Are Democrats Trying to Steal a North Carolina Congressional Seat Already Certified by County Boards of Election as a 905 Vote GOP Win?

The North Carolina State Board of Elections is refusing to certify Republican Mark Harris’s 905 vote victory in the state’s 9th Congressional District on November 6, even though the election boards in all eight of the district’s counties have certified the results as a victory for Harris, and Democrat opponent Dan McCready has conceded. Jay DeLancy, executive director of the non-partisan Voter Integrity Project of North Carolina, asked the question late Thursday night that is on the minds of many North Carolina voters: “Are Democrats plotting to steal an NC election?” “All of the ballots have long been counted and certified in the district’s eight counties, so the state board’s certification looked like a yawner until Democrat board member, Joshua Malcolm, cited concerns with fraud or voting irregularities and motioned to exclude the 9th CD race from certification. The motion carried, 9 to 0,” DeLancy wrote. The North Carolina State Board of Elections has, to date, been secretive about the reasons they have chosen not to certify the election. Conservatives in the state suspect the foul play may be taking place not at the ballot boxes in the district, but in the political power plays going on between Democrat lawyers,…

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Battleground State Report: Election Integrity Will be Critical to Outcome of 2020 Presidential Election

On last weekend’s Battleground State Report  with Steve Gill, Michael Patrick Leahy, and Doug Kellet, a one hour radio show from Star News Digital Media in the early stages of a national weekend syndication rollout, the hosts talked about the voter suppression narrative which is consistently moderated by the left, and how they have conveniently left out the hundreds of people that vote illegally as dual residents.  Gill proposed a solution to this problem which would be to install a national voter database that would alert previous residents of one state when they have registered in another state.  The men agreed that such illegal voting activity should be audited and prosecuted and that Republicans have missed the boat on this opportunity in response to the current political narrative. Gill: One of the big issues guys that came out of the midterms that has been kind of an underlying issue… John Fund wrote a great book a few years back about the voter integrity issue.  About the fraud, the dead voters, the prospects of problems with mail in voting, where you don’t know who the person who sends in the ballot is actually the person who was supposed.  Supposed to be checking…

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