Four Tennessee Counties Had an Unemployment Rate Below 3 Percent in July

The Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development (TDLWD) released county-specific unemployment data on Thursday for July.

Last month, a majority of Tennessee’s 95 counties reported lower unemployment rates compared to the data reported in June, according to TDLWD.

Seventy-nine counties reported lower unemployment rates compared to June data while rates remained the same in six counties. Only ten counties across the state experienced a slight increase in their jobless numbers.

Williamson County, Cheatham County, Sevier County, and Moore County all had the lowest rates of unemployment at 2.7 percent during July.

The counties following the top four with the lowest rates for July include Sumner County (2.8 percent), Davidson County (2.9 percent), and Hickman County (2.9 percent).

Bledsoe County had the highest rate in July at 6.2 percent, followed by Lauderdale County (5.9 percent), Scott County (5.8 percent), McNairy County (5.7 percent), and Perry County (5.4 percent).

Overall, unemployment was below 5 percent in 81 counties and 14 counties had rates equal to or higher than 5 percent but lower than 10 percent in July, TDLWD notes.

Nationally, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 3.5 percent in July, down 0.1 of a percentage point from June’s rate of 3.6 percent, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Last July, the seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for the nation was 3.5 percent.

The Tennessee Star previously reported unemployment across the entire state reached a historic low in July of 3.1% – the lowest recorded since the federal government began tracking the statistic in 1976.

In addition, as also reported by The Star, recent data from the Tennessee Secretary of State’s Office shows that new business filings in the Volunteer State for the second quarter of 2023 were the highest in the state’s history. In the second quarter of 2023, 19,996 new entities were filed, and 81,773 firms renewed their active status by filing annual reports in Tennessee.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.




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2 Thoughts to “Four Tennessee Counties Had an Unemployment Rate Below 3 Percent in July”

  1. Joe Blow

    Sorry Steve Allen, have you seen the recent statistics on those in Tennessee receiving welfare benefits in the form of SNAP and TennCare (Medicaid)? Also, the “official” unemployment rate ignores those of working age who have just quit looking for work.

    I would agree that most Tennesseans are dedicated workers but there is plenty of room for improvement.

    I figure the feds (and maybe Mr. Lee) will use these numbers to turn loose a flood of additional illegals to work in Tennessee. You know, doing the jobs that Americas won’t do.

  2. Steve Allen

    It just goes to show that there are still places in America/Tennessee where people have enough self respect to do what’s right instead of sucking off the democrat’s government teat.


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