Trump Leads Biden by Two Percent in Pennsylvania: Poll

Donald Trump and Joe Biden
by Ben Whedon


Former President Donald Trump holds a narrow lead over President Joe Biden in battleground Pennsylvania, according to a recent survey.

In the latest Marist poll, Trump led with 47% support among registered voters in the Keystone State to Biden’s 45%. A further 3% opted for independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., while fellow independent Cornel West and the Green Party’s Jill Stein each received 1%.

“Once a Democratic stronghold, Pennsylvania’s 19 electoral votes are up for grabs,” Marist Institute for Public Opinion Director Lee Miringoff said. “Although Obama carried Pennsylvania handily in 2008 and 2012, Trump broke the ‘blue wall’ in 2016 against Clinton before Biden ‘held serve’ for the Democrats in 2020. Now, there are no guarantees for either candidate.”

Voters appeared to consider Trump the preferable choice on a number of key issues, including the economy and immigration. Fifty-four percent said they thought Trump would handle the economy better while 45% said Biden would be preferable on the issue.

A further 55% preferred Trump on immigration compared to 43% who opted for Biden.

Biden, notably, fared better than Trump on abortion, with 53% preferring the incumbent, while 44% preferred his predecessor.

Trump carried the state in 2016 over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, though Biden won it in 2020.

Conducted June 3-6, the survey questioned 1,181 registered Pennsylvania voters and has a margin of error of +/- 3.6%.

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Ben Whedon is an editor and reporter for Just the News. Follow him on X, formerly Twitter.
Photo “Joe Biden” by President Joe Biden. 





Reprinted with permission from Just the News 

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