Tennessee Democrat to Reportedly Face Primary Challenge over Refusal to Back Tennessee Three

Johnny Shaw

A member of the Tennessee Three indicated on Friday that he may back a primary challenger against State Representative Johnny Shaw (D-Bolivar) for a seat in the Tennessee General Assembly that Democrats have held for nearly 25 years. The remarks came after Shaw refused to join other Democrats in a vote against rules in the Tennessee House designed to prevent chaotic speeches and insults.

State Representative Justin Pearson (D-Memphis), one of the three members of the Tennessee House who faced expulsion last year, told The Tennessee Lookout that, while he respects Shaw as a “black American in this country” born in an “era in American history of legalized subjugation of black people,” he will nonetheless seek to find and support Democratic candidates who “align with the vision of a more just Tennessee” in 2024.

“I do not believe that people who are silent are going to continue being of service to the people of their districts because the people in their communities do not want the status quo to continue,” Pearson told the outlet, which reported his statement meant that Shaw must “become more militant” or “Pearson is going to fund a primary opponent” in his district.

Shaw (pictured above), who has held office as a Democrat since 2000, was the only member of his party who voted for the House rules that became active earlier this month.

The Tennessee Three claim the rules were written to keep them from speaking, as speakers deemed out of order can lose their ability to speak in the General Assembly for two days, but Shaw told the Lookout he understood the rules to be in response to “confusion” in 2023 that also “hindered” Democrat priorities.

“When this all began, Justin and Justin wanted to be expelled, and I think all of us were working hard to try to keep them from being expelled,” Shaw told the outlet.

He later added that Pearson and State Representative Justin Jones (D-Nashville), who were both expelled but quickly returned to office, “like the cameras” but “need to be getting something done other than causing a lot of confusion” while earning media coverage.

Jones and Pearson were expelled after they led a gun control riot at the state Capitol in the wake of the Covenant School shooting last year. Prior to his expulsion, Jones brought a child-size casket into the Capitol chamber to help push for gun control legislation.

Shaw reportedly told the outlet he was concerned about a possible primary battle but said, “I’m a man of faith who believes if you do what’s right, my mom used to have a saying, if you do what’s right, right will follow you.”

The lawmaker has previously broken with his party, including in 2022, when he indicated he might support a Republican initiative to lower the age for carrying a handgun in Tennessee to 18. He ultimately voted against the bill.

He raised eyebrows earlier that year when he vocally opposed a resolution that made the Bible the state book of Tennessee despite himself being a Christian minister.

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Tom Pappert is the lead reporter for The Tennessee Star, and also reports for The Georgia Star News, The Virginia Star, and the Arizona Sun Times. Follow Tom on X/Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Johnny Shaw” by Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability.





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6 Thoughts to “Tennessee Democrat to Reportedly Face Primary Challenge over Refusal to Back Tennessee Three”

  1. Rocky Top

    Why are these Tennessee three allowed to continue in office? They are the ones who should be kicked out.

  2. william delzell

    Serves him right for selling out to the Republicans! If Republicans can primary fellow party members who don’t toe their ideological agenda, then progressive Democrats can play the same game.

  3. D.J.

    A warning that if Black Democrats don’t adhere to the hardcore Stalinist & anti-White agenda, they’ll be replaced.

  4. Rocky

    The Tennessee Three are nothing but Fascist Socialist terrorists and want the World to kiss their Butts. They are fast to use racial slurs like “Uncle Tom” against Blacks that can think for themselves. Hell, they are also illiterate when it comes to the US Constitution and History.
    I wonder how they feel about a Black Actor finding out his Great-Great Granddaddy was White and fought the South?

  5. Steve Allen

    As Pearson spews the usual worn out racial liberal rhetoric, I am glad to read that there are still democrats that can tell the difference between right and wrong. Thank you Representative Shaw.

  6. Tim Price

    Shaw acted like a professional so now the out of control Democrats slam him. What a sick joke Democrats have become!
