Ambulances Called Twice This Month Alone for Hemorrhaging Abortion Patients at Cleveland’s Preterm Clinic

Cleveland’s Preterm abortion clinic has had to place two 911 calls in the month of April alone after patients were bleeding “heavy” in response to abortion procedures.

The incidents were exposed by Operation Rescue, who obtained the 911 recordings from both events. The first medical emergency occurred on April 5, when an ambulance, a fire unit, and five police cars responded to a 911 call from the clinic. Inside, a 31-year-old woman was hemorrhaging after her procedure and was brought out on a gurney with a sheet covering her head.

One onlooker told Operation Rescue that an elevator repair service was at Preterm during the incident. Operation Rescue says that the clinic has had “chronic reliability” issues with its one elevator—the only way a gurney can access the surgical floor.

Emergency records show that 37 minutes elapsed between the time of the ambulance’s arrival at Preterm and when the patient arrived at University Hospital.

“We have warned of the dangers posed by this abortion facility and its unreliable elevator until we are blue in the face,” Operation Rescue President Troy Newman said in a press release. “We have urged the Ohio Department of Health to close preterm due to its pattern of frequent botched abortions, a patient death, and routine delays in patients receiving urgently-needed emergency medical care because the elevator keeps breaking down. It’s time the Department of Health listened before another woman has to suffer or die.”

During the second incident, which occurred April 17, a Preterm staffer called 911 to report a patient who “needs medical attention” and was bleeding “pretty heavy” after receiving a second-trimester abortion. Two ambulances were dispatched to the clinic.

“We have been informed that in some areas, when a pregnant woman is hemorrhaging, two ambulances are dispatched; one to care for the mother and the other to care for her baby,” Newman added. “This raises the question of whether the baby survived the abortion process for a short time. Because the second ambulance did not transport a patient, it is pretty clear the baby did not make it, if he or she survived at all.”

Preterm has recorded 13 medical emergencies at its Cleveland facility since March 2015, and in 2014 a 22-year-old patient died after a botched abortion she received.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News, The Ohio Star, and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Ambulances” by Cheryl Sullenger.









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