Georgia Southern University Student Paper Erects Planned Parenthood Advertisements on Campus

by Ben Mincey


The George-Anne Media Group, a student-led newspaper at Georgia Southern University (GSU), is advertising Planned Parenthood across campus and on its website.

Campus Reform has obtained pictures of two separate advertisements on GSU’s Statesboro campus that read  “Planned Parenthood believes your body is your own.”

In addition to the advertisements found on campus, the student news organization is featuring Planned Parenthood on its website.

The ads read,  “Your care is our priority.”

The advertisement redirects to a website where individuals can search for the nearest Planned Parenthood clinic and book an appointment.

GSU told Campus Reform, “The George-Anne is a student-run organization where student editors make all the decisions about accepting advertisements. Planned Parenthood is one of several organizations that has purchased advertising on the George-Anne’s website.”

The Institute of Pro-Life Advancement, which is an initiative of Students for Life America (SFLA), found in a recent study that 87.6% of Planned Parenthood facilities are located within 5 miles of a college campus.

SFLA directed Campus Reform to a press release in which SFLA President Kristan Hawkins said, “Planned Parenthood has deviously handpicked the majority of their facility locations to be near a demographic that is young, vulnerable, and often away from support systems: college students.”

She went on to say, “Planting themselves in what is almost a walking distance to campus, the abortion giant is directly targeting pregnant women on campus, maximizing their ill-gained profits through their proximity.”

Although the state of Georgia currently has a six-week ban on abortion, Planned Parenthood openly offers financial assistance in obtaining an abortion in another state on its website.

Campus Reform has previously covered Planned Parenthood’s attempts to influence college students. The Crimson White at the University of Alabama ran similar advertisements in its paper and newsletters late last year. .

Planned Parenthood also supports more than 350 Planned Parenthood Generation Action clubs on campuses around the country. The group’s recent advocacy work includes supporting Proposition 3 in Michigan, a ballot measure to include abortion as a right in the state constitution.

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Ben Mincey is a sophomore at Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia, majoring in international studies. He currently serves as the president and campus coordinator of the school’s Turning Point USA chapter and is also an active member of the College Republicans.
Photo “Georgia Southern University” by Georgia Southern University.



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