Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘I’m The Boss Now. How ‘Bout That?’

by Jason Hopkins


Speaking at a “Girls Who Code” event in New York City, self-identified democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez hit back against critics of her Green New Deal resolution.

Ocasio-Cortez claimed that — regardless of success — the “power” goes to the individual who tries.

“So people are like, ‘Oh it’s unrealistic. Oh it’s vague. Oh it doesn’t address this little minute thing,’ And I’m like, ‘You try. You do it. Cuz you’re not. Cuz you’re not. So, until you do it, I’m the boss.’ How ’bout that?’”

Ocasio-Cortez introduced her Green New Deal resolution earlier in February alongside Massachusetts Democratic Sen. Ed Markey. The bill not only calls for the U.S. to dramatically transition 100 percent transition in just a few years, but also demands “upgrading” every single building in the country, addressing the emissions released from cow farts, and touches a number of other progressive issues.

The resolution has been met with criticism and ridicule from both parties. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin, the second-highest ranking senator in his party, said after read and re-read the Green New Deal, he still had to ask a co-sponsor “What in the heck is this?”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is working to fast-track the Green New Deal, and may bring it up for a vote in the upper chamber of Congress as soon as next week. The move would force numerous Democratic presidential candidates to take a public stance on the bill.

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Jason Hopkins is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation. Follow Jason on Twitter












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2 Thoughts to “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: ‘I’m The Boss Now. How ‘Bout That?’”

  1. […] Is this dingbat really the future of the Democrat party? If you notice Nancy Pelosi is warming up to impeachment and the Green New Deal again. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez when Democrats including Pelosi mocked her Green New Deal said he at least I am doing something until they do something “I’m the boss.”. […]

  2. Ron W

    “I’m the Boss!” What a capital proclamation! It is as the quote I’ve read says, “socialism is not for the socialist.”

    Unfortunately, many young dumbdowned “useful idiots” think they will still be free and more prosperous when the socialist bosses are in power taking control over and money from other people. No, it will be as the old saying, “what goes around, comes around.”
