between the ages of 18 to 34, spanning the generations of Millennials and Generation Z, also known as “Zoomers.” By contrast, 40 percent of Americans aged 35 to 54, the oldest of Millennials and many in Gen X, identified as “extremely proud,” and 50 percent of those over the age of 55 said the same thing.

Just 10 years ago, 85 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 to 29 said they were either “extremely” or “very” proud to be an American.

In addition to age, party identification is another factor that determines the likelihood of patriotism: Whereas 60 percent of Republicans identify as patriotic, only 33 percent of independents say the same, and a mere 29 percent of Democrats describe themselves as such.

The decline in patriotism overall has been attributed to numerous factors, including increased political polarization and economic declines, as well as a rising and consistent trend of public education openly teaching anti-American curriculum to the youngest generations, indoctrinating them into hating the country rather than appreciating it.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness. 




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One Thought to “Poll: Most Young Americans No Longer Patriotic”

  1. Concerned

    A lot depends on where the poll was taken. Those indoctrinated in woke ideology, CRT, BLM, etc.., were taught essentially to hate. Those in the troubled states of CA, NY, IL MN and to an extent MI, are subjected to overt anti-American rhetoric. Come on voters, get rid of the likes of Omar, Talhib, Newsome. Throw out of office these self-serving, sold-out politicos.
