Commentary: When Anti-Israel Activists Shut Down American Streets, There Must Be Consequences

Sen. Marsh Blackburn
by Sen. Marsha Blackburn


America is a nation of law and order. Yet, more and more, we are seeing U.S. cities overrun with lawless behavior — especially by Hamas sympathizers.

Just last week, anti-Israel demonstrators blocked access to highways, bridges, and airports in cities across the country, stranding hundreds of Americans in rush-hour traffic.

On San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge, activists unfurled a banner that read “STOP THE WORLD FOR GAZA,” blocking traffic in both directions.

In San Antonio, activists blocked the entrance to energy company Valero’s headquarters for more than four hours.

In Chicago, protesters displaying “Free Palestine” signs blocked access to O’Hare International Airport, forcing some passengers to walk along the interstate with their luggage to make their flights.

And in New York, pro-Hamas demonstrators shut down traffic over the Brooklyn Bridge for several hours until police managed to disperse the crowd.

As a result of these reckless demonstrations — which also affected cities such as Philadelphia and Oakland — hardworking Americans struggled to get to their jobs and commerce in many parts of the country came to a standstill.

And that is exactly what was intended. A15 Action — the far-left group that coordinated the demonstrations — claimed on its website that it wanted activists to “blockade major choke points in the economy” to pressure the U.S. government to withhold aid from Israel as the Jewish state fights for its survival against Iran and its terror proxies, including Hamas.

“There is a need to shift from symbolic actions to those that cause pain to the economy,” A15 Action wrote. “Together we will coordinate to disrupt and blockade economic logistical hubs and the flow of capital.”

To be clear: Blocking major public roads to “cause pain to the economy” is not an act of free speech, but an act of extortion against the American people that threatens the safety of both demonstrators and stranded motorists.

But far too often, individuals who stage traffic blockades face zero consequences — emboldening activists to take increasingly drastic measures.

In February, hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators shut down the Memphis-Arkansas I-40 bridge for two hours, forcing one woman stranded in traffic to be airlifted after experiencing a medical emergency. Yet law enforcement arrested none of the demonstrators, even as police declared the blockade “unlawful.” Following last week’s demonstrations, San Francisco has already released the activists who shut down the Golden Gate Bridge after the city’s district attorney claimed that more evidence is needed to press charges.

These lawless actions are inexcusable. And if city governments refuse to stop dangerous traffic blockades, Congress must step up to ensure that there are consequences for this reckless behavior.

That’s why, in the U.S. Senate, I joined Senator Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) in introducing the Safe and Open Streets Act, which would make it a federal crime to purposely obstruct, delay, or affect commerce by blocking a public road or highway — hitting lawbreakers with hefty fines and up to five years in prison.

In America, no one has the right to shut down cities and keep innocent people stranded in dangerous traffic blockades. The Safe and Open Streets Act would ensure that this lawlessness comes to an end.

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Marsha Blackburn was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2018, and is currently serving her first term representing the state of Tennessee. Before her election to the Senate, Blackburn represented Tennessee’s 7th Congressional District.
Image “Sen. Marsha Blackburn” by Sen. Marsha Blackburn and “Street Shutdown Prostest” by Tay.



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One Thought to “Commentary: When Anti-Israel Activists Shut Down American Streets, There Must Be Consequences”

  1. The Professor

    Yes, this is not difficult. This isn’t a free speech issue when the safety of a group, in this case the Jewish Community, is being threatened and attacked. Involved students need to be expelled, not suspended, expelled. Involved pro-Hamas faculty need to be fired. To the protesters, the non-college enrolled, kick them off campus. They have no reason to be there other than to disrupt the learning environment. There are many students who are there for the right reason and are actively working toward their educational dream. Their education must not be disrupted by outsiders who simply want to practice anarchy. Finally, to the Soros funded district attorneys who refuse to prosecute the perpetrators, dismiss them. They are not fulfilling the responsibilities of their position, i.e., to objectively prosecute those violating the law and to uphold the law.
