110 Employees of Detroit’s Failing Public School System Make Six-Figure Salaries

More than 100 employees in the Detroit Public Schools Community District make salaries that exceed $100,000 per year, even though the district consistently ranks among the lowest performing schools.

According to data obtained by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, 110 employees of the Detroit school district make six figure salaries, including at least one teacher and two police officers.

Superintendent Nikolai Vitti (pictured, center) topped the list with an annual salary of $294,999 in the 2017-28 fiscal year. Coming in second was Luis Solano, the school district’s chief operating officer, who makes an annual salary of $183,750, while Deputy Superintendent Iranetta Wright brings in $182,692 annually.

Chalkbeat reported in 2017 that all sixteen employees in Vitti’s inner circle are making well over $100,000 annually.

As Michigan Capitol Confidential reports, the one teacher on the list, who teaches seventh and eighth grade, made a salary of $100,057 in the 2017-18 fiscal year. The outlet points out that there are numerous ways for teachers to pick up extra compensation, such as merit pay or agreeing to lead various school functions, which are included in the salary figures.

They also found that this teacher, with a base pay of $84,505 annually, brought in an extra $15,552.

A 2017 report from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy found that 13 of the 16 lowest performing schools in Michigan and 41 of the bottom 100 schools are run by Detroit Public Schools Community District—formerly known as Detroit Public Schools.

“Consistent with prior releases of the elementary and middle school report card, most of the lowest-rated schools are located in the city of Detroit,” the report stated. “This reflects poor performance even after adjusting for the poverty levels of students who were tested.”

That report found that nearly three-fourths of the bottom 100 schools were located in cities, while just seven were located in rural areas and three in towns.

Bob Luddy, president of North Carolina’s revolutionary Thales Academy private school, recently told Battleground State News that his schools are able to keeps costs down because they “don’t have virtually any bureaucracies.”

“So if you look at a K-5 school that has 500 kids, students, we have a principal and she has an administrative assistant. And that’s it,” he said. “So all these plethora of jobs that exist in the public schools, they don’t exist in our schools. That’s huge.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Detroit Public Schools Community District Facility” by Detroit Public Schools Community District. 







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3 Thoughts to “110 Employees of Detroit’s Failing Public School System Make Six-Figure Salaries”

  1. AN

    Iranetta Wright is a bully who has left two failing districts and tried to ruin the careers of many. Pure evil

  2. Carol Weaver

    Please read
