Activist Attorney in Kansas City Threatens Local Police and Their Families

by Debra Heine


A radical lawyer and civil rights activist is under fire after threatening Kansas City police and their families in an speech addressing alleged police brutality last week. “You don’t think that we know where y’all live? You don’t think we don’t know where your children go to school?!” the attorney fumed in angry rant that was captured on video.

Stacy Shaw is the attorney for a pregnant black woman who was arrested at a KC gas station late last month. For the past 10 days, Shaw has been leading an “occupation” of City Hall in Kansas City, Missouri to protest the arrest.

“We are not being kind with you anymore,” said Shaw. “We have been courteous. We have been respectful, but we aren’t doing that anymore,” she warned.

Shaw said she is seeking to have the licenses of the peace officers involved in the arrest revoked, and then threatened to use her allies in the education system to turn their children against them.

“We are going to start showing things with your children’s teachers,” the attorney said. “You don’t think that we have extensive researchers? You don’t think that we know where y’all live? You don’t think we don’t know where your children go to school?!” she bellowed through a bullhorn.  “Who the f—ck do you think we are?!”

Left-wing activists have been camped out in front of City Hall to protest the arrest of 25-year-old Deja Stallings who is nine months pregnant.

The KCPD was called on September 30 to respond to an unlawful gathering of about a dozen people who were milling around a gas station parking lot, allegedly getting ready to release some balloons.

According to the police statement, the owner of the gas station and convenience store told officers that “he wanted everyone off the property who wasn’t buying anything.”

When officers attempted to arrest a man who was interfering with their investigation, members of the now unruly mob moved in to stop them from making the arrest, allowing the man to run away. The man, however, tripped as officers approached him, according to police.

“At that time, a woman (Stallings) and man tried to pull the suspect away from officers,” the statement said, stressing that officers gave them “several verbal warnings to leave.”

The security footage shows Stallings step between an officer and the man. According to the police statement, an officer then attempted to arrest Stallings who “continued to physically resist arrest at which point he placed her on the ground to effect the arrest.”

“Then she was handcuffed, turned to her side and immediately placed in a seated position,” police said.

Camera phone footage from witness Chanel Le’Yoshe shows an officer briefly putting his knee on Stallings’ lower back while he was cuffing her. According to the police statement, the officer who knelt on her “took care not to apply pressure with his legs.”

KCPD release a longer video of scene leading up to arrest of the woman. Her arrest takes place outside of the camera’s view, but the footage does show scuffles breaking out in the parking lot where people were gathering prior to the arrival of police.

Both the Jackson County Prosecutor’s office and KCPD are reviewing the arrest, KMBC News reported.

On Thursday, KCPD released a statement saying they have provided prosecutors with everything they’ve requested, including:

– A copy of all the associated reports including supplementals
– Internal investigative report for the purpose of investigating policy violations
– 2 hrs of surveillance video
– 17 dashcam videos
– 911 call recording
– Air tape recording
– Dispatch record printout

“We remain cooperative with the prosecutor’s office and will continue to do so throughout the entirety of the review,” KCPD said.

The 50 to 100 occupiers at City Hall are demanding that Police Chief Richard Smith resign and that the officer involved be fired.

The agitators are also calling for the city to “redistribute 50 percent of the department’s budget to social services to help the Black community.”

“We will not leave until we are physically removed or our demands are met,” Shaw said on October 5.

Shaw is a practicing Buddhist, according to The Kansas City Star, and reportedly “chants every day for world peace”—but that clearly doesn’t apply to police officers and their families.

“You will have no one—no one who loves you after we get done with this next campaign,” she said in her hateful rant, last week.

“I don’t make threats, but we’re going to start sharing this information so your children can see it,” the attorney declared.

“There will not be a place of peace. There will not be a place of respite. There will not be a place of respect left for anyone who wears this badge. Not one single place. We will make sure that even your children can’t stand you,” she concluded.

In its glowing profile, last month, The Star portrayed Shaw as a “fearless revolutionary” who sings “freedom songs” in jail.

The lawyer/activist has reportedly been arrested twice since she started protesting to “dismantle systemic racism and white supremacy.”

“This is a revolution for the soul of America,” Shaw, told the Star.

Brad Lemon, President of the Kansas City Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 99 put out a statement on Facebook Saturday saying they are aware of the threats, and are “working” with authorities.

“We are aware of the video of Attorney Stacy Shaw threatening our members and their families. Our Lodge has begun work with city and state leadership,” Lemon said.

“As always we urge our membership to remain calm and act as we have been trained to do. We should always be aware of our surroundings and potential threats. Yes, Shaw’s threats serve to raise that threat level. We must remember that while a small number of people may be violent and threatening our families, the majority of this city supports you,” he continued.

“We do this job and have an understanding of the danger that accompanies our oath. Our families do not deserve what Shaw is threatening,” Lemon’s statement concluded.

Kansas City came out en masse to support the police on Saturday, following a Trump Car Parade that featured thousands of participants.

Nearly two thousand people in the Kansas City area attended the “Back the Blue” rally in Overland Park, Kansas, according to the Kansas City, Kansas police chief.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.
Photo “KCPD” by Tony Webster CC BY-SA 2.0.











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One Thought to “Activist Attorney in Kansas City Threatens Local Police and Their Families”

  1. Not A Fan Of Chew Toys

    Nice place you got there. Would be too bad if an alleged Buddhist should do something to it.

    Yeah – we know who you are. And we also will no longer be kind.
