Tennessee GOP Chairman Scott Golden Stresses the Importance of Early Voting in the November General Election

People Voting

Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Scott Golden explained why the Republican National Committee (RNC) and state Republican parties are pushing voters to vote early in this year’s November general election when the time comes.

Last year, the RNC launched its national Bank Your Vote campaign to “encourage, educate, and activate Republican voters on when, where, and how to lock in their votes as early as possible, through in-person early voting, absentee voting, and ballot harvesting where legal.”

The campaign assists voters in requesting a ballot online or by mail, registering to vote, checking their registration, finding their early voting location, and locating their polling place on Election Day.

Golden said voting early is not just a convenience for voters, but also for state parties whose job it is to get individuals out to vote.

“Once we know that you voted, we can direct advertising to people that haven’t voted. I encourage people to go out on day one because we essentially know that once you’ve banked your vote, that we are moving on to the next person that we expect to vote Republican and we can make that phone call, we can send that personal text. Look, if we know you’re going to vote Republican and you’re just sitting at home, we’re sending you three mail pieces because we don’t know if you’re planning to come out and vote or not,” Golden explained on Wednesday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show.

“Our job is to get you out to vote. So when we have to repeatedly call or repetitively send texts or repetitively send mail, that’s money that could be going to other people to make sure that they get out and vote. President Trump has endorsed the effort,” Golden added.

Golden also addressed overall concerns surrounding voting in this year’s election, specifically pointing out issues in states like Georgia and Arizona during the 2020 presidential election.

Noting how Tennessee is the top state in the nation when it comes to election integrity, Golden said the Republican Party, especially under new RNC Chairman Michael Whatley, is fighting for fair elections through litigation, explaining how the GOP is currently in 78 different lawsuits across the country.

“We just need people to embrace that, to get out and early vote. I get the concern and we get it nationally, you see it with the national media that we did have problems in Georgia in 2020, we did have problems in Arizona and 2020, but the good news is the Republican party has worked hard. We’re currently in 78 different lawsuits across the country. If there is something going on, the RNC is suing,” Golden said.

“The phraseology is lawfare and we’re seeing it with what the Democrats are doing; president Trump in a courtroom every day. This is how they’re playing it. So the Republican party has got to get better at it. That’s one of the reasons why Michael Watley was such an attractive choice for chairman,” Golden added.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “People Voting” by Phil Roeder. CC BY 2.0.




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One Thought to “Tennessee GOP Chairman Scott Golden Stresses the Importance of Early Voting in the November General Election”


    NO WAY. Vote on election day. Long lines won’t hurt you. Just be prepared. Early voting is how they can easily steal an election. Geeeeez. Haven’t we learned anything? Make the sacrifice and vote on election day. I don’t care if I have to stand in line for hours I refuse to vote early. The American people have become so dang lazy and we are losing our country because everyone wants convenience and is not willing to sacrifice a few hours of TV time. TN should do away with early voting and work before the election to get folks out to vote. We also need to go back to precinct voting, paper ballots and hand counting of ballots, restrict mail-in voting to only those that are in the military or are truly disabled. We should make election DAY a work holiday so people have no excuse not to vote. If you think TN does not have election/voting fraud think again. We are better than most states but we still have election/voter fraud taking place. Seth Keshel proved that and found that Rutherford County was in the top 100 counties in America for election/voter fraud.
