AIPAC Protester Who Called Israel Supporters ‘Progressive Nazis’ Attended Private Dinner for Rashida Tlaib

A protester outside of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) recent conference in Washington, D.C. called supporters of Israel “progressive Nazis” and was later identified as an acquaintance of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13).

In fact, he attended a private dinner in Detroit in January to celebrate Tlaib’s official entrance into Congress and posted a picture to Twitter of him posing with Tlaib.

He was identified as Abbas Hamideh, co-founder of the BDS organization Al-Awda and member of the Palestine Right to Return Coalition. As The Ohio Star reported, Hamideh once praised Hassan Nasrallah, secretary general of the terrorist organization Hezbollah, as a “heroic resistance leader.”

In another instance, he mourned the passing of “legendary Hezbollah martyr” Samir Kuntar, who led an attack that resulted in the deaths of four Israelis. Kuntar personally murdered a four-year-old child by smashing her head in with the butt of his rifle.

“Israel does not have a right to exist. The terrorist entity is illegal and has no basis to exist other than delusional ISIS-like ideology,” he said in another tweet.

Hamideh was back in the news Tuesday after a speech he made at a protest outside of an AIPAC conference spread on social media.

“We are not here to be lovey-dovey with the progressive Zionists because a progressive Zionist is like a progressive Nazi. There’s no difference between a progressive Zionist and a progressive Nazi,” he said.

Hamideh explained his relationship with Tlaib in an interview with The Daily Caller, saying that she’s a “member of the Palestinian community” and he supported her “when she first started running for Congress.”

“Now, do I know her on a personal level as far as, you know, like we’re friends and we hang out? No. You know what I mean? There’s absolutely no close relationship with the congresswoman. Now, she knows me well, don’t get me wrong, and I know her well through her campaign and stuff like that—like we’ve met numerous times and numerous events,” he said.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News, The Ohio Star, and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Abbas Hamideh” by Abbas Hamideh.









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