Tennessee U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn Urges Lawmakers to ‘Defund Colleges That Peddle Antisemitism’ After Convicted Killer Arrested at Encampment

Marsha Blackburn

Tennessee U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) on Tuesday argued Syracuse University should lose its federal funding after a man convicted of manslaughter was arrested at an anti-Israel encampment constructed on the university campus.

Eural Warren was arrested by the Syracuse University of Public Safety last week, according to The National Desk, after the outlet previously confirmed the convicted killer was staying at the anti-Israel encampment constructed at the university despite officials declaring only students would be allowed access to the protest.

Following Warren’s arrest, which the university confirmed, Blackburn told the outlet that his participation in the protest was an “outrage.”

Blackburn said, “It is an outrage that a convicted murderer is embedded with the Pro-Hamas encampment at Syracuse University.”

The senator added, “Colleges have a responsibility to educate and protect their students, and Syracuse has not taken any action despite repeated warnings.”

She continued, “We should defund colleges that peddle antisemitism and glorify acts of terrorism.”

Blackburn’s suggestion follows a similar statement by Pennsylvania Republican U.S. Senate nominee Dave McCormick, who recently told The Star News Network that he would urge senators to “revisit” federal tax breaks and funding for colleges and universities that allowed anti-Israel protests and encampments if elected in November.

“If these are going to be places that can’t stand up to bigotry, can’t ensure enforcement of the law and the rules, and ensure that all the students, including Jewish students, are able to have an opportunity to learn without being intimidated or subject to violence, then they shouldn’t get federal support,” he told The Star News Network, later adding, “As a senator, that’s something I’d actively be focused on.”

McCormick was recently endorsed by Blackburn, with the Tennessean declaring him “the right choice” to “take back the Senate majority” in November. He is challenging U.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-PA), who is seeking a fourth term in office.

Blackburn previously called for U.S. colleges to ban the controversial National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) from forming new chapters, asserting the “wave of college campus protests” was “a coordinated event” by activists trained by NSJP.

“This was a coordinated event and NSJP chapters should be banned by colleges.”

Blackburn also recently called for students who “promoted terrorism” that is “on behalf of Hamas” at anti-Israel encampments  to “be immediately added to the terrorist watch list and placed on the TSA No Fly List.”

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Tom Pappert is the lead reporter for The Tennessee Star, and also reports for The Pennsylvania Daily Star and The Arizona Sun Times. Follow Tom on X/Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Marsha Blackburn” by Marsha Blackburn.





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