Al Gore, UN Officials Team Up To Push A ‘New Deal For Nature’

Tennessee Star
by Michael Bastach


United Nations has joined forces with former Vice President Al Gore to promote a sweeping environmental agenda that seems all to familiar: a “New Deal For Nature.”

The U.N. is calling for a “New Deal For Nature” ahead of a biodiversity summit next year where some sort of global compact is expected to be agreed to, that is, if environmentalists get their wish.

This newest New Deal got a boost at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland at a dinner co-hosted with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). The dinner featured a rousing speech by Gore as guests ate their meals.

“I refuse to believe that we are the generation who willingly and passively allowed the destruction of the world on our watch! Who is with me?” Gore said at the Thursday evening dinner.

Environmentalists with Conservation International say such a New Deal is “essential for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement” to fight global warming.

At its heart, however, this New Deal is a call back to warnings that underpinned “population bomb” fears, that humanity was sucking up Earth’s natural resources faster than they could be replenished.

Those warnings fell flat as global population, food production and indicators of human and environment health improved despite predictions of ecological collapse. However, the U.N. thinks now is the time to focus on halting what it sees as the coming ecological collapse.

“We use more ecological resources and services each year than nature can regenerate,” the U.N. Environment Program tweeted Friday. “This is a global crisis, calling for an ambitious agenda for action across all sectors of society.”

“New Deal For Nature” proponents are clearly trying to capitalize on the reported popularity on the left of the so-called “Green New Deal” being pushed by New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and U.S.-based environmental activists.

The Voice for the Planet initiative was also launched at this year’s WEF to push the “New Deal For Nature,” which is a partnership of environmentalists, including Gore’s Climate Reality Project group and U.N. agencies. The initiative was launched during a WEF panel Tuesday with Gore, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and businessman Anand Mahindra.

According to environmentalists, the U.N.’s Convention on Biological Diversity in November laid the groundwork for a “New Deal for Nature and People” when diplomats meet in Beijing, China next year.

WWF said the U.N. meeting took “a vital step to ramp up global efforts to halt today’s unprecedented and dangerous biodiversity loss,” according to a November release. However, the group also said most countries were unlikely to meet biodiversity targets for 2020.

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Michael Bastach is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Michael on Twitter.











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2 Thoughts to “Al Gore, UN Officials Team Up To Push A ‘New Deal For Nature’”

  1. Jerry

    Guess what! America’s number one Hypocrite is back, he would have been President if his home state of Tennessee would have voted for him. Mr. Gore please zip it on the chicken little warnings that the sky is falling. You are no longer riding the horse shouting “Global Warming is coming That job has been taken by your fellow Democratic Socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She is now riding the horse and shouting “The world is going to end in twelve years!”

    Mr. Gore before you start pointing and telling the American Public how to live their lifestyle, look where the other three fingers are pointing. According to an analysis by the National Center for Public Policy Research, your Tennessee Home “”guzzles more electricity in one year than the average American family uses in 21 years.” The electricity used just to heat the swimming pool would power six homes for a year.

    Mr. Gore, you tried to profit from Carbon Trading, now what scheme are you working on now? If you want to help the United States, get the UN Members to pay their fair share for UN membership and help save the American taxpayer from footing the bill for their activities.

  2. Silence Dogood

    Yawn. Your Dad would be ashamed of how far you have fallen from the family tree, Albert.
