Anti-Gun Celebrity Says Moving to Tennessee Saved Her Life

A famous country singer who has been a driving force behind the gun control movement in Tennessee said that fleeing New York and Los Angeles and moving to the Volunteer State saved her life.

“I completely relate to Nashville because I have a lot of friends there who are also in the music business,” Sheryl Crow told Rolling Stone in 2003. “But not only that, I just relate to the people. I relate to the friendliness and down-homeness. I feel a relaxation that comes over my body that I usually don’t feel when I’m in New York or L.A.”

At a show in New Jersey on Saturday, Crow (pictured above) said moving to Tennessee “saved [her] life:”

“I’ll tell you a quick story. So I know how hard it is for especially young people—and I don’t know if anybody was pained by struggles like I did when I was young—but these are some tricky waters to navigate now. I’ll just tell you that, for me, getting out in nature really saved my life. So, I moved to Nashville and I bought a farm. I sat in the trees and just asked God to give me some answers—and I wound up writing this song.”

But Crow has recently been involved in trying to change Tennessee’s politics to make the state more like New York or California, the states from which she fled.

She was a loud voice for the gun control movement during the state’s recent push for gun control.

“We’re Nashvillians. We’re also moms,” Crow told News Channel 5 in April. “And I think what happened at Covenant has touched everyone, including Gov. Lee on a very deep and personal level. We just want to see something that we can all agree on.”

In the heat of the battle over red flag laws, which were not implemented during the August special session of the legislature, Crow joined a new Volunteer State gun control group called “Voices for a Safer Tennessee.”

“Voices for a Safer Tennessee is a nonpartisan statewide coalition dedicated to prioritizing gun safety and advocating for common sense gun laws to make communities across Tennessee safer for all of us,” according to that organization’s website. “If you believe our children deserve a safer Tennessee, then we are on the same side.”

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on X / Twitter.
Photo “Sheryl Crow” by Sheryl Crow.





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9 Thoughts to “Anti-Gun Celebrity Says Moving to Tennessee Saved Her Life”

  1. Rocky Top

    Has Ms Crow moved to Tennessee to work on the behalf of DC to attack our 2nd amendment rights?

  2. JRin

    I moved to Tennessee from New York almost 20 years ago. IMHO, Tennessee was perfect when I moved here- wouldn’t change a thing.I told my neighbor that if there’s another Civil War, I’m fighting for the South.
    The brains of libtards are too small to correlate how the actions of their demented minds are destroying the Country.

  3. Rocky

    If Crow and her Commie Mommies truly wanted a safer Tennessee, the they would demand that the criminals be removed from the law abiding society. She and her friends can declare Catalina Island and the Channel Islands be designated Penal Colonies where all will have fresh air, learn to grow food and to rule by law. I laughed so hard that I could not finish lunch.

  4. Heidi Wickstrom

    Go back to NY or CA & take your liberal, commie views with you.

  5. Steve Allen

    And I would like to add, typical liberal who moves to a nice state from a $hit hole state and then starts working to turn the nice state into the same kind of state she moved away from. The reason Tennessee is a (relatively) safe state is because people who are law abiding are allowed to carry firearms. You people just can’t put two and two together and come up with the correct answer.

  6. mikey whipwreck

    that’s what those types do. they move somewhere unlike where they came from but immediately try to change it to be the same. like cancer they spread.

  7. Tim Price

    Just another liberal who has zero sense. Why does she wants to make Tennessee like where she came after saying that moving to Tennessee saved her? Because she has lost her ability to think!

  8. levelheadedconserrvative

    I moved to Nashville and thought about buying a farm, then I realized I could barely afford a one bedroom apartment. (she is clearly not downtown if she bought a farm – probably not anywhere on the east side either).
    In my short, three year, experience here in TN it seems that the areas with higher concentration of people (like Memphis and Nashville – I don’t pay attention at all to Knoxville so idk) have the highest crime rate. I have not looked at the stats on this, it just seems to be what is mostly reported on various media platforms.
    For some reason these city populations tend to vote Democrat. They also tend to be anti-second amendment (or at least think they should have major restrictions on legal gun ownership).
    If Ms. Crow is so vocally anti-gun, maybe she should move to an area where the population agrees with her. I wonder if she would feel as safe there…

  9. David Blackwell RN, BSN, CCM

    God bless my libtard friends. They all have big ole hearts that bleed like no one else. They just have tiny brains.
