Biden Wants Every Vote Counted – Philadelphia Wants Them Counted Secretly


Democrats in Philadelphia were denying Republicans the right to observe and validate the hand counting of mail-in ballots but a judge ruled Thursday in favor of the republican petitioners, saying that they could be in the room to observe and verify if they stayed six feet away.

Democrats immediately demanded a conference with the judge to plea for reversal of the order.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany posted on Facebook “Democrats are arguing that at Philadelphia ballot counting locations they do not want Republicans watching what they’re doing. Why? Absolute INSANITY!!”

The Federalist reported that Wisconsin and Michigan saw Biden vote surges in the wee hours of Wednesday morning similar to what happened in Pennsylvania.

On Wednesday, President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani went to Pennsylvania and the onslaught of lawsuits began there.

Giuliani lambasted the Democratic-controlled city of Philadelphia for their history of corruption, signaling that it is illegal for observers to not be able to actually observe – to verify signatures, postmark and validity of a ballot.

Giuliani also hinted there may be a national lawsuit filed to uncover what he claims is a concerted effort by the Democratic party to steal the election.

This chaos was not unpredicted – Real Clear Politics reported in late September on the warning signs Pennsylvania was in for a troubled election.

McEnany said in a press release then “I can confirm for you that Trump ballots, ballots for the president, were found in Pennsylvania.” This after the FBI and state police investigated military ballots that had been dumped – almost 80% were cast for President Trump.

Although the number was small, it signaled a larger issue in the state, and particularly the City of Philadelphia, rife with election scandals – most recently a South Philly judge bribed to cook the election books.

There are a number of concerns but the biggest is similar to what was announced today in Nevada – that mail-in votes were invalid.  Trump’s team alleges that thousands of mail-in votes are illegal because they are coming from people who have not lived in the state in the last 30 days (an election law requirement) or are residents of other states.

Project Veritas uncovered, albeit anecdotal, what appears to be a postal worker illegally adding votes to the mix past the state deadline in Michigan.

In, Pennsylvania the state Secretary of State website shows President Donald Trump leads Joe Biden in the race for the White House, as of 5:00 p.m. EST.

The Keystone State is reporting 3,240,807 votes for Trump and 3,143,473 votes for Biden – 50.18% to 48.67% of the vote, respectively.  Eighty-eight percent of the of voting sources reporting.

If Trump holds on in Pennsylvania and maintains his leads in Georgia, North Carolina and flips Nevada – say nothing about Arizona, he will win a second term.

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Jack Windsor is Managing Editor at both The Ohio Star and The Michigan Star. Windsor is also an Investigative Reporter at WMFD-TV and The Virginia Star. Follow Jack on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “People Voting” by Wyofile Wyofile. CC BY 2.0.





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