Movies to Watch This Weekend



If you are in search of a hard-hitting action comedy movie this weekend, Stuber might be the movie for you.

Stuber is about an Uber driver Stu (Kumail Nanjian) who happens to pick up a detective Vic (Dave Bautista) while he is trying to catch a killer. The movie chronicles this unlikely pairing as they try to capture the fugitive.

This movie opened up Friday and has received mixed reviews from movie critics. Rotten Tomatoes rated the movie at 46 percent. However, fans have rated the move at 82 percent.


Crawl details the story of the journey of a young girl named Haley (Kaya Scodelario) who is at home when a Category 5 hurricane hits her Florida home. Instead of listening to evacuation orders, she decides to look for her missing father Dave (Barry Pepper).

As Haley locates her father, who is hurt, they both are trapped by the floodwaters. On top of dealing with the rising stormwater, the father-daughter duo has to fend off a group of alligators.

Can they survive? Find out this weekend in your local theaters.

This movie came out Friday and has received positive reviews. Rotten Tomatoes movie critics gave the horror movie an 89 percent rating, while fans gave it 74 percent.

The Farwell:

A Chinese family finds out unfortunate news that the matriarch of the family their grandmother Nai Nai (Shuzhen Zhao) has been diagnosed with terminal lung cancer. To celebrate Nai Nai’s life, her family is throwing a fake wedding to gather in China. The only thing is Nai Nai does not know she only has a few weeks to live.

This comedy-drama has done well with movie critics. Rotten Tomatoes movie critics rated this moving at 100 percent.

This movie came out on Friday.

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Zachery Schmidt is the digital editor of Battleground State News. Follow Zachery on Twitter.
Photo “Stuber” by 20th Century Fox. 






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