A Mob Showed Up Outside Tucker Carlson’s House and Ordered Him to Leave Town

by Peter Hasson


A left-wing mob showed up outside Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house Wednesday evening, posted pictures of his address online and demanded that he flee the city of Washington, D.C.

Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller and host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” was at the Fox News studio when the angry crowd showed up outside of his house.

At least one of the protesters went all the way up to Carlson’s front door, where they left a sign with his family’s home address written on it and rang his doorbell.


Video the group, “Smash Racism DC,” posted to Twitter shows one of the mob’s ringleaders leading the crowd in chants of “racist scumbag, leave town!” and “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

“No borders! No walls! No USA at all!” the protesters chanted in another video posted to Twitter.

The group posted a picture of the sign with the Carlson family’s address on it to Twitter.

“Tucker Carlson, you cannot hide from the people you hurt with your rhetoric, your lies, and your hate,” the group wrote on Twitter, adding the hashtag “#KnockKnockTucker.”

Twitter removed the videos and tweet with Carlson’s address Wednesday night after an inquiry from The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The left-wing group’s Twitter account was suspended shortly after midnight on Thursday.

NBC’s Megyn Kelly denounced the mob tactics towards Carlson.

“This has to stop. Who are we? What are we becoming? @TuckerCarlson is tough & can handle a lot, but he does not deserve this,” Kelly, a former Fox News host, wrote on Twitter.

“His family does not deserve this. It’s stomach-turning,” Kelly added.

“Smash Racism DC” previously chased Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz and his wife out of a restaurant during Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings.

The group later posted a message warning Cruz that he’s “not safe.”

This article has been updated to note Twitter’s deletion of the group’s tweets and suspension of its Twitter account. 

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Peter Hasson is a reporter for Daily Caller News Foundation.  Follow Hasson on Twitter @PeterJHasson











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4 Thoughts to “A Mob Showed Up Outside Tucker Carlson’s House and Ordered Him to Leave Town”

  1. William Delzell

    Did I hear Tucker Carlson right a few days ago when he said it was okay for grown women to rape boys?
    A lot of men and women think that’s funny–that is, until it happens to their son. When your own child is involved, everything changes. A rush of emotions goes through your head. You’re suddenly angry toward that woman for messing with an underage boy (or girl), especially if the minor is prepubescent or an infant. If you don’t believe me, ask any decent parent how they feel when a woman (or man) seduces their son (or daughter).

    It’s not a laughing matter.

  2. Traditional Thinker

    Legal terrorism bought and paid for by the Democratic party. Lock em all up and get the trash off the streets.


    I am very sorry to say, but this will continue till someone gets hurt. I hope i am wrong, but you cannot stop, and never have been able to stop a bully any other way.

  4. paulJ

    Meanwhile Rod Rosenstein’s Justice Department (with AG Sessions napping until resigning) is prosecuting conservative groups for defending themselves against Antifa while Antifa proceeds uninterrupted.
