Arizona Police Association Endorses Gallego over Lake in Senate Race

Ruben Gallego and Kari Lake in front of Arizona state capitol building
by Nicholas Ballasy


The Arizona Police Association has endorsed Democrat Rep. Ruben Gallego over Republican nominee Kari Lake in the state’s critical Senate race.

“As a Marine combat veteran, we know Congressman Gallego understands the complexities of modern policing in American society today, while at the same time recognizing the public’s expectations,” Arizona Police Association President Justin Harris wrote Monday on the social platform X.

“The APA does not take our endorsements lightly; we recognize the importance of having a U.S. senator that can bring people together to improve society for all,” he added.

The same group has endorsed former President Donald Trump for a second term. Harris spoke at Trump’s recent campaign rally in Glendale.

“The Arizona Police Association and their 12,000 members, family and friends are proud to extend our endorsement to Donald J. Trump for President of the United States of America,” he said on stage.

Crime and border security have emerged as top issues in the race between Gallego and Lake.

They are competing for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Democrat-turned-independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema. Gallego leads Lake by more than 6 percentage points, according to the most recent poll average.

Gallego said during a discussion in Chicago during the Democratic National Convention last week that he doesn’t think the Biden administration has done a good job on border security over the last 4 years.

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Nicholas Ballasy is a reporter for Just the News.
Photo “Rep. Ruben Gallego” by Rep. Ruben Gallego. Photo “Kari Lake” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Background Photo “Arizona State Capitol Building” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0.



Reprinted with permission from Just the News.

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3 Thoughts to “Arizona Police Association Endorses Gallego over Lake in Senate Race”

  1. D.J.

    No, a law enforcement group endorsing an open-borders Marxist is unequalled in insanity. Kari Lake is not a “proven loser,” since she was the true winner of the 2022 Gubernatorial race, marked by considerable election fraud that installed Sinaloa cartel puppet. If any of those other so-called “popular Republicans” (RINOs) cared to run against the dynamic conservative outsider Lake, they had ample opportunity. They chose not to.

    We certainly need more Trump supporters in Congress to replace the Demonrats and their disastrous RINO-dominated comrades.

    As for the junior Senator from Pennsylvania, he got in thanks to the half-million+ voter fraud machine the Demonrats can gin up to put in their puppet. Same exact way 600,000 votes were miraculously found for the pedophile-in-cheat in the overnight hours after the 2020 election. Happy to help correct your comments. 🙂

  2. GregSchmitty

    The only thing more insane is the GOP electing a proven loser in Kari Lake as the Senate nominee. There are 10 Republicans, including the former Governor and AG who would have comfortable leads over Gallego right now. How many times will the GOP shoot itself in the foot nominating some Trump flunky for a Senate seat. It’s why that moron Fetterman is in the Senate now,

  3. D.J.

    Are they insane? Endorsing an open-borders Marxist for Senator?
