California’s University System to Let Illegal Immigrant Students Work on Campus

by Alexa Schwerha


The University of California Board of Regents adopted a policy on Thursday that will allow students to work on-campus jobs regardless of immigration status.

The policy, titled “Equitable Student Employment Opportunities,” will apply to all 10 University of California system campuses and states the University is “committed to providing equitable access to quality higher education for all of its students regardless of immigration status.” The policy emphasizes several “advantages” that stem from on-campus employment including academic growth, career advancement, financial stability, and professional mentorship.

“In light of these advantages, the University believes that all University students, regardless of immigration status, should have the same opportunity to realize the benefits of University student employment,” the policy reads.

A Regents working group will meet with the university president to determine the next steps in implementing the policy and expect to complete their work by November 30, according to the policy.

Immigrants without work authorization have been unable to be employed in the United States since the Immigration Reform & Control Act in 1986, according to the Undocumented Student-Led Network. The group argues that “undocumented students are blocked from countless opportunities that their peers with permanent residency, citizenship, or at least work authorization are able to access freely.”

“Working with immigration law experts at the UCLA School of Law’s Center for Immigration Law & Policy (CILP), undocumented student organizers have identified that states and certain state entities are not bound by IRCA’s hiring restrictions and can legally employ undocumented workers,” its website reads. “As their analysis shows, because the University of California is an arm of the state, it faces no legal restriction on hiring undocumented workers.”

The Undocumented Student-Led Network announced that the regents voted unanimously to approve the policy on their Facebook. The group called it a “product of a massive wave of undocumented students organizing that shook the very foundations of the University to not only demand, but create, a greater access to equity, justice, and yes, OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL.”

“Our incredible rally and flood of public comments, and everything we’ve tirelessly given over the past several months has led to this moment,” the group wrote. “This victory was not given to us, it was forged and won by the labor, advocacy. and courage of our community and all those who stood in solidarity with us.”

UC Board of Regents, UC Office of the President and the Undocumented Student-Led Network did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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Alexa Schwerha is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “College Student” by sasint.





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