150,000 Sign Petition to Impeach Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib

A Change.org petition calling for the impeachment of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) already has close to 160,000 signatures.

“This woman is an anti-Semite, a war mongering hate filled Palestinian who has vowed to try and destroy our constitutional rights, hates America, hates American citizens,” the petition states. “She’s a danger to our sovereignty, a detriment to society, and to this country, and is unfit to serve in any capacity within our government.”

The petition also takes issue with Tlaib’s election, claiming that she “lied about living in Detroit” by “using her father’s house address.”

Tlaib made headlines earlier this week when she vowed to “impeach the motherf—” during a party in celebration of her being sworn in to Congress.

“I stand by impeaching the president of the United States. I ran on that,” she said in an interview discussing her comments. She called her promise to impeach President Donald Trump something she “very much” holds “dearly.”

“They love that I’m real, and that I am very much focused on getting the government back up and running, but also making sure we’ve held the president of the United States accountable,” she said.

Tlaib later apologized that her comments caused a “distraction,” but refused to apologize for the explicit remarks.

“I understand that I am a member of Congress, and I don’t want anything that I do or say to distract us. And that’s the only thing that I apologize for—that it was a distraction,” Tlaib told reporters, calling the backlash she’s faced a “teachable moment.”

As Battleground State News reported this week, Tlaib was pictured with anti-Semite and known defender of Sharia law Linda Sarsour after she was sworn in. Sarsour posted several pictures with Tlaib, calling her a “congresswoman of the people.”

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Rashida Tlaib” by Rashida Tlaib. 
Photo “Rashida Tlaib Petition” by Change.org. 











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753 Thoughts to “150,000 Sign Petition to Impeach Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib”

  1. lorrie ailport

    she needs to be impeached her filthy mouth in public this is America not any muslim country we are americans are children should get to speak English not muslim also you need to go bye bye cant even sign a petiotion on this page

  2. Barbara Noll

    This country will unite against haters of America.

  3. Mark Hannah

    It is illegal per constitution she wasn’t sworn in with a bible and her actions speak for them selves

    1. Ann

      Impeach her. She was not sworn in legally.

    2. Cheryl

      I wholeheartedly agree! Impeach her for failure to be sworn properly. Oh wait, she would have to understand what an oath is first! Horrific example of an American!

    3. Actually Article VI forbids that no religious test be required to take the oath, unfortunately. Here’s clause 3 of the Article: The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

    4. Carlos

      She was sworn in legally using Thomas Jefferson’s Quoran. She is from Detroit. We elected her and your opinion does noy matter to us. She is our Represetative, get over it.

      1. Dale

        Our opinion does matter she is in office and is for Islam not America that alone is against the constatution. InlInly reason she won Detroit is become Dearborn has been taken over by islam. She wasn’t a league citizen she committed frond to run that alone disqaulifies h er to run for office she was not a resident. I am from michogan my opinion defiantly counts. There islam no place in America for saris law

      2. Marty

        U need to go also

      3. Shirley H Greer

        Thomas Jefferson’s Quran! Thomas Jefferson purchased his copy of the Quran not because he was interested in it for spiritual reasons, but to understand the alien threat it posed the young United States of America. President John Adams, likewise owned a copy of the Quran. He wrote an analysis of the “prophet” Mohammad; the essence of his doctrine was violence and lust: to exalt the brutal over the spiritual part of human nature. Historical accounts indicate that as many as 1.5 million people were snatched from their homeland and enslaved in Muslim nations by Barbary Pirates. Barbary Pirates were extorting tribute payments from the US. After years of dealing with broken promises and coming to an understanding of what Islam really is Thomas Jefferson settled on a different solution. The First Continental Marines were founded to conduct ship-ship fighting, provide security for American merchant ships.

  4. Cathie Ashby

    Impeach and deport her NOW!

  5. Sandra Alvarez

    Her election is not legal, so get rid of her

  6. Leigh

    Impeach her and ALL non-Americans from office NOW!!!

    1. Ellen Schaub

      Absolutely get rid of her and every other non-American in the congress as they have no legal right to be there!!

    2. Fran O Donoghue

      That would deporting anybody not of native American descent.. Not an easy job with your government shut down

  7. Bill Rhea

    she is unfit to be in office

  8. Tim Lawrence

    Welcome To America, Mother Fu$ker!

  9. Theresa

    She is not an American and needs to go.

  10. Brenda wheeler

    Impeach her now!!!!!!

  11. Stephen Serafin

    Will I might agree with your views, you all are ignorant of the process required. You can’t “impeach” her nor can you do it by signing a national petition. The people of her District have to collect signitures from within the District and file a RECALL PETITION in Superior Court. If that makes it past it’s first hurtle, then it could go onto a vote within her district. Recalls are difficult to do at best; otherwise there is the vote up or down the next time around. The national outrage doesn’t count.

  12. Ruby

    Impeach talib rashida. No room for a woman that isnt for America first.

  13. M Giles

    Where do I sign?!

    1. Earlene

      Impeach Talib Rashida no room for her, she does not put America first!

  14. L A

    Conflict of interest. Beliefs and terms of office. Cannot uphold office requirements
