1776 Commission Members Appointed by Donald Trump Reconvene


Despite U.S. President Joe Biden ending the group, members of The 1776 Commission have reconvened, regardless, to carry out a task that commission member Carol Swain said she and other members take seriously.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump appointed the members before he left office.

“We made a decision immediately that we would not disband just because of [Biden’s] executive order [getting rid of it],” Swain told The Tennessee Star Monday.

Swain said she and other commission members met Monday to focus on Biden’s federal directive about teaching history and civics going by Critical Race Theory.

“We believe that education should be in the hands of parents and decided at the local level that one of our recommendations is for parents to organize and run for the school board and be actively involved in selecting curricula for our children,” Swain said.

Swain said that 1776 Commission members never received federal funding.

“The commission itself was announced December 18 and by then Biden was the presumptive nominee,” Swain said.

“The [federal] Department of Education never provided our commission with any funding. We paid for our own airfare [to meet].”

1776 Commission members sent out a press release Monday saying “the restoration of American education can only be grounded in a history of America and its principles that is accurate, honest, unifying, inspiring, and ennobling.”

“This decades-long restoration will only succeed through the great efforts of the millions of good-willed, intelligent, and patriotic Americans, who long, as all human beings long, to know the truth. There is no more powerful force than parents’ love for their children, and this restoration will depend on mothers and fathers demanding that their children are no longer taught false narratives or fed hateful lies about our country. We affirm, as a bulwark for the protection of American principles, the core constitutional principle that parents have the natural right to direct the education of their children,” according to the press release.

“All those concerned about education in America should organize and run for school board and vote in school board elections. Through that and other means they can restore the natural sovereignty in education of the school, the place where students, parents, and teachers are united in the sublime work of helping children to grow. Parents and local school boards will be strengthened in this effort by greater choice and variety in curriculum at the state and local levels. We reaffirm the role of the states and localities in overseeing the nation’s K-12 public educational system, and commend those states and localities that have reformed or are considering reforming their curricula to sustain our common principles and teach our true history to America’s children.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Carol M. Swain, PhD” by Carol M. Swain and “Hillsdale campus” is by Hillsdale College.





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5 Thoughts to “1776 Commission Members Appointed by Donald Trump Reconvene”

  1. Noxville

    The 1776 Commission’s “final” report, issued in January 2021, can be read here: https://1776-commission-report.com/. A paper copy can be purchased from various outlets. The report delves into topics like slavery, identity politics, communism, the indispensable role of the nuclear family in education, and teaching of “genuine” civics.

    It’s great to hear that the Commission’s members are continuing to meet. Is there a way for the public to help fund their work?

  2. David Shock

    Dr. Carol Swain is a true American Patriot!!🇺🇸

  3. Kevin

    Don’t you just love Nashville’s very own Carol Swain!

    We are blessed to have her right here in Music City! She’s an American icon and a person you can set your own compass to.

    1. Beatrice Shaw

      I seriously doubt she paid her own airfare. She lives on political welfare.

      1. 83ragtop50

        Any proof of your claim?
