Journalist Julie Kelly Not Surprised by Trump Conviction, Says Lawfare Has Been Used to Target Everyday Americans Since January 6 Capitol Riot

Donald Trump

Independent journalist Julie Kelly said she was not “shocked” that former President Donald Trump was found guilty by a Manhattan jury on all 34 counts in the falsification of business records linked to the Stormy Daniels hush money scandal on Thursday, considering the Left has been using its lawfare to target everyday Americans involved in the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

Noting how Trump’s conviction is “tragic,” Kelly said on Friday’s edition of The Michael Patrick Leahy Show, “We’re in a different country really right now as we were before this trial began, and I think it is waking up a lot of Americans as to how Democrats are using the legal and judicial system weaponizing it to start this warfare against the right.”

“But it is frustrating and I didn’t have this visceral reaction or shock like a lot of people were shocked because of course, I’ve been watching this play out in Washington DC for almost three and a half years. We now have more than 1,400 Americans who have been investigated, harassed, raided, subjected to SWAT raids, charged, prosecuted, and put before Democratic juries and Democratic judges in Washington DC on bogus charges in these rigged trials and then sent to prison on even low level offenses,” Kelly added.

Kelly called out Republican lawmakers for their silence when it comes to the January 6 defendants compared to their statements of outrage Thursday after Trump was convicted.

“So my question yesterday, and again, today is where have these Republicans been? Where has Thom Tillis been? Where’s Ron DeSantis been? Florida has the highest number of J6 defendants. He refuses to say anything, but suddenly jumps in yesterday. I could go on with a long list of Republican leaders and lawmakers who’ve been utterly silent and complicit with their silence. This prosecution goes on to this day, they are still arresting people now, almost three and a half years later, and these lawmakers and leaders have been silent as a DOJ and FBI has terrorized their own constituents,” Kelly said.

Kelly pointed to Trump’s comment following his conviction when he said, “If they can do this to me, they can do this to you,” to further her point that lawfare has already been used to target conservatives.

“It’s already been happening…I wrote a book about it that was published in January of 2022, a year after the events of January 6th, and I said how the left is using the events of January 6 to launch this war on terror against the right. That’s certainly what they have done. It’s been frustrating day after day to see these lawmakers say and do nothing. It even took Donald Trump a while to say anything,” Kelly said.

“There was no help for these people…These people were absolutely having the full weight of the federal government on their neck for low level offenses, being destroyed, and their own elected representatives did nothing,” Kelly added.

Kelly, noting how the law is “selectively applied,” said that Republican attorneys general should be bringing lawsuits against the Biden administration to “protect the constitutional rights of their constituents from this lawless and abusive DOJ and FBI.”

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Kaitlin on X / Twitter.
Photo “Donald Trump” by Dan Scavino Jr. 




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