150,000 Sign Petition to Impeach Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib

A Change.org petition calling for the impeachment of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) already has close to 160,000 signatures.

“This woman is an anti-Semite, a war mongering hate filled Palestinian who has vowed to try and destroy our constitutional rights, hates America, hates American citizens,” the petition states. “She’s a danger to our sovereignty, a detriment to society, and to this country, and is unfit to serve in any capacity within our government.”

The petition also takes issue with Tlaib’s election, claiming that she “lied about living in Detroit” by “using her father’s house address.”

Tlaib made headlines earlier this week when she vowed to “impeach the motherf—” during a party in celebration of her being sworn in to Congress.

“I stand by impeaching the president of the United States. I ran on that,” she said in an interview discussing her comments. She called her promise to impeach President Donald Trump something she “very much” holds “dearly.”

“They love that I’m real, and that I am very much focused on getting the government back up and running, but also making sure we’ve held the president of the United States accountable,” she said.

Tlaib later apologized that her comments caused a “distraction,” but refused to apologize for the explicit remarks.

“I understand that I am a member of Congress, and I don’t want anything that I do or say to distract us. And that’s the only thing that I apologize for—that it was a distraction,” Tlaib told reporters, calling the backlash she’s faced a “teachable moment.”

As Battleground State News reported this week, Tlaib was pictured with anti-Semite and known defender of Sharia law Linda Sarsour after she was sworn in. Sarsour posted several pictures with Tlaib, calling her a “congresswoman of the people.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Rashida Tlaib” by Rashida Tlaib. 
Photo “Rashida Tlaib Petition” by Change.org. 











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753 Thoughts to “150,000 Sign Petition to Impeach Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib”

  1. Frankie correia


  2. Mark

    Impeach Talib Rashida Tlaib and Deport her Dumbass

    1. Mary Barnes

      There was an article I read today saying by 2030 so many elected seats in government would be filled by Muslims and there could be a Muslim president.

      Is this what we want for America. Like some Muslim man said last week Sharia law is coming then they would marry 7 or 8 year old American girls. That lady who should be impeached for what she said about our President is from Michigan a state the Muslim have taken over.. Wake up don’t let them take over America like they have other COUNTRIES.

      1. Melibda Maloney

        We need to wake up! They’re creeping in and it’s scarry. America as we know it will be gone!

  3. Ekaterina

    Only stupid people would vote for her wonder how they are-felling now? No member of congress should use such language deport her as a traitor

  4. Deborah Cummings

    She’s insane, Impeach now.

  5. Steven Damron


  6. BEN

    LMAO!! Let it go snowflakes! SO OFFENDED!

  7. Jim Rains

    I would sign it

    1. Nancy hanson

      Go fund me has it

    2. MS

      Click on “the petition” in 2nd paragraph in above article

  8. James Harris

    Get her out of office she is not for America it’s obvious

  9. […] Sign Petition to Impeach Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib,” by Anthony Gockowski, Tennessee Star, January 12, 2019 (thanks to […]

    1. Peggy Peterson

      Impeach her, how dare she make this remark about the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES !! She needs to go the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA does not need a woman or man that has this DIRTY,DIRTY,DIRTY MOUTH!! CHRISTIAN AMERICANS do not want this DIRTY language !!!! SHE needs to be IMPEACHED NOW!!!

      1. Billy Boy

        Swearing is the least of the problem.listen to the rest of what comes from her mouth

    2. Helen Foote

      I don’t know how this NASTY CREATURE ever made it into our White House!!! Impeach this America HATING WAR MONGER NOW !!!!!!!

  10. Tammy

    They only say they will impeach her is if people throw a fit and riot. Where do you sign the petition. Impeach her she can not hold true to our constitution if she can not put her hand on the bible. This is a beginning of the Trojan Horse to come. People raise hell , so much that the people in Congress has no choice than to put her out.

    1. Nancy hanson

      Cool all the mooslims here in Minnesota the land of Mooslims, used the kuran but here they love there mooslims, we are going down fast!

    2. ron hyre

      we have to get her out of congress, she is there Big first step.

  11. Sheldon Levy

    This is a Pathetic excuse for a human being, This had been anyone on right saying anything like this to one of them cry babies on the left he or she would be in jail by now, Get her out period,

  12. Tom Edwards

    Where is the petition? Want to sign and nowhere to sign it! If we are having a petition lets get it out to the people to sign! We would have Millions of signatures!

    1. Victor Hinz

      Yep, I dont see any petition either, WTF?

      1. Larry Fyne

        What’s with the vulgarity Victor? Can’t speak without using?

        1. Sandra Troia

          How do we go about signing? Where is it??

    2. Jill Franks

      I am wondering the same thing! I would definitely sign it!!

    3. Patti

      I want to sign it also!

    4. Brian Carloss

      click on the change.org link at the bottom of the article. It will take you to the petition.

  13. Frank Resto

    She will never up hold the America’s Constitution. I don’t understand how someone can be sworn in on a Quran. And waves a Palestinian flag in her office. This is America .Not her country. And she also to me mad her agenda clear. Impeach our President . And over throw our government.

    1. Dianne Cockrell

      This vile-mouthed Muslims has NO place in this government so we need to kick her out as soon as possible!! Her behavior is despicable and intolerable!!!

  14. Marie Barre

    She never should have been voted or let her applied
    Get her out ASAP

  15. Linda Payton

    I am ashamed of the state of Michigan for electing this anti American to Congress.
