Tennessee Politicians, Others Celebrate Pride Month

LBGTQ supporters

On the first day of June, politicians, political organizations, and private companies took to X, formerly Twitter, to celebrate gay pride month.

“Happy Pride, everyone!” said disgraced former Nashville mayor turned congressional candidate Megan Barry. “I proudly stand with the LGBTQ+ community. Let’s celebrate love, diversity, and equality for all. Together, we can build a Tennessee where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.”

U.S. Senate candidate Gloria Johnson celebrated Pride Month, too.

“To all my LGBTQ+ friends, I will ALWAYS stand tall with you and fight for you! Embracing who you are is a beautiful thing, and no one can ever dim your bright light. Happy Pride!” she said.

Johnson is losing her race against incumbent Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) by double digits, according to the latest polling.

The Tennessee Young Democrats posted a similar message.

“Today marks the beginning of Pride Month, and now more than ever before, our LGBTQ+ members need our support,” that group said. “The past few years have been hard, especially due to the attacks by the GOP Super Majority on access to trans healthcare, and the rights of LGBTQ+ people to exist in our state.”

“We are proud of all of our LGBTQ+ members every single day, and we will do everything we can to fight for them. Happy Pride, y’all!” it said in a later post.

A group called MurfreesFurs, a furry fetish group, celebrated the fact that its membership is 90 percent LGBT.

“Happy Pride Month!” the group said. “We’re happy to be here for you all in one of the biggest times for the furry fandom – Pride Month! Furries and Pride have a long and deeply intertwined history, including a study estimating that only ~10% of furries are actually heterosexual!”

Sports teams joined the mix, too.

“Happy Pride Month!” said the official account for the Chattanooga Football Club, a professional soccer team. “We’re proud to stand with our LGBTIQ+ community and celebrate the diversity that makes our city and our team strong.”

There will be extensive Pride Month celebrations all over Tennessee.

As reported by The Tennessee Star, a group called “Tennessee Youth Pride” will host a drag show for children in the coming weeks.

Last year, Chattanooga Pride told The Star it would make changes after a raunchy drag show for kids caused a major debacle.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter/X.






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10 Thoughts to “Tennessee Politicians, Others Celebrate Pride Month”


    I cannot believe Megan Barry has the gall to oppose Representative Mark Green in TN-7 this November. Maybe I missed it, but was there any opposition in the Primary? Did our local media disclose Megan’s firmer attempt at screwing her constituents? This is one shameless woman, or I guess she identifies as a woman. Not sure of her “pronouns”. According to her past statements, she & her husband have an open marriage.
    So watch out ladies, she is on the hunt.
    I think it’s only fair to newcomers to our area, to educate them on what Megan’s record has been. She used her powerful position as mayor of Nashville to use our tax dollars to employ her favorite cop to be her body guard, apparently 24/7 whether she was going to her office (after a quickie in the cops car in the Nashville City Cemetery) before going into the office, or on lavish tax funded trips out of State, or just local Bar parties. Sounds a lot like DA FANI WILLIS, in Atlanta, GA don’t you think. Both are a Stain on women’s competence & judgement. Thanks a lot! Real Role Models for young women. They’re sick with power. Power is very intoxicating. It takes lies real strong character to keep it from taking over ones good judgement. It’s like an addictive drug, where anything goes.
    She doesn’t appear to have evolved from her time-out so to speak ( three year probation) after pleading guilty of misusing taxpayers funds, among other things. Her boyfriend, who was married with children, became her sex slave. It was a National embarrassment. They were both convicted of Felons, & yet no jail time thanks to Soros backed DA Glenn Funk. His sweetheart deal for hos fellow Dems also allowed their crimes to be expunged after three years of probation. How many regular citizens would get deals like that? Funk is a slave to the cult as well. He should be investigated. He recently allowed a crazy black guy get out of facing a murder charge bc he was crazy. The guy turned around, shot and killed a young Belmont student killing her. Her parents should sue him, & Metro Government for millions for that lack of competence ( or DEI method of prosecution..
    It may appear I’m getting off topic, but it’s all a nasty web of parasites that are Wolves in Sheeps clothing.
    They all support the poisoning of our children’s minds with sex propaganda & grooming through exposure to drag queens (as if that’s a “normal” person with a “normal” job) anti- nuclear family, pro sex changes for children, pro-infanticide, anti-american & pro-socialism, etc. All designed to bring down a moral free society. They view silence as approval. So Speak Up Loudly.
    The local media won’t bring newcomers to this area up to speed on her last attempt at being a model Democrat Politician as Nashville’s Mayor, in which she failed miserably. What makes anyone think she has learned from her past aggressions?
    She must not be able to get employment anywhere.
    Most businesses & institutions are not willing to employ a person who is a real felon, thief, immoral & embarrassment on her community.
    She & frankly Gloria Johnson want to be in DC bc they both have no chance at any State or Local position.
    They represent the morally bankrupt sectors of Tennessee.
    They would love to help Mayors like Nashville’s card carrying member of the Democrat Socialists of America (aka commie), to be able to transform our former beautiful city into the WEF ( World Economic Forum) Utopia by gobbling up Private Properties in Davidson County to build government-owned low income subsidized housing. This is his attempt to become a star in the Globalists eyes in order to build little 15 minute cities, so no one has to use transportation . This is his “traffic plan” which is on the ballot in November.
    For those who are not aware of the mass illegal immigration that Biden has welcomed to our country at your expense, is the LEFTs attempt to “TRANSFORM AMERICA”. That was the PROMISING words of Barrack Hussein Obama on 2008. They want to eliminate the middle class. All subjects will be equal. Sounds good doesn’t it? Just like Utopia. Justnlike ” Affirdable Care Act ( socialized medicine). This is Socialisn, which has failed everywhere it has existed. The Haves & Have Nots; the Elites & the Serfs ( or subjects). No Bill of Rights. No individual Freedoms.
    Obama, whose past no one still knows the truth about, seemed to have appeared off the streets of Chicago where he was single & on the take to suddenly a ” married man with two daughters. He was suddenly Oprah’s good friend in Chicago. It was like a miracle. Who else was in Chicago to help in his metamorphosis? None other than Bill Ayers & his spouse Bernadine Dorn, formerly on the FBI MOST WANTED LIST for ten years as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS (notorious founders of the Weather Underground). These were Barrack & Michelle’s coaches, as they prepared to enter the political spotlight, & begin the destruction of America as it was founded.
    If you Vote, know who you’re voting for. Find out their past. Or you end up with trash.

    1. Thaler

      Judge Joe Brown knows a lot and shares on Rumble much more information on the Obama’s working with the Bush family.

  2. Bill Hamblin

    One day for the National war dead. One month for deviants. There’s a special place in hell for drag queen s


    I declare July Heterosexual Pride Day.

  4. Randall Davidson

    Look no further to see who the democrats really support.

  5. JBird

    Nashville has turned into a liberal SS for anything that doesn’t stand for God, Family and country. What kind of perverted families support this demented garbage and parade their young children who can’t spell their name yet too indoctrinate them to destroy values at a young age.
    I wouldn’t send of my family to a once great University Vandy anymore..
    It has turned into another American University that teaches young people to hate white America, embrace Karl Marx and join BLM>

  6. Joe Blow

    What a disgrace.

  7. Randall Davidson

    How much does our city spend on this? I can’t see using a whole month for this, no surprise democrats support it.

  8. D.J.

    Blasphemous and disgusting.

  9. Tim Price

    The Bible clearly states that men will become more and more evil with sinful ways.

    God will be the judge and will send sinful people to Hell.

    Sad how Democrats worship Satan and sin all for the purpose of getting votes.
