Democrats Maintain Control of Pennsylvania House With Boyd’s Win

Democrat Heather Boyd defeated Republican Katie Ford in a Delaware County-based special election on Tuesday to occupy the seat recently vacated by Democratic Pennsylvania state Representative Mike Zabel. 

Democrats held a one-seat majority in the chamber since the new legislative session began last autumn, but Zabel jeopardized his party’s hold on the House when he resigned in response to allegations he made untoward sexual advances toward multiple women.

At this writing, Boyd received 9,016 votes to Ford’s 5,841 in the district that includes Aldan, Clifton Heights, and Collingdale, as well as parts of Darby and Upper Darby. Liberal interest groups voiced their elation at the Democrat’s victory.

“Heather Boyd has won her special election in Pennsylvania, ensuring the state House maintains its pro-equality, pro-choice majority,” the gay-rights-oriented Human Rights Campaign tweeted after her win was announced. “When we work together and rally voters, we can win.”

The result comes as a disappointment to Republicans and conservatives from across the Keystone State who participated enthusiastically in Ford’s campaign. Former U.S. Senate GOP primary candidate Dave McCormick’s political action committee Pennsylvania Rising donated $10,000 of its own funds to Ford’s effort and helped raise an additional $22,000 to aid her candidacy. 

Ford ran on a platform of more generous support for law enforcement and public education. She and many of her supporters took issue with her opponent’s record of support for Zabel, whose career was chiefly undone by sexual misconduct allegations leveled by Service Employees International Union official Andi Perez. Boyd asserted in a debate with Ford that she “never” backed the former representative, yet, as chair of the Upper Darby Democratic Committee, she oversaw Democrats’ efforts to keep him in office. 

In a tweet, Delaware County-based activist and U.S. Navy SEAL Tim Wood summed up the sentiment many Boyd opponents expressed throughout the campaign on the issue. 

“The Democrats have flooded Delco Pennsylvania with out of state operatives for the Special Election of District 163,” he wrote, saying Boyd “covered up for a serial abuser in order to keep a Dem majority.” He called her “the worst kind of political hack.”

Southeastern Pennsylvania attorney and commentator Christine Flowers voiced similar outrage.

“Any woman who votes for @HeatherBoydPA condones sexual harassment of women, and thinks covering it up empowers women,” she tweeted.

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Bradley Vasoli is managing editor of The Pennsylvania Daily Star. Follow Brad on Twitter at @BVasoli. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Heather Boyd” by Heather Boyd.



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