150,000 Sign Petition to Impeach Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib

A Change.org petition calling for the impeachment of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) already has close to 160,000 signatures.

“This woman is an anti-Semite, a war mongering hate filled Palestinian who has vowed to try and destroy our constitutional rights, hates America, hates American citizens,” the petition states. “She’s a danger to our sovereignty, a detriment to society, and to this country, and is unfit to serve in any capacity within our government.”

The petition also takes issue with Tlaib’s election, claiming that she “lied about living in Detroit” by “using her father’s house address.”

Tlaib made headlines earlier this week when she vowed to “impeach the motherf—” during a party in celebration of her being sworn in to Congress.

“I stand by impeaching the president of the United States. I ran on that,” she said in an interview discussing her comments. She called her promise to impeach President Donald Trump something she “very much” holds “dearly.”

“They love that I’m real, and that I am very much focused on getting the government back up and running, but also making sure we’ve held the president of the United States accountable,” she said.

Tlaib later apologized that her comments caused a “distraction,” but refused to apologize for the explicit remarks.

“I understand that I am a member of Congress, and I don’t want anything that I do or say to distract us. And that’s the only thing that I apologize for—that it was a distraction,” Tlaib told reporters, calling the backlash she’s faced a “teachable moment.”

As Battleground State News reported this week, Tlaib was pictured with anti-Semite and known defender of Sharia law Linda Sarsour after she was sworn in. Sarsour posted several pictures with Tlaib, calling her a “congresswoman of the people.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Rashida Tlaib” by Rashida Tlaib. 
Photo “Rashida Tlaib Petition” by Change.org. 











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753 Thoughts to “150,000 Sign Petition to Impeach Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib”

  1. Melinda

    She should never have been elected in the first place! Impeachment should certainly be in order for any elected official who refuses to uphold the constitution of the USA

  2. kenneth brashear II

    Impeach her then kick her and her kind out of this country!!

  3. Hugh E. Walker

    Yes impeach her should never have been put in office any way. No Muslim is supposed to be in any kind of office in America

    1. Susan Harris

      Hugh E. Walker, you are correct. But unfortunately we already had a Muslim in the
      office of President of The United States for
      8 yrs.. 😐

  4. Luther

    Impeach her now!

  5. Beverly Comstock

    Where’s the Petition??? I want to sign

    1. Melissa

      click on “the petition” in 2nd paragraph of article above.

  6. Carol Rogers

    Imleach her. She is not for the good of America.

  7. Shari Pahls

    Impeach her! We don’t need people like this in our government.

  8. Charity staggs

    Impeach her

  9. Kamell Gibbon

    Please relieve her of her position. She is a great to humanity as a whole.

  10. Donald Leigh

    this terrorist needs to be impeach now high treason shes engulfing a terrorist flag pa-lie-stine flag impeach her now.

  11. Donald Johnson

    Where is the Recall paper to sign? Time to Recall The Idiot out of office now!

  12. Michael Gough


  13. Nancy Trail

    Get her out. She is evil to our country.

  14. Reba K Johnson

    Agree, impeach her!
    She is not American in the true sense of the word. She is anti American!

  15. Terry Lund

    Impeach Immediately
