40,000 Tennesseans Could Receive COVID-19 Vaccine by Mid-December

by Vivian Jones


Tennessee is on target to receive doses of a COVID-19 vaccine for about 40,000 people by mid-December, state officials said Tuesday.

Tennessee Department of Health Commissioner Lisa Piercey said during a news briefing at the state Capitol that officials learned Monday the first doses are on track to be delivered by Dec 15.

First responders and health care workers will receive the vaccine first.

“I want to reassure you that we are 100% prepared to receive and immediately distribute vaccine as soon as we have it in hand,” Piercey said. “We are getting new information, multiple times per day. We are in very frequent contact with our federal partners, particularly those in Operation Warp Speed, as well as directly with Pfizer.”

Tennessee will receive the Pfizer vaccine first. Piercey said the state learned Monday the Moderna vaccine will follow about one week later.

“This is our top priority,” Piercey said. “This is the one ray of hope that we’ve got, and so we are putting a ton of effort forth to make sure we get it to you as fast and as safely as possible.”

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Vivian Jones reports on Tennessee and South Carolina for The Center Square. Her writing has appeared in the Detroit News, The Hill, and publications of The Heartland Institute.










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4 Thoughts to “40,000 Tennesseans Could Receive COVID-19 Vaccine by Mid-December”

  1. 83ragtop50

    Not going to take it.

  2. JoeBworks4CCP

    Who the hell wants it ? Prob the same people who voted for JB , not one person! We will not be your test dummies. The top priority should be the Constitution!

    1. Ron Welch

      “Healthcare is a right” they say. I agree. It’s one of the non enumerated rights that can be included in the 9th Amendment. And if a right, it cannot be mandated by the government.

      Also in the Tennessee Constitution, we have the Declaration of Rights. Article I, Section 7 is basically the wording of the 4th Amendment of the U.S. bill of Rights. The first enumerated right is that we are “SECURE IN OUR PERSON”. Therefore our State or the Federal Government may NOT mandate that anyone impose something like a forced vaccination upon any one of us. Any such attempt would be that of a “domestic enemy” according to our Constitutional oath which we require of our public servants who we employee to follow.
