State Senator Mark Pody ‘Much Happier’ with Senate Version of Governor’s School Choice Bill Compared to House Version

State Sen. Mark Pody

Tennessee State Senator Mark Pody (R-Lebanon) said he is “much happier” with the Senate’s version of Governor Bill Lee’s universal school choice bill compared to the House’s version, which includes additional incentives not particularly related to school choice.

Pody said the Senate’s version is a “much more stripped down version” of Lee’s bill, explaining how each $7,000 voucher would “follow” qualifying students, granting them the “right to have the choice of where they want to go.”

“The money is going to follow that student. Now, the student or the parents don’t get the money directly, but it will be in a situation where they would be able to say, ‘Hey, we want to go to this private school, we want to go to a homeschool co-op’ or can even go to another public school in a different county and the money would actually follow them,” Pody said on Monday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show.

“Now the House side has much different language and their language is going to include a lot of things,” Pody added, noting how the language also addresses other issues in regards to education.

Pody agreed when Leahy said the House version seems to be “incentivizing separate legislators to come on board” with the idea of school vouchers.

“I would characterize that correctly because if they’re feeling if they can give enough to public education, that maybe it’ll help some of the educators to come on board with this, or they won’t be as adamantly opposed,” Pody explained. “They’re also saying maybe they can relax some testing issues, or they can relax other things that are perhaps things that the educators have been talking about for a long time. If they can do that, maybe they won’t be as opposed to this bill.”

“I’m not for that,” Pody added. “I would rather have the bill vote up or down based on what it is and not by all the side deals that, ‘Hey boy, if we can give you this, maybe you’ll be okay with it.’ So I’m much happier with the Senate side of this bill rather than what the house is looking for.”

Noting how he’s “confident” that the Senate’s version of the bill will pass, Pody said he’s “not sure” how close the margin of the bill passing in the House will be, due to the added incentives.

Meanwhile, Pody said the Senate bill’s next destination is the Finance Committee, as the legislation carries a $144 million fiscal note.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Mark Pody” by Mark Pody.

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2 Thoughts to “State Senator Mark Pody ‘Much Happier’ with Senate Version of Governor’s School Choice Bill Compared to House Version”

  1. Constituent of Senator Pody

    As a taxpayer, I do not want ” incentives” given to the Teacher Unions, Board of Education Members or anyone. I don’t want DEI, CRT OR GENDER Flags issues included anywhere. No Vouchers for Illegals Period. We know a significant number of illegals are residing somewhere in Tennessee. I’d like to know where they are & if any of my tax dollars are supporting them. None to NGO’s.
    I would like to see requirements attached like Civics Ed. Including the US & Tennessee Constitutions & 3 branches of Government. US flag in every classroom, & pledge of allegiance recited everyday.
    I support Senator Pody’s position.

  2. Karen Bracken

    How can anyone be happy with a bill that gives our money to illegals? That alone would get a NO vote from me. Vouchers is not the answer to why education in TN is a failure. They always take the easy road by throwing good money after bad instead of taking the hard steps that we need to take to really improve education. Someone will surely benefit from this latest education scam but it wont be our kids and has already been proven in other states to be just another feel good education failure. Parents also want the easy fix but it won’t get the result we need.
